1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

Page: 15 of 15

I went down and from the very first time I let the dick into my throat, deeper, even deeper, I touched my pubis with my nose, literally pressed into it, and my lips were tightly held together, they embraced the trunk, and still managed to massage at the very base, what a good girl. I enjoyed a well-deserved rest, was in no hurry and felt myself in this wilderness in absolute safety. When Eva's efforts brought me to orgasm, I, in an effort to stretch my pleasure a little more, stroked her head under the water and she tremulously stopped, giving me a breathing space, and then again arranged an extravaganza of sensations, generously sharing my own emotions with delight and tenderness that I caught sharper and sharper than other people's feelings. Deciding to finish, he did not hold onto his diligent benefactor and discharged a portion of sperm into her throat, added energy to the heaters, increasing the temperature of the water.

Eve emerged from the water, sweeping her breasts all over my body from my knees to my neck, pleased, the water flows down my face and hair, looks into my eyes happily, and finally she has found use.

“You're a smart one, and now just sit down and relax.” - Removing hair from her face, he stroked his cheeks and turned his back to him. Affectionate, obedient, everyone would be so, eh. I sat in the hot water, inhaled the fragrant forest air and thoughtfully crushed Eva’s small breasts, which melted at my touch. Life is unfair to its creatures, losing its susceptibility to pain and relative invulnerability, the Servants do not lose other feelings at all, Eve perfectly perceives my caress, especially mine. All the fault of my blood, which is now forever laid in its essence. I am its master, for it there is no concept of free will or action, it perceives itself as my thing and nothing else. It is interesting, it is convenient, but bored too quickly. Now, when she nestles naked in hot water towards me and literally radiates with tenderness and love, I feel very good, only I know that it can be even better, but only for this you need completely different feelings and emotions. Whatever I did with her, Eve will take it with joy and readiness, and from this the very interest is lost in doing something, apparently, yet something is wrong with me.

Uklana, that's how it turns out my cook's name. After the dinner she had prepared, I started calling her only by name, because she is a maestro. The pork roasted in the pan with vegetables and the smell of smoke was delicious, besides, Horial was not too lazy and, throwing himself somewhere through a teleport, brought several loaves of fresh, still hot bread. And now I'm really happy. I sit in a low chair with a backrest arranged under my waist, folded legs folded onto Erla, who was standing slightly in front of the knee-elbow position, on the right hand, Sorianna, was sitting on the ground next to the chair, kneeling, meekly and meekly, stroking her head like a huge cat, it is a pity that it does not purr. In the left smoldering cigarette, Eve, standing behind, skillfully flexing her shoulders. Around the dark, beyond the circle of light from the fire can not see anything, but the fire itself burns brightly, the wood crackles loudly, sheaves of sparks fly up and they go out without flying even a couple of meters. Behind the rustle of foliage was heard, I decided it was Borms, but I was mistaken.

A man entered the lighted circle, who had already been seen before by me in the group of workers. Oh yeah, this is one of the engineers Sadros told me about. Looks at the picture that has opened to his gaze without blinking, echoes of amazement, disapproval and envy come to me, I smile and calmly remove my legs from Erla's back.He snapped his fingers, the ash-haired warrior immediately rose to her feet and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

- What came from, dear? - Having delayed, I asked and clicked the butt to the fire.

- Good evening, my lord. My name is Fadron, I am the chief engineer of the construction team of Mr. Sadros. - Having heard my question, the visitor bowed.

- Oh how ... Is it really the most important? - Incredulously, I leaned forward, letting go of Sorianna. The marquise, red as a cancer from the fact that someone saw her in this position, hastily left, rustling her foliage and dress.

- That's right, I am the head of the engineering department and I lead all the staff in this area. - Fadron nodded, I looked at him and grunted, created another chair opposite. Tall, thin, thirty-five years old, well, not more than forty exactly, his face is clever, not like the same foremen of construction workers, the intellectual is immediately visible. He was dressed simply, he knew where he was going, you couldn’t even call a camisole jacket, just a jacket of similar style, ordinary trousers, made of thick coarse fabric, but the boots of the chief engineer are stout, did he go about the swamp in them?

- Sit down, how do you like dinner? - Deciding to be a hospitable host, I gestured to the chair. So what is that sitting in a forest without a roof over your head? Bonfire is my, it means the owner, so here.

- Above all praise, your grace, the whole team express our deep gratitude to the chef. - Absolutely sincerely pressed his hands to Fadron’s heart, it means that I was not the only one to appreciate Uklany’s art.

