1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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do the impossible. Snarled evil, like a cornered bear, rolled her arms and legs on the floor, mercilessly breaking off nails and leaving bloody traces of dust from tattered fingers, which is stubborn. Standing abruptly, I pulled her hair up to her feet, Rockkilda grabbed my arm reflexively, tried to open her fingers, squeezed with a titanic grip, began to sob from her own impotence.

- You shouldn’t drop me on the floor, Your Highness, but now why cry? She wanted to fight herself. - Without a hint of pity, I said very calmly, and casually pushed the princess to the opposite wall, she pressed her back on her and, knocking her breath, slid to the floor, coughed tightly, blood leaked from her bitten lip on her chin, soothing it was already gone further away the dress.

- But I wanted to in a good way, go here, sit down here, that's why it was play around? - Again, squatting in front of her, inquisitively looked into the face of the brisk girl.

Her lips twisted in a contemptuous grin and she spat in my face, jumped forward from a sitting position and, rolling over her head, clutched at a stool dropped at the beginning of the fight. I clenched my teeth and, in one motion, wiping her saliva mixed with blood from the armor, I straightened up and looked around. At that very moment, a stool slammed into my face, with a roar scattered into splinters, in the hand of the pale, but with fierce determination, only a split fragment of the leg remained in the girl's eyes. Without thinking for a second, she dived under my arm and, being very close, struggled to push this sharp piece of wood into my neck. Well, she tried to drive, the effect was zero, only she split her stupid weapon more and the chips dug into her hand, silly. I stood and watched as she, grimacing in pain and holding the wounded arm of the other, jerked to the wide-open exit. I didn’t even try to catch up, just waited until her leg ascended over the threshold, as I immediately activated one of the inactive threads on her body.

A jerk and the princess flies back to the front, falls to the floor and arches in an arc from the pain that has pierced the whole body. Let him thank you again that at the last moment I held her head so that I couldn’t attach myself to the back of my head, it’s still early to die for this girl.

- Well, how? Run into? - I wiped my fingers spattered in her spitting on her forehead, Rockylda stirred weakly, tried to roll over, but I myself pushed her in the side and turned her on her stomach, unscrewed her good hand behind her back and, taking from the floor one of the slivers thinner, slowly so drove under the nail. There was a heart-rending squeal in the cell, the princess jerked, trying to free herself, but I held tightly, and the second sliver found its refuge, and Rokilda, already exhausted, battered the wounded hand on the floor like a captured wrestler.

- I think you learned the first lesson, girl. “Letting go, I got up and pulled a powerful healing artifact from my pocket, borrowed from Dogpis just in case.” Rockylda blinked for a few more seconds, and then gradually subsided, only tears disobedient to the hostess, all poured and poured over her dirty cheeks from dust and blood. When I put one of my wilderness artifacts on her, the girl didn’t twitch anymore, but I didn’t remove the armor prudently, I already realized that she was stubborn as a ram, and it’s so difficult, though fun.Having finished all precautionary measures against the discovery of the captive by the sorcerers, I sat her down, rolled my back to the wall and, grasping her hair, pressed her head to the cold stone, looked intently into the eyes.

- Do not think that if I left you a life, then you are somehow special, it is not. If I get tired of messing with you, then you will repeat the fate of your mom. You did see how this crowned slut chucked in turn my soldiers? Did you hear her screams and screams? Or did your mummy like it and ask for more? You can not turn pale, I know myself what I heard and saw, so think twice before you commit another stupidity, because after your mother's fate, you share the fate of your little brothers, and your beloved daddy will receive as a gift one more head of her child, say to complete the collection. - I tried to smile as terribly as possible, put death into this smile, which I already know how to handle very well. Rockylda didn’t even squeak when I threw it over my shoulder, hung like a sack of flour, so we left the basement.

The teleport left in silence, while Horial held the open passage, the others hurriedly dragged junk into it, but I stood a little distance away, closely watching the whole process. Here is the last box that disappeared in the portal and it slammed, leaving me, Horial, Eve and the princess still not showing signs of activity on her shoulder. Beckoning his people behind him, he moved into the depths of the park, walked to the bags with the drives, and nodded at them to Eve and Horial. The magician opened the portal again, and the Servant easily, as if the bullets filled with heavy bags of stones, we entered the forest and the portal closed, leaving behind an empty estate and a lonely zombie, who had already begun to put chairs in the refectory.


Here it is, the Great Forest, which Molai-Ha was so afraid of. And why was the battle magician shaking? There is nothing particularly frightening here, if Horial is to be believed, we came out in the very center of the impassable thicket, and it immediately failed to justify its name. A small clearing, around the tall tree trunks in some of my grasp stand a palisade, it is even difficult to imagine how many centuries, if not thousands of years, these giants grew. First of all, I threw Rokilda off my shoulder and, after ordering Eve not to take her eyes off her, and if she tried to run away - break her legs, I went to the center of the meadow. Then here there were dry, half decaying trunks of fallen trees, underfoot the forest soil gently resounded and dry branches crunched. All my companions tensely looked around, I followed their example and also zoaziratsya, with might and main scans the space around with magic eyesight. Nothing special, the forest is like a forest, the infrequent points of small animals in the roots of trees, the rustle of leaves, a light breeze ruffling hair, the silhouette of some animal about two hundred meters in the north, he listens to strangers, quickly began to move away, nothing surprising. After completing the tour, I turned to my people and began to dispose.

- Begin to clean the deadwood, pull it in a heap on that side. If you find not very rotten, leave for firewood. Borms, are you for the eldest, not for the first time in the forest? - Imperceptibly adjusting in the pants a hard member, I looked at the warrior. He put the sword behind his back and nodded in agreement, immediately began to say something to Turbert.

- Marquis, you go with me. - Grabbing Sorianna by the hand, I dragged her away from the clearing, carefully avoiding the trees.

- Where are we going? - Finally, a woman gave a voice as soon as we disappeared behind the thick trunks and stopped hearing the voices of those who remained.

- Here it is. - Looking around, I pushed her to the nearest tree, it gave me a slight fright, but now I didn’t care.

In an effort to quickly throw off steam, I turned my shoulders back around my shoulders, bent over and, throwing the long hem of the dress on my back, began to hastily untie the belt.Having already understood why she needed it, Marquise put her palms on a rough tree trunk and turned around to see how I got out a dick standing, without any preludes put my head to the labia lips that opened slightly from the marquise adopted. At this time there was no caress and pumping partner energy, I clearly showed the Marquis, where her place, quite rudely and unceremoniously entered and began to just fuck, not caring about her feelings and comfort. Vagina, who has already managed to adapt to my dick lately, took the tense trunk into her arms like a native, and after a couple of minutes, it became much easier to move and I felt a fever rising inside Sorianna. Without direct exposure to magic, the marquise accelerated, though slower, but she could not simply ignore the member, filling her vagina to the limit, physiologically.

By the time I, intently ... Read more →

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