1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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I say that they are searching everybody, it’s just now that we’ve got a turn.

- Sounds lousy. - He pursed his lips and I thought. My plan, to sit under the nose of the Council of Mages, to sip wine and spoil them for porridge as soon as it becomes boring, went along the ladder under the table, do you really have to go to open confrontation?

If you look from the side, I can cut the whole Council down to the root without any problems, they have nothing to oppose to me, only this does not make much sense. I should not become an enemy of the Empire, such a situation will only unite the people, and I need chaos, confusion and mess, what to do?

- So, it means that teleportation to my dome cannot be traced; I have already removed the opportunity to move here from the outside, we are completely safe, but I don’t want to sit here until the end of time. - Having considered all the pros and cons, I drummed my fingers on the tabletop and carefully looked at Borms, who was silent and obviously trying to show that everything was all right with him, it turned out that he was not very likely.

- What happened to you with those thugs at the gate? - Remembering the soldiers in the company of the magician, I frowned.

- We were in the garden when we heard a noise in the neighboring area, went to the gate and there the soldiers of the Imperial Guard, ordered to open the gate and provide the territory for inspection. We refused them, the battle began, and then you, your grace, appeared. - He quietly told about the incident a warrior, firmly clenched his teeth so as not to cough.

- Everything is clear with you, well done that they were detained, then remind you to give you a premium, and now stamp to Dogpis, let him still heal and while you rest. - I nodded and closed my eyes for a second.

“You say they search everyone?” But what about the nobles? In the capital, they are just a lot. - Interested in this question, opened his eyes and looked at Molai-Ha.

- The houses of famous aristocrats are searched first of all, if someone resists, they are immediately detained and taken to the Council building.

- Clearly, it means they are looking for an extreme ... - I muttered thoughtfully, hope flashed by.

“Sorry, but I think you’ve already found it.” - Eloquently having squinted for a window where the opaque dome was white and white, he immediately trampled on this bright feeling of Horial.

- Here you are right, it would be good if the Council considered everything that happened as a conspiracy of one of its officials. - I annoyedly complained and again thought, I heard the creak of the door and on the threshold came a mother.

- Lucas, what's going on? - Pointing her finger at the window, she asked anxiously.

- It's okay, just a little difficulty, do not worry. - I hurried to calm her down and with a gesture I indicated to the peasants to disperse, they obediently got up and left, Sveta came up near her and looked inquiringly into my eyes.

- Have you got any problems? Yes? - Already knowing the answer, she still asked the question.

- You can say so. - Frowning, I recognized the obvious, tried to extinguish their own irritation, so as not to spill emotions on her.

- Can I help you with something? - Itself not really believing in the reasonableness of what was said, touched me by the shoulder of the Light, I just smiled.

“Mom, we have to break up for a while, I need to settle some things.” - Sighing, told her about his decision.

“Will you leave me here alone?” - seriously scared Svetlana.

- No, no, what are you? Just stay a little with my friends, you will like them. - I hurriedly told me, mentally picking up the candidature of "friends"

Mom went to collect things, and I ran to the office, on the move, clicking Baron.

“Horial, I need a quiet place away from the capital.” - I said mage, unfolding on the table a map of the world.

“Do you want to leave your guest there?” “The magician nodded in understanding.

- Exactly. What are the ideas? - Navis over the map I.

- I can offer you Drudal. “After a little thought, I poked Baron at one of the points on the opposite side of El Tena.”

- Seaport? I do not think this is the right place. - I skeptically raised an eyebrow.

- I beg your pardon, but the scale misled you, because this is a map of the whole world. - countered Horial.

- What do you mean? - I frowned.

- On the map, the city is visually close to the coast, but in fact it is more than two thousand kilometers to the nearest port town. - patiently explained the Baron.

- Yes, I imagine the prices of goods, with such a logistics. - I opened one eyebrow.

“Oh no, that's not a problem at all.” Only insufficiently rich people and adventurers travel by tracts in the Empire, all others prefer teleports, you may not know, but there are special high-capacity teleports for trading purposes.

- If so, then fine. What about people? Do you have friends there? - I decided not to go into all the details of me.

- Yes, I know the head of this city and the nearby lands, Count Zokras Koplistan, a very worthy man, hereditary nobleman and a brilliant politician.

- The Emperor's man? - I squinted suspiciously.

“Everything in this country is the people of the Emperor, however, he has not been involved in social life for more than ten years, preferring to manage his city and not to go into any quarrel of the aristocracy. - Horial shrugged.

- Such a person suits us, and by the way, how do you know him?

- A little more than a year and a half ago, I stayed in his castle for two months while I was building a system of teleports in the towns adjacent to Drudal.

- Can you pave the teleport to the graph? - Mentally calling to her Eve, for clarity, I tapped the finger on the point on the map.

- Drudal is almost thirteen thousand kilometers, but for me it is not difficult. “Without thinking, Horial nodded and we waited for my Servant.

Count Zokras Koplistan turned out to be a tall, slim man already in years, but without gray hair in chestnut hair. His guards met us not very kindly, but, I did not kill anyone, just knocked out and we very quickly achieved a personal audience with the aristocrat. I liked the look of his nutty, with a light golden eye, they could see restraint, caution and remarkable mind, what you need. I didn’t particularly grovel and offer unearthly riches, a couple of minutes earlier I learned that the governor of Druddal was also a respectable family man and took his entire family hostage. A very effective way of persuasion, threatening to cut the throat of the youngest daughter, forced him to take an oath of allegiance with an amulet of Xa-Aran around his neck. I was so kind and courteous that I didn’t even allow Eva to kill the eldest offspring of the count, who, with some kind of fright, rushed at me with a sword.

Not satisfied with the oath of the count, he swore his spouse, the eldest son, the younger son and the five-year-old daughter; The reinsurer, who had awakened in me, forced me to make me swear loyalty and loyalty to all the servants of the small palace and every guard officer, thanks to the count, even no one had to threaten anyone. We managed one day, examined the castle and the vast surrounding area at the same time, mum should like it here. He explained to the graph that his mother should not be aware of his oath, and told him to adhere to the version that we are just very good friends, if mom finds out about the strict obedience of these people, her language will not turn to ask anything, that will be very necessary for her. The Countess went to personally prepare the guest rooms for the arrival of the dear guest, and our trio slipped back into the teleport.

As it turned out, I did not take into account the time zones, if in Drudal I was just beginning to dusk, it was already late at night in El Tene. Having pushed the cook, I ordered her to bring more food in my office, and my sorcerers and I sat down to think a great thought. My defense is unshakable, I focus on the energy sphere on accumulators in such a way that it will last for a thousand years and not a bit of energy will be lost, and what is most pleasant, only I can disable it in the whole world. With all this, I do not think that the guards with magicians poked a couple of times ... Read more →

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