1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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the chest went swaying, slapping on the body every now and then. Well, very well, a slight disappointment from the missed opportunity to credit the Empress was gone, I completely surrendered to the process, plunged into it, discarded all past options and possibilities, watching only my own breathing. As it turned out - in vain, I almost missed Sorianna’s approaching orgasm, managed to stop at the last moment, not allowing the Marquise to finish, she jailed with her ass, trying to finish the job, but I quickly took out a slippery shiny member and with my back went to the bed, gesturing beckoned her behind him.

She ran like a little dog, did not think for a split second, her eyes were burning, her chest swaying from side to side, not even trying to hide behind her, just stared at the penis and already without an invitation piled up on top. I had a suspicion that I overdid it a little, stopped pumping energy altogether and, seizing Voria’s vigorous jump on a member, pulled her to him, pressed her breast, kissed her lips, brazenly sucking all the air out of her lungs. She did not even think about stopping without breaking the kiss, continued to move her ass, independently rising and dropping on the rearing member, chose a very short amplitude, but jerks quickly, the frequent sculptings of her sweaty body about mine are heard around the room. The palms materialized under the thighs, forcing them to rise higher, almost releasing the penis from their greedy bosom, kept them down while making movements more sweeping and smooth. So, but it was already going to finish quickly, slybryuga.

Now I hardly had to do anything again, Sorianna moved on her own, breathing heavily and whimpering. Her ragged uneven breathing swept over my face, burning eyes stared at mine with some unnatural frenzy, in her eyes flashed a variety of emotions from tenderness to moments of highest pleasure and to rage when I held her to accelerate, or even made her stand still, waiting and letting the wave of pleasure come up to retreat. I really liked to feel it from above, under my complete control she squealed, trembled and trembled, leaning her chest and breathing tensely in the ear, the proximity became much more palpable, and the understanding that it was only a short moment made her much sharper.

Finally, having reached my own frontier, I put my palms on her wet ass, squeezing my fleshy buttocks, I held at the top point. Leaving inaction, he began to move himself, which led to the already tired Soriannu in complete delight, the woman just squealed, taking my cock into herself fully to its full length, and again felt the rolling euphoria. This time I did not break it off myself, finished the business, bursting out with a stormy fountain and filling its pulsing vagina with sperm, hugged tightly, hugging the Marquis, who was trembling in sweet convulsions, exhaled for a long time. Sorianna exhaustedly climbed down from me and lay on her side, her consciousness slowly returned to normal, but I did not feel fears or repentance in the raging stream of emotions surging on her. That was a shame in him, and even that was not very strong, most of all was satisfaction, fatigue and ... joy? That's what surprised me about the order, however, the joy quickly disappeared, Sorianna tried to rise, I held her and, pulling me to myself, threw a blanket on us.I was also tired and, finally dropping the tension, dozed off, pressing my cheek to my lush chest and hugging the woman I was just satisfied with as a soft toy.


Sorianna is soft and warm, naked under a blanket, she did not even try to escape and leave, obediently lay and gave warmth and coziness until my sleep was interrupted by fierce cries and roar. I opened my eyes and jumped as if stung, threw the blanket away and, under a surprised look, had not yet managed to understand the Marquise, ran to the window. I saw instantly boldly the remnants of sleep with a flurry of alarm and I, hurriedly pulling on my trousers, jumped out into the window open before me, skillfully holding my body near the ground with power threads. He rushed to the open gate, cursed and, stopping for a moment, created a protective layer of energy on his feet, ran on. And there an unequal battle was going on with might and main, Acris waved his huge ax with a roar, not allowing five warriors chained in armor to lie on Borsu’s land, who in turn waved swords, trying to get around the furious warrior on the sides. Six of the same patrons were already lying on the ground, two more were covering the man standing a few steps behind, in whose hands the ball lightning crackled loudly. I ran out of the gate and threw the first weaving of the simplest weave into the attackers, the squads immediately began to fall from their feet and fight in convulsions.

Acris, like a bear, rushed forward, intending to get to the magician as soon as possible, but he was outrun by Valding. The crossbow bolt flew over the bearded man’s shoulder, nearly tearing off his ear, and having passed the sorcerer’s magical defense without hindrance, struck him in the chest. The magician threw back, out of control, the elements struck the latnikas that defended him, and both, screaming shortly, almost instantly roasted in their own armor, collapsed with smoking dummies, the last sparks ran through the armor and went to the ground.

- Take the captain and drag to the gate. - I quickly commanded Akris, looking around in order, although he himself picked up the moaning but did not let go of the sword of Borms. I turned around and saw Turbert, who purposefully crawled towards the gate, dragging his right leg out of which a fragment of the sword was sticking out, Walding threw a flat crossbow behind his back and rushed to his comrade. From the other end of the street, I heard the tramp of many feet, I realized that the guests were sent to mu patrimony and, waiting for my warriors to be outside the gate, he strengthened the defensive sphere, made it material, almost the entire charge of the hoppers went to it.

- Take care of the captain. - I pointed at Borms to Dogpis who had just run to the gate, the healer, without further ado, activated one of his amulets and proceeded to treatment. I, tensely listening, peered into the opening of the gate and, noticing a cloud of dust raised by the numerous steel boots of a large detachment of soldiers, immediately made the protective sphere dull and opaque, in the courtyard became much darker.

- How can you stand, go to the house. - Evil gritting his teeth, I filtered and chasing step, went to the porch.

- Can anyone explain to me what is happening here? - Hiding concern for discontent, I asked the people entering the room Borms and Molai-Ha.

- I can. - Nodded Mole and sat down at the table, Borms was pale, swaying slightly, but nothing will live.

- Well, come on, what are you pulling? - I angrily snorted and evil extinguished a half-smoked cigarette in an ashtray.

- In the capital, a state of siege. - Seeing that I was not in the spirit, carefully stretched Maul.

- And who attacked us? - I did not understand.

- No, no, no one attacked. Even at night, the Emperor's people closed all the gates, did not let in and did not let anyone out, and as soon as the noise in the square rose in the morning, four regiments of the Imperial Guard entered the city and began a search of each house.

- How is everyone? - I raised my eyebrows in amazement.

“The state of emergency in El Tene, the Council of Mages went to extreme measures in search of the daughter of the ruler.” - As if apologizing threw up his hands Molai-Ha.

- And why did they decide that it is in the capital at all? - I frowned.

- I have no idea.- Honestly, the magician shrugged his shoulders, turned to Horial, silently standing by the wall.

“Teleportation can be traced, but not under your protection, my lord.” The distance is very small, as soon as we were under the dome, the trail of the transition was broken without designating an exit point, apparently, the council's sleuths decided that the princess was still in the city. - A little thought, the baron made his contribution, approached the table.

“Did they track us to the estate?” - I frowned.

“It’s almost impossible to catch the direction at such short distances ...” Horial began, but Molai-Ha interrupted him.

- I ... Read more →

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