- Yes, she cooks great. Wine? - Pulling out a new cigarette pack, I suggested as politely as possible.

- Today we do not work, so why not? - After thinking for a second, the engineer did not refuse, I stroked Eve's wrist and smiled gently. The girl immediately replied to me with the same gentle smile and intelligently withdrew behind a bottle and wine glasses.

“So what did you come with, Fadron?” - Addressing the guest by name, he asked his question again.

- Your grace, there is such a thing ... - He hesitated, picking up words.

- Wait, let's agree. Contact me simply by name, Lucas, I am not vain. - I smiled very openly, my guest was confused, this pure and sincere smile with the picture he had seen a couple of minutes ago did not bother too much.

“Good, Lucas.” If so, then let's clean. - Having made a decision, Fadron nodded his head and was silent for a second, collecting his thoughts.

- Mr. Sadros woke me up in the middle of the night and said that we have a client, whose work I have to do personally as well as take my assistant. There are no complaints, I don’t know that you were so hasty, but there are different situations. This is what I do not understand, the head of the artel convinced me that I would create an estate project near the city, but, apparently, we left the teleport somewhere very, very far away. - Hinting at a difference in time, a man pointed his finger at the night sky and looked at me expectantly.

- Do not worry, absolutely nothing threatens you. How come and leave at his first desire. - Do not palter, I hastened to reassure him.

- I am very glad to hear this, we discussed this issue in our circle, some hot heads even suggested that we were in the Great Forest. - With a clear disregard for the nearby builders, Fadron grinned.

- And here is Eve. - He rubbed his palms, leaving his words unanswered, created a table and the girl put a bottle and two wine glasses on it. I wanted to uncork a bottle and pour out the wine, but the Servant was ahead of me, I did everything myself and handed over the already filled wine glasses to me and the guest.

- Thank you, honey. - I nodded to her, sipped a drink.

- Let's discuss the issue of the future project. Otherwise, I have no idea in which direction to move. - Having also tried and evaluated the wine, the engineer smiled.

- Very good question. First I need a spacious comfortable house.

- To start? - Fadron opened his eyebrows, slightly leaned forward so as not to miss a word for the crackle of the fire.

- Yes, I have already told the distinguished Sadros that this is not the last time that I am contacting your artel. After the construction of the above house, I want to start building a much more important and large-scale object. - With a clever look, I nodded my head significantly.

“It's amazing in your years.” - Fadron praised me, but immediately bit my tongue.

- Do not be afraid, Fadron, I am well aware that I am young and have little confidence in me, but I ask you to listen to my wishes, and for that I will give you gold. - I philosophically spread my hands, the engineer thought.

- How do you see your future home? - Apparently, having decided to think about dubious nuances later, Fadron turned to the case, that's right, they pay him for it, it's good to deal with a professional.

- With a dozen living rooms, common room, kitchen, refectory and sauna complex. - Bending his fingers, I listed my Wishlist.

- Stretch on one floor, or will be two? - Also calculated the number of rooms engineer.

- And we can do everything in one, and the second floor to make a large bedroom and the room adjacent to it, and turn the rest of the space roof into a covered area? - I started to get involved.

- As you say, so do. - He spread his hands to my interlocutor, I rather nodded and finished my wine, put the empty wine glass on the table.

- Then we will do it, tomorrow I will draw you a rough sketch for clarity.

- What about the material? - Having recollected something, Fadron asked a new question, not hurrying to finish off his portion.

- Tomorrow, dear, everything is tomorrow. - Deciding not to start this conversation at night looking, I slapped my knees and stood up.

  • February 17, 2018 14:56

    How do you have the patience to write so much?


    • Rating: 0
  • February 17, 2018 17:21

    Yes, I do not know how the mood is - I sit down and write, it turns out.


    • Rating: 4
  • February 17, 2018 17:29

    Ooh oh oh! Amazed!


    • Rating: 0
  • February 17, 2018 17:33

    Thank you) But then, to be honest, my editing is lame. I usually write at night, in the morning I have no strength to do a thorough reading and send it as it is, then I am ashamed of typos and shortcomings, but I can’t do anything with myself.


    • Rating: 1
  • Anonymous user (a guest)
    February 17, 2018 19:51

    As always, great !: W
    P. S. Where are the first 5 chapters?)


