1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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it is possible here. - I decided when we moved a couple of kilometers from the city walls and dawn was clearly visible on the horizon.

- Will you build a bude here? - Long yawning, asked Ukror, coming immediately after our trinity, his brother supported him with a surprised look.

- Here we open the teleport, do not stomp with your feet to the forest. I grinned and put both palms on Horial’s shoulders. The magician focused, a wide arch flung open in the air, into which both people and carts would easily pass. The light muffled by dense crowns of trees shed into the pre-dawn darkness, early evening begins in the Great Forest.

The workers did not experience any particular surprise, they went to the teleport and stopped in front of Sorianna, who was surprisingly blinking her eyes at the sight of such an impressive delegation.

- Hi, and here I am back. - Inspired by the success of the enterprise, I kissed a woman on the cheek and looked around for Borms. The warrior was found himself, ran up quickly, tried to stretch out into the edge, but I patched his father on the shoulder.

- Take care of the guests, find them a place where you can sit and kindle fires and relax. - Already knowing that the soldiers went on reconnaissance and looked at the immediate surroundings, I took off the extra care and turned on the delicious smell of roasted meat, motioned the cook, who hastily approached, lifting her skirt high so that the hem would not drag across the broken leaves.

- Navari today dinner and these gentlemen, do not bored with food, tomorrow I will bring you some helpers and arrange supply of provisions. - Trying not to whisper, but not to shout at the whole forest, he gave another order.

The builders had to leave the carts here, they glanced at me, looked around and obediently sank behind Bormes, who confidently led them somewhere to the north-west between thick tree trunks.

- Well, you did not miss here? - I looked at the clearing cleared of all rubbish and I came across a glance at Rockyld, who was leaning against the tree.

- Have you even fed our guest? “I caught Sorianna by my wrist.”

- She refuses to eat and drink, says that she will die better than take food from the hands of the rebels. - Explicitly insulted by the heir to the throne, snorted the marquis.

“That's how it is, proud and unbroken, well, well ...” I grinned and went to the part of the clearing that the cook took with the servants.

- Sit, guys, sit. - With a gesture I reassured the servants' guys, who hurriedly jumped up at my approach and took an empty cup from the heap of washed, still wet dishes. Having gathered a full vessel of stewed meat and fragrant buckwheat boiled over the fire, I went straight to Rokilda.

- Well, your highness, have a snack? - good-naturedly, as if talking with an old friend, I winked at the girl. The princess did not answer my words, looked away indifferently to the side, again twenty nine and three-quarters.

- Are you the only one in the family, or are you all stupid? - I decided to go from the other side. Again he is building an ice queen, she did not answer even an insult, okay, let's try again.

“Soon you will need a lot of strength, Rokildok, so come on, open your mouth, taste your porridge.” - With a smile, I scooped a full spoon from a cup and brought it to her lips, casually pushed. Well, patience is exhausted, Rockylda jerked her head and hit me on the arm, knocking a spoon out of it, she flew off to the side, meat pouring slicked my coat.

- Do you need help? - Rustling leaves, Eve picked up a spoon from the grass and handed it to me.

- Why, I think, to give this silly one more chance, or not worth it? - Putting the cup on the ground, I muttered thoughtfully.

- What for? - Eva was surprised, walked over and with obvious dislike looked at the prisoner sitting at our feet.

- Evil you, Eve. All people deserve a second chance, and if this is a girl, and besides, she is also beautiful, then a third, fourth, fifth, and so on, while there is enough patience. - I raised my finger to the sky instructively.

- Nonsense is all this. - Eve snorted, she is generally the only one from the whole gathered company who allows herself such a relaxed and easy communication with me, well, yes, she, after all, my Servant understands and feels without words.

“Nonsense or not, but the princess seems to be very well aware of this rule.” - I shook my head and, bending down, put the spoon away, so as not to lose later.

- She did not take into account only one thing, that my patience is very short. - Straightening, I finished it in a completely different tone and nodded to Eve. The attendant immediately grabbed Rokilda by the hair and made her rise. It seems that some instinct worked in the head of the princess, she immediately forgot about her skills with which she tried to ruin me and simply grabbed the attacker’s face with her nails.

Yeah, Eve like drumming things like that, it's incredibly difficult to kill, the wounds heal instantly, almost does not feel pain, just a killing machine and not a beautiful girl.

- Don't hit her. “I said calmly when the Servant already swung to pripatn the captive in the gut. Can not disobey, could not take my darling, but packed obstinate heir to the throne, twisting his hands behind his back and forcing arched arc.

- If you think that you can run away from me by dying from hunger, then I am very offended at you. - Tying Rokilda's legs with power threads, I reproachfully shook my finger, carefully looked at the princess twitching in the grip, in such a position her breasts ask for her hands. No, stand, now is not the time, you need to marinate it a little so that it is more fun. Having already burned myself on several of my past girls, I decided not to use the Xa-Aran medallion on the princess, let it be completely in my mind, so the emotions are cleaner, brighter and tastier. How stupidly she bears malice and scorn, such feelings dissonant with angelic appearance are simply gorgeous, I like to bathe in this squall of feelings.

- What? You can not kick, right? - Not holding myself, I still stroked the girl with my hand over my thigh through the dress, I had already launched my hand between my legs, but I stopped in time.

- And now I will show you the method of feeding those who do not want to eat porridge. - Raising the cup, I broke into a smile. Rockylda squeezed her jaws so that her cheekbones turned white, flashed her eyes and puffed.

- No, no, no airplanes and trains, everything is much simpler and more efficient. - He stroked his cheek, sharply pulled up his hand not allowing him to bite, his teeth clattered idly and clenched again.

I have already managed today to unload in Sorianna, the hormone does not drown my mind, and instead of exhausted excitement at the sight of an immobilized and helpless girl, I was having fun.

- It’s not good to bite, didn't your mom tell you? And dad? And older brothers? Ay-yay-yay how bad, nothing, now you're in safe hands. - I winked and again put my hand to her face, already dressed in an invisible thinnest film of materialized energy. The thickness of the layer does not matter, nothing material is capable of violating the integrity of such protection, and now, I did not pull back my hand when Rokilda decided to repeat the attempt of cannibalism. Doesn't life teach a fool anything, or does this anger prevent you from thinking with your head? - The beautiful little teeth squeezed my index finger, but I didn’t feel any pressure, pointedly slowly stuck three more into her mouth and, pressing a large bottom, pressed.

“My late father taught me how to get on with shepherd dogs, you take him by the lower jaw and that's it, the bitch can no longer bite you.”- Stepping forward, pressed against her body and I smiled straight in the face, pressed a little harder.

The girl's eyes widened with sudden pain and she made an incomprehensible sound like a scream with her mouth wide open.

- Why? Once you behave like a dog, and I will treat you like a dog. - Without even thinking to loosen my grip, I said. Yes, it hurts and is humiliating, the young ladies treat their mouths with extreme scrupulousness, nothing, soon you will have fingers for happiness Eve, continuing to hold Rockygold, frozen in pain, in a deadly grip watched with enthusiasm for what was happening ... Read more →

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