1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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- Are you sure? Usually the officials and the top of the government have no place to sell. - I skeptically asked about the right-hand Molai-Ha.

- Undoubtedly, the Emperor monitors their work, and he does it personally, I'm not talking about the close attention of the Council. - Convinced confidently magician, cutting the chop in his plate.

- Hm ... And how can we do now ... - I muttered thoughtfully, carefully examining the list of names that he kindly provided me with.

- Maybe already tell me what you have in mind? - Calmly and calmly asked Sorianna, sitting at the opposite edge of a long table.

- I myself have not decided. - I casually dismissed the woman and I began to touch the paper. Behind, Verimera came and silently poured wine into my empty glass, without looking, I took it by the thin leg and sipped.

- And if you do not pay in the usual sense of the word? - Bumping into an interesting thought, looked up at the magician.

- I do not quite understand what you mean? - Realizing that nothing threatened his sister and mother in the near future, Molai-Ha calmed down and even relaxed a little.

“Keriire Mortens, he's the head of customs, right?” - I showed him a half-written sheet.

- Yes, exactly, the Earl has been serving the Empire for more than thirty years and in good standing with the Emperor. - Chomping, Mol said.

“If you're going to bribe Mortens, this is a very stupid idea.” - Suddenly said Sorianna. I put the sheet on the table and looked at it.

“Lady Sorianna, when I need your opinion, I'll let you know.” - I answered very politely and graciously, the woman understood the promise and grimaced in disgust.

“Look, you wrote that six years ago this Earl had a son, and since his birth, the Emperor’s personal magician has been visiting him monthly, why?” - Again I turned to Mole.

- I don’t know for sure, there is a lot of talk in the city about little Laimore, but the Earl stops all rumors and doesn’t apply about it himself. - Chewing, replied the magician and blotted his lips with a napkin.

- Interesting ... And what exactly is chatting in the city? - I was interested.

- The most common version is that a small Earl was born with some rare semi-magical disease. - A little thought, said Mol.

- And what is this? - I frowned, not finding the description of such a disease in my bottomless memory.

- So sometimes it happens when a person is born, a person does not have abilities for magic, but his body needs it. This does not happen often, and most of these children die in the first month. - The magician explained to me, I did not understand completely, but I caught the essence.

- So, if the rumors are true, without the constant help of a magician, the son of Count will die? - I broke into a contented smile.

“Precisely, it is impossible to cure such a disease, many generations of magicians have been struggling with this task and alas, not one has come to success. - Molai-Ha shook his head sadly and pushed the empty plate away from him. Veriyra immediately approached him, took the dirty dishes and quickly took her to the kitchen.

- I can kill him. - Has offered hitherto silent Veririra. Sorianna choked on her wine and coughed convulsively.

- While not needed, I have other plans for this child and his father. - I shook a finger at the girl and I leaned back in my chair. A thought was spinning in my head, I tried to grab hold of her, but every time she slipped away.

- Like, say, are you familiar with such a concept as religion? - Finally, having decided, I turned to the magician.

- No ... What is it? - He was alert and tensed.

- Hush, do not need to be afraid, I'll explain. Religion is a concept according to which there is a certain force, with worship and worship of which, you can get various benefits. - Trying not to touch on confessional aspects, I tried to explain.

- Aaaa ... Are you talking about advice? I, it seems, understood that the inhabitants obey the magicians, follow their laws, and for this they get good weather, a bountiful harvest and the complete absence of any massive diseases. - Threw the pier.

- No, no, you do not understand, I'm not talking about magicians. - I frowned.

- And then about whom? - He looked at me blankly.

- Try to present an abstract something that can absolutely everything.

“This is impossible, the research of Rotiramon in his treatise on the limits of the magic ...” Molai-Ha spoke confidently, but I interrupted him.

“I have no idea what treatise you are talking about, but forget for a minute what was told to you at the Academy.” Do you remember my friend who took you oath? - Deciding to go with a trump card, I reminded him of XA-Aran. Molai-Ha immediately turned pale, and horror flashed in his eyes.

“I see you remember, relax, now he's not here.” - Stretching out my hand, I nudged him encouragingly and looked at Sorianna. The woman watched with close attention our conversation and the reaction of her son.

- Do not pay attention, we are talking about our mutual friend. - I winked at her and beckoned to her finger.

Marquis paused for a second, but, remembering the contract signed a couple of hours ago, got up from the table and slowly approached me. I took her hand and put her on my lap, Sorianna immediately stiffened, but did not dare to resist.

“Look at your mother with magical eyesight.” - I asked at the embarrassed Mola and hugged Soriannu by the waist, holding him closer to me. Molai-Ha overcame himself and, blinking a couple of times, looked intently at his mother, after a few seconds his eyebrows crawled up in amazement.

- Well? What have you seen? - I smiled contentedly.

- She ... She is dead ... - barely speaking the words, the magician muttered, not taking his eyes off her parent.

- You're wrong, she is alive all living. - I did not agree with him and deftly unzipped a couple of buttons on Sorianna’s dress. My hand slipped between the folds of the fabric, and I cupped my lush fleshy chest with my palm.

- Do not turn away. - I demanded ordered Mol.

- And you are not redder, not a girl already. - Sourly added Sorianne, continuing with pleasure to squeeze her charms.

- The heart beats, blood runs through the veins, and the consciousness is clear and unaffected, it is alive, but in magical sight you see it dead, you know why? - I asked the mage.

“I ... I don't know ...” He murmured, and I saw that confusion and interest overcame shame.

“What you call magical vision is only a way to see the reflection of the soul, its dim shadow in the human body.” And now there is no soul in your mother, she has signed a contract and lost an immortal particle of her own self, now only ephemeral concept of loyalty protects her from death. - I explained to the magician, he thought for a long ten seconds, and then he looked at me amazed and not believing eyes.

“But ... It's impossible ...” he muttered in dismay.

- Exactly, this is what I tell you, the objects of religion are capable of doing the impossible. - Inspectingly I raised my finger to the ceiling, taking out Sorianna’s hand from under her dress.

- Come on scat. - casually having driven the woman from her knees, I slapped her on the ass and leaned on the table.

- The world was created with certain rules and laws, which its inhabitants have to obey, this is precisely a verified self-contained isolated system, but the demiurge made one mistake, he did not lock the door to his creation, which makes it possible to form a religion, now do you understand me? - Molai-Ha listened to me very carefully, but, I saw in my eyes, I did not understand anything.

- I recently saw one book in your library, some textbook on magic for beginners, it says that it is impossible to create something from nothing, look here.- Spitting on the theoretical explanations, I rolled up my shirt sleeves. Pure energy began to accumulate in my palms, it gradually turned into a small candle, having finished creating, I concentrated and materialized the energy, causing it to become visible and tangible. - When at the end of the wick flashed a light, the hitherto fascinated watching my actions magician ...

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