    • Rating: 1
  • February 18, 2018 13:50

    I do not know, I can see everything.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 17, 2018 19:55

    Just wonderful! Author, I love you)


    • Rating: 3
  • February 17, 2018 20:01

    Very nice to hear, glad you enjoyed it;)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 18, 2018 1:11

    The author is great as always!
    But what for him the builders, if he is a great magician and can do almost everything himself? Or is this another plot move?


    • Rating: 1
  • February 18, 2018 4:20

    And why the great magician at the construction site hump?))


    • Rating: 2
  • February 18, 2018 14:20

    Yes, it is reasonable. Not royal this thing!)))
    We are waiting for the product!


    • Rating: 1
  • February 18, 2018 14:21

    I've already started


    • Rating: 3
  • February 18, 2018 22:03



    • Rating: 3
  • February 19, 2018 16:16

    As always, just super! Waiting for the continuation of the way, there are wishes to the author:
    They cling to the elements of strategy, construction, etc., that's cool.
    It would be nice to add the element of progression in magic. Type invented a new spell, breakthroughs in the understanding of magic as a "pure energy", may yy gain. In short, the hero needs levelap) Plus, there are elements that are purely necromantic, which have not yet been affected. The type of sacrifice, content in the spirit = servant is not enough. Maybe he will learn to take an oath himself by understanding how demo magic works and then begin to comprehend it. Demonology there and so on.
    In short, the pumping of a Persian can directly deliver) And the element of porn in the story is auxiliary, not the main one. At least it feels that way and it’s awesome!
    Successes in the writings, the author, you are cool !!


    • Rating: 1
  • February 19, 2018 17:02

    I had to rewrite the previous post, I thought that he did not go) So))

    Super as always! Author you are beautiful !!
    By the way, there are comments and suggestions:
    Deliver elements of strategy and management, they drag and immerse themselves in the story.
    In such fantasy (as in Perumov in The Chronicles of the Fault) One of the main roles is played by the progression of the hero in magic, and the constant one. For the reader associates himself with yy and must feel how the capabilities of the necromancer are progressing. For example, reaching a new level of understanding of magic and existing spells in his head, an increase in energy reserve, an independent invention of new sharp spells based on existing knowledge and the fact that yy is the owner of this black garbage, which Xa-Aran stuck into it. You can make him the coolest archmage in all respects, and not the dude who uses only the spells already available, which he simply shoved into his head, an element of respect for he would be very useful. It would be cool, for example, if he thanks to the abyss, for example, cutting through the scheme of the work of the amulet of Xa-Aran and learned to swear by himself and could directly subordinate en masse). to subdue. And there are imps, succubi, incubi, etc.) Prospects - class! Yes, there are also some unlit purely necromantic chips, such as sacrifices. GG now lives in the forest, it would be nice to tie this moment to the forest dwellers, type of apronscall in a beast or a scout owl. Beasts are watchmen. Again, the subordination of their mono organize by examining the amulet. Then it would be cool to create several new artifacts of the same level as the amulet. Well and so on. The main thing is that the hero needs a direct permanent level, so that the sensations are, as in an RPG, you feel progressive possibilities and a new level of power.
    In addition, right now there is a theme there with the Emperor's Guard and the local counterpart of the special services. It would be cool to subdue their agents and leaders. Establish a whole network of informants, as with the owners of the tavern in the capital. Damn, you can think up infinitely)

    In short, the author, you are super cool, good luck and success in your work =) I look forward to new parts) This is the best thing on this site, and indeed in porn stories! It was also interesting for me when I read Perumov, but there is no porn there, so it’s even more interesting here. By the way, porn is not the main, but an auxiliary element of the story, it’s very cool, otherwise the series would have been blown away long ago, and so interesting in many times (although sex scenes could sometimes be added a bit) ... oh, I will never finish this post, I want to say too much. In general, the author, thank you, pische ischo, as they say) 11 of 10


    • Rating: 4
  • February 20, 2018 14:20

    Everything will be just not so fast


    • Rating: 1
  • February 24, 2018 8:47

    Please can send me 23 chapters I paid for it but it did not open. Caliper is silent
    soap: iGIS

    Photo proof -




    • Rating: 0
  • February 25, 2018 22:08

    On the Necromancer. Chapter 23. Resins hot.


    • Rating: 0
  • Lisa_Correl (a guest)
    February 28, 2018 17:07

    Where? Where can I read chapters 11, 12, 16, 17?


    • Rating: 0

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