1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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the dome of the spear, they realized that nothing would come of it, they shrugged their shoulders and together decided to forget about this phenomenon that appeared on the outskirts of the capital. Surely they have already cordoned off the site with a triple ring, and with might and main they are kolupuet protection in vain attempts to even peek inside, nothing, let them puff, it's better for me when they fail, the confidence of the “great and invincible masters of magic” will shake. However, although it is possible to live here, this is not the case at all. It is too humiliating to sit like a rat in a mousetrap, now I will retreat, but I swear, I will do it for the last time, that's just where?

It is on this issue that my sorcerers have been fighting for the first hour, arguing and offering more and more new options. What am I? I don’t know the Empire as well as they, some part of the conversation didn’t understand at all, it will be necessary to read some clever book at your leisure, to know at least a little about the world that sheltered the young necromancer. I watched, listened, tried to penetrate and came to the conclusion that sooner or later, the Imperial bloodhounds or the Council staff will find us, no matter how deaf the village we are.

- What if we settle in a place where there are no people at all? - Finally, having stopped listening, I interrupted their debates, both magicians looked at me blankly.

- What do you mean, your grace? Abandoned village? - Horial was the first to speak, saying that he had snorted contemptuously at his suggestion.

- No, to hell with your villages, I do not want to smell the smell of manure in the morning, I'm more interested in this. - Having unfolded the map only half, I confidently pointed my finger at the piece of the continent I was interested in when I first studied.

“But this is the Great Forest.” - Blinked Molai-Ha.

- So what? Judging by the map, there are no settlements there, there are no mineral resources either, which means there should not be any extra people. - I did not understand his surprise.

“That's the way it is, that's just the same ... But although ...” Horial began, but he stopped talking and thought hard.

- What did you want to say? Finishing come on. - Dissatisfied with such intrigue, I frowned irritably.

- Great Forest has a very bad reputation. - Replied instead Molai-Ha.

- I also have a problem, so I think we can handle the monsters. - Somewhat arrogant, but I said very confidently.

- Tales of all this, there are no monsters there. And the bad reputation is because an impassable thicket is spread out over many thousands of kilometers, there is no human dwelling and full of wild animals in the depths from the outskirts. One went - lost, the second - the bear tore, the third - fell into a ravine and broke his neck, multiplied by several centuries, so you and the terrible legends about the mysterious monsters. Horial snorted contemptuously, stopping to think.

- There is no smoke without fire. - Molai-Ha tried to besiege him, but received an eloquent look from a former member of the Council, blurred and fell silent.

“If there are no people there, it means I can spread the dome and no search dogs will find us there.” - I summed up, scratched my chin and took out the last cigarette from the pack.

- This is quite doable, only, as I have already said, rare housing comes across only on the edge of the forest, a hundred or two hundred kilometers deep, no one wanders further, even the most desperate hunters. “Horial warned me.”

- It doesn't matter, we can build a house, and then we'll see how we will expand. - I waved away, already clinging to a new idea.

The next morning, I practically slept on the move, waited until noon, sent my mother to Count Zokras and his household and, returning to the Riator’s estate, collapsed on the bed. Even there was no desire to play in Sorianna, just one desire, to close your eyes and sleep, and so that no one would disturb you ahead of time. And so it happened when I slept off and smashed my eyes, the night turned black again outside, and rightly so, because I am a necromancer - a night creature, scaring all the zombies with their bags under the eyes, everything is according to the canons. Without becoming anyone to disturb once again, wandered into the kitchen - a snack. I found Eve's backpack in the house with a modified storage inside and walked with him into the yard, to prepare for the future campaign. In no other way can I perceive my sending to the forest thicket, I was weak in the first days of my stay here and I was patted by a fanged pig, but now I can do a lot, the only thing I need is energy. That's it I decided to stock up, dragging to the empty area behind the garden all the large stones that I could find. Having already got the hang of creating drives, I turned into a real conveyor. I didn’t even wait for another copy to cool down, immediately switched to a new one and so on and on and on, regularly feeding from a storage bin. When I finished, I already had more than a hundred cobblestone artifacts, and the main drive was almost empty, so those times I got a little carried away.

He took a deep breath, smoked a little, and began to pretend to be an excavator. It is good to have magic, for some forty minutes I dug a hole about four meters deep and three in diameter, spat on the bottom and began to connect all the drives together, at the very end attaching the drive from the backpack to this long chain, it has a radius of energy capture under twenty meters, it will collect the power of death, and evenly fill all the others through the chains of the chain, all you need is to know that you need more raw materials. What is something, and this stuff I just have today. I was not mistaken when I assumed about the cordoning, returning parts of the protective sphere to transparency from the inside, I looked into the tight ring of warriors, clad in steel from head to toe, also armored personnel carriers to me, do they really think that these pieces of iron would save them from such a dashing fellow as I? There was no mood to entertain and arrange a farce, otherwise I would have clicked Eve and let her go hunting, or rather, the slaughter.

Instead, I focused and created an invisible grid over the dug hole. Why invisible? Yes, because its threads were from energy monomolecules, to check it threw a branch, and no more than a fist length fell to the bottom of the pit. So the time has come, I came closer to the sphere and let through a dozen thick energy threads through it, braided the matniki closest to me, materialized the bonds and pulled, throwing them into the air. Having flown over my head and passing the sphere that became permeable to physical bodies for an instant, the first victims of my hunt flew into the pit one by one, fell to the bottom with neat bloodied dice, the artifact rapidly filled with blackness, the chain channels opened wide, filling empty stones .

The military did not shine wisely, before the line trembled and retreated, I managed to pull out more than thirty soldiers, nearly two-thirds filling the pit with meat, bone and iron salad. Drives darkened considerably, I reached out to the chain by force and determined that there was still a bit left until complete filling. Having decided not to bother anymore, I made a small breach in the protection, threw out the drive-receiver right under my feet, and the warriors who were frightened by such impudence and thrashed them with a long thread-cutter. I didn’t calculate, I hit them in the legs and the line in the zone of my swing began to collapse, announcing everything around with screams of pain and horror. The thread in my hands flashed, hastily finishing off the fallen, and the artifact simply boiled darkness, a dark force gushed through the channels, very quickly filling all the drives to the limit.In order not to lose the surplus, I pumped up the storage devices holding the protective sphere with free energy, which will never be superfluous. He pulled the main artifact back into the sphere and tightly sealed the protection again, let them do what they want now, I have everything I need. I no longer wanted to mess with the earth, gave the order to bury the mass grave to Benjamin and went to the estate to demand breakfast, since it was already dawning.

During the night, Borms finally came to his senses, Master Dogpip truly creates miracles of healing art, and Turbert, who was wounded in the leg, hardly ever limped.

“Guys, take bags from Veni and pack black stones in them, which lie in a heap behind the garden.” - I waved my hand in the direction of the recent massacre, I ordered the mercenaries.

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