1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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- Did not leave? - Carefully shaking a bundle with a sleeping baby, Eva asked in a whisper in Molai-Ha, who was patiently sitting on a chair near the locked bedroom doors.

- No, as yesterday I locked myself with this girl, I didn’t show my nose. - Also quietly, with a slight concern in his eyes, the young magician shook his head. In the depths of the corridor, footsteps were heard, Sorianne appeared from around the corner, looked at her son and the former maid for a long time, walked over and peered over the shoulder into the bag with the baby.

- Can I take it? - She asked Eve, trying not to look at her son.

- No, the owner told me to take care of the child. - Slightly moved away from the aristocratic Servant. The woman shrugged and walked away, hiding her disappointment, it was painful for her to look at the child in the hands of a being whose essence she could not understand.


Mom was completely exhausted. Stunned by moving from one reality to another, jumping through teleports to unfamiliar places, while I left the gold in the shelter, in the end I was completely deprived of my strength by the prolonged extravaganza in bed. Having reached such a desirable and beloved being with all my heart, I could not stop, repeatedly whipping up my own body with therapeutic weaves, and in the end I squeezed all the juices out of my beloved Mamuli, to the last drop.

- Phew-uh ... I can't take it anymore. - I exhaled a long time, dropping heavily on the pillow next to the fluttering light of Sveta.

- Finally calmed down, I do not feel the legs. - Breathing intermittently, she found the strength to smile, her gaze thoughtlessly wandered around the stuccoed ceiling.

- Do not complain, she finished it more than once. - I smiled too.

- This is yes, but everything you need to know when to stop. - Mama turned around pretty and unceremoniously leaned on me with her breasts, settled herself more comfortably.

Her young body, renewed by the magician Xa-Aran, was simply amazing, full of health, energy and sexuality, but the member clearly made it clear that he would not rise in the next few hours, forgive him this mistake, and so worked for glory.

- By the way, you never said where we are now. - After lying for a few minutes in silence and slightly recovering from an extreme orgasm, mom showed curiosity.

- This is my home in the capital, mamul. - Not refraining from a little boasting, I declared with pride and kissed her on the top of my head.

- I will not even ask, the capital of which country, has already noticed that we are not in Moscow. - Tired smiled Sveta.

- I will say more, we are not even on Earth. - I smirked smugly.

- Sorry, son, but, I already have no strength to be surprised. - Mom honestly admitted, yawned protractively, I drove her completely.

- Okay, you then get some sleep, tomorrow we will deal with everything. - I carefully smoothed her disheveled hair, she already closed her eyes, falling into a deep, deep sleep.

I walked out of the bedroom in only my trousers, held my shirt on the elbow of my right hand, and occasionally with my left hand leaned against the wall.

- Lucas, what's going on? - He jumped to his feet Molai-Ha, seeing me, leaving the corridor.

- Everything is just great, my dear friend. - I patted his shoulder with a stupid smile, noticed Eve behind my back, watching me with interest.

- And who is this with you? - In the first moment I was surprised, and then memories came flooding back.Having fun in my homeland, and then shut up in the bedroom with my mother, I safely forgot about my decisions and actions here, right now, this baby, who opened his eyes at the sound of my voice, reminded about everything that happened. Pure, unclouded happiness from the long-awaited meeting with my mother instantly faded, I frowned and approached Eve.

- Hi baby. - Not daring to touch the baby, I looked at him and, shaking my head, walked away.

First of all, he rose to his laboratory and absorbed maximum energy, driving fatigue out of his body. The light smoke before his eyes dissipated, his thoughts ceased to flow limply and messy, waved his hands several times, checking the body. Oh yes, the magical energy is our all, nothing is more important for the magician than the reserve filled to capacity, immediately both strength appears and vigor. No longer resembling an old snail, I briskly ran down the steps, while throwing my shirt around, looked into the library, did not find anyone there, and went to the refectory. That's right, dinner time, the inhabitants of the house gathered on the smell of food, and what am I, red?

- Hello everyone, I am alive again and full of energy. - Smiling, I entered the refectory with a cheerful gait, the views of those present immediately crossed my eyes.

“Just wonderful news, my lord!” - He jumped from his place Molai-Ha, helpfully pushed the chair at the head of the table.

- So, guys, you relaxed while I was depressed. “I unceremoniously took a glass of wine from Sorianna’s right-hand man, sipped. Marquise knows a lot about drinking, and not hard and tasty, just great. The aristocrat didn’t react to my trick, she gestured for Veriire to bring a new glass, the slave immediately fulfilled the lady’s wish.

- May I ask, who is the person who so loudly expressed her delights in my bedroom? - Not allowing a slave to pour myself wine, Sorianna filled the glass in person and turned to me.

- My mommy. - Without hiding, I broke into a smile, for a moment shocking the noble lady.

- Excuse me ... I shouldn't have asked. - Having coped with confusion, she shook her head and raised the glass to her lips.

- Come on, remember better Mol and his tongue. - I mockingly winked at her, the woman choked, coughed, sweet wine went nose. Molai - Ha averted his eyes, and Sorianna, painfully flushing, jumped up from her seat.

- Do not run away, my good, everything is here. - Not holding back, I laughed and deftly caught the woman by the wrist. She ignored my words and attempted to snatch a sleek handle, so I had to remind you who is who. Without applying magic, he squeezed his fingers more firmly and pulled it back with force, rose and pushed towards the chair left, Sorianna complied and returned to the table.

“Just look how tender we all have become.” - I kindly grumbled, and Veririra, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, put dinner in front of me.

- And where have you been? I searched everything, Horial swore that he hadn’t sent you anywhere. - Eva asked when silence fell around the table.

- On affairs I shook, never mind. - I waved it off, eating both well-done meat with wine sauce for both cheeks.

- Better say, have you been hanging out with your child for a long time?

- As with Porminta returned. I do everything as you said, I care and do not let anyone. “Even at the table, without parting with the pretty unnerving baby, Eve explained.”

- This is you well done, I need to obey. - I nodded, thought for a few seconds.

- Sorianna, and you can find in the city a good family that will agree to take a baby and will not offend him? - I turned to the Marquis, looking at the table.

- Yes, of course, I have already pondered this. - The woman nodded to me, removing with a napkin the remnants of wine from the dress.

“Then we will, Eve, give the baby Sorianna.” - I commanded, which surprised the aristocratic woman a lot, she probably thought that I had reserved a child for some ritual, quite reasonably assumed, given the recent circumstances.

- What happened during my absence? - Returning to dinner, I asked the mage.

- The whole empire is on the ears.No one understands what happened in Porminte. “He readily announced Molai-Ha, looking askance as his mother takes the child, gently pressing the baby to her breast.

- It's good, let them run. - I nodded quite and looked at Eve, rid of her burden.

“Go to the kitchen, take Veririu and both are waiting for me in the living room, it's time for her to bring real benefits to the cause.” - I ordered and ominously smiled, the usual high spirits began to return to me. The burden of other people's deaths has ceased to put pressure on the shoulders of a very heavy burden, what is the point of killing ...

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