1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

Page: 9 of 15

sniffling, took the pace, her pussy had already given the lubricant necessary for the process and Sorianna herself stopped frowning with displeasure. Simply and unpretentiously grabbing my woman's thighs, I repeatedly pushed her member into her with rhythmic jolts, listening with pleasure as the eggs slam hitting against her pubis. Nevertheless, I taught her something, or rather, not the Marquis herself, but her body. It reacted to my intrusion, though somewhat inhibited, but nevertheless a savory note of its secretions was added to the smell of the foliage under my feet, which had already crawled along the inside of the thighs with the first rare drops. Head down, Sorianna bit the edge of the collar, trying not to make a sound, but I already entered the spirit and a couple of copies of my palms were still on her breasts under the dress, stopping their buildup, warm fingers squeezed and started massaging my nipples in time with my jolts, Marquis bent a little harder in her lower back and groaned softly, not letting go of the fabric of her collar.

Who are you trying to fool? I, too, a noble lady, stands cancer in the forest with a vulgarly raised hem and kicks from a powerful member who has entered the fold without permission. No, you are not a marquise, you are the most ordinary bitch who likes when she is fucked qualitatively, and everything else is dust, alluvial husks that fly off right away should you start. And about the fact that Sorianna is no longer just serving a duty, but actually started up, her weak swayings say, with each of my jerks, she slightly pushes away from the tree, barely noticeably leaning back towards the member who already wetly squishes her hot pussy. She closed her eyes, threw back her head, quiet moans escaped from the opened mouth, along with frequent breathing, a miracle how good it is when she doesn’t build an impregnable aristocratic woman.

I focused on the sensations, judging by her reaction, the marquise decided to relax, have fun and finish, so do not give her such joy. Accelerating, I changed the rhythm, she was not ready, her eyes opened wide and her breathing lost, a groan froze on her plump lips, and what did you think? I understand perfectly well that at such a pace I will not last long, now this is what I need, I am not going to linger for a long time on this tree, a great deal. Not holding back a satisfied growl, for the last time I pushed the dick into the hot juicy vagina of this bitch and, squeezing my hips with my palms so that later the bruises would end, pumping the marquise with seed. From Sorianna, a whole flurry of emotions, lust, a premonition of an orgasm, bewilderment, hope, disappointment and insult rushed to me. With a smirk, I took out the slippery and shining sun in the penis penetrating through the crowns of the trees and, wiping it on her lush ass, put on my pants again.

- Come on, cover it. - Noticing that Sorianna is still standing in the same position, expecting to continue, hopefully, slapped her ass with force. The woman screamed and immediately straightened, the hem fell to the ground, hiding the traces of our affairs.

“I ... Actually, I, too ...” The Marquis tried to say something, rubbing the injured place with her palm, flushed and still not moving away from the excitement that surged.

- And you will finish when I allow. - Having shown her a necromancer's smirk, she patted a confused aristocratic cheek and, again grabbing my hand, quickly pulled toward the camp.

There were no special changes in the camp itself, we had been absent for too long, the soldiers and their servants diligently hauled down a dead-tree, clearing the area. Some trunks were too large, Acris chopped them up with his ax, everything else went according to plan. Having thrown off extra emotions and being in a rather complacent mood, I threw a short glance at Rokilda, who was leaning against one of the trees, vigil next to Eve, and began to help his fighters. With my participation, things went much faster, magic is not your hands, after an hour we were sitting on neatly arranged tree trunks and watched the fire light up. Somewhere behind the back the cook's utensils thundered, the servants helped her, one of them diligently fanned another smaller fire, especially for cooking needs. It was not necessary to remind Borms about safety; an experienced mercenary didn’t really find himself in a wooded area for the first time and protected a clearing and a nearby forest from accidental ignition.

I again plunged into thinking and made a vow to myself that this is my last habitat. Let them do what they want, but from here I’m not going anywhere, grabbing this land with my teeth, stop jumping from place to place like a flea in a frying pan, too undignified for an important person like me. No, I could go to my shelter in the thick of the mountain range, they could not find us there either, however, sitting in the woods by the fire was much more pleasant than churning in a huge stone bag, when millions of tons of stone hung overhead. Yes, let there be a warehouse for especially important things, have already put their gold stolen from a distant country, also added wealth and all the capital of Horial, who managed to drag a cunning sorcerer from his estate under my protection, of course, the Council of Mages immediately arrested his accounts and seized all the property, naive. Nothing, as long as I leave the Council alone and take care of arranging my final lair, even if everything settles down, so a new blow to the prestige of the sorcerers will be much more palpable. I can not stop, I have to build up my own power, which means that we need sacrifices, a lot of sacrifices. Just because they can not take, if I do not use my head, the result will be stupid, so first I need a springboard.

- Eve, my bag. - Nodding his thoughts, resolutely pointed to a bunch of things myself. The attendant jumped up and ran to bring the bag, which I collected personally. I began to dig in its depths, looking for artifacts, found.

“Baron, give your hand here.” “Having pulled a thin black bracelet out of the bag, made entirely from a modified drive, I clicked it on the mage's plump wrist and with one energy message I activated the energy form already embedded in it. Behind Horial, with stylish jewelry, everyone present except Princess Rokilda has got it, an analogue of such an invention already adorns her neck. The artifact is very simple and at the same time complex, it permanently supports around its carrier a small sphere of non-materialized pure energy, neutralizing any local magic. The peculiarity of these artifacts in one-pointedness, the media themselves can use magic, so to speak, from the sphere, but any impact from the outside will be extinguished with an absolute guarantee, it will cut off any search spells from my people and will not give out our location.

“Borms, we're leaving now, and you stay here for the eldest.” Have lunch and start to set up camp, I will try to return in the evening. - Rising to my feet, I patronized patted the mercenary’s shoulder, gestured for Horial and Eve to follow me.

- Where is this time? Let's go cut the board? - Delighted at the new opportunity for someone to tear apart, as a little girl jumped Eve, catching up with me.

- And do not dream, we will not kill anyone, now our task is to find people, we ourselves will not manage in this forest. - Concentrating on the fingers, I dismissed it.

“Well, oh, uh ... It's not interesting, oh, oh, oh ...” - With feigned dissatisfaction, Eva stretched, I understand perfectly well what moves her.She is not a mad maniac, she just needs to kill people physiologically, this is why my girl becomes stronger, faster and stronger, such is the nature of the Servant.

“We will do business now, and at night I will let you go hunting.” - I promised, and turned to Horial, who was walking heavily, at a distance from him, he was uncomfortable on such a soft ground that every now and then he was under his rather big weight.

- I need a city in which there is a good construction artel. - I reported on my idea.

- Then we need to go to Esvon, the best artisans and artisans live and gather in this city. But I’m not sure that I can open a portal there, today I’ve spent manna in a pretty ... Read more →

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