1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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and have not had time to recover. - Horial obeyed.

- It's not a problem. - I grinned and grabbed Baron by the shoulder without warning, from my hand a stream of pure energy began to flow into him, which her body itself transformed into the usual type of power. I was not afraid that with Horial it would turn out like with Sorianna, no, he was a magician and his body was accustomed from childhood to absorb energy and store it, and now, the baron did not get a stake, but almost empty reserve began to fill rapidly. He was not scared, only surprised, but, listening to his feelings, nodded confidently a couple of minutes later. I immediately pulled my hand away, looked inquiringly into my eyes.

- Now we can go. - Reported magician and palms. A passage opened in front of us, Eve was the first to step into some dark, not very well-groomed gateway, looked around and nodded to me.

- Is this the city of artisans? - I skeptically led nose, frowned.

- Yes, it's just a bad place, but no one will see us here. - The mage shrugged.

- Actually see. - Eve chuckled and rapidly jerked somewhere behind me, from there I heard a frightened cry and a crunch of bones, I hurriedly turned around.

- Now I do not see. - With a wide smile, the beauty was stated, lifting the head of some kind of tramp behind the pats.

“Eve, my girl, what did I tell you about cases and murders?” - Sighing, I tiredly covered my face with my hand.

“I thought you were saying not to kill those with whom we will do business.” - The Servor was genuinely surprised and dismissively threw her dubious trophy into the garbage heap a little further along the alley.

- Not only, for now, refrain at all, and without an order, do not touch anyone. - Mentally noting that I’m not going to have any business with the homeless, I clarified my order and we together walked to the fresh air, which was lit by the soft light of the lantern.

- Have you been here before? - I turned to go to the left Horial.

- Very often. I have to deal with setting up each teleport personally, and here they are almost more than in the capital. - With some relief and secret malice admitted the magician, here it is, he himself was not happy with his work.

“And how did you get a seat on the Council, with that kind of attitude?” - I smiled good-naturedly, not really waiting for an answer.

- I did not seek a place in the Council, Grand Master Pinners himself offered it to me as a reward for forced labor, and that I was always at hand.

- Forced? - I did not immediately understand.

- Yes, it so happened that when I first started learning magic, the Council learned about my talent, they helped me learn, gave a scholarship, provided my family with money, granted me the title, because I myself developed systems of teleportation complexes and taught work with them are other capable students. The empire gave me everything, but at the same time I had to work hard, and I didn’t have much choice. Once I tried to leave, but they made it clear to me that Grand Master Pinners had a different opinion on this issue. - Horial sighed heavily.

- So you have a genius? - With a hint of malice I specified.

- Yes it is. Only I in the whole Empire can open teleportation transitions without the use of high-level artifacts and without strict binding to the entry and exit points. “The Baron, quite seriously.”

- Hmm ... It sounds very clever ...- I did not fully understand what he was talking about, but just in case, I pointedly pointedly.

- What about your students? Can't they ... That ... Well, what you just said. - I flicked my fingers.

- I have few students, only sixteen, and only two of them can open independent teleporters, they are the most capable, but even so, each pass requires more than two hours of preparation and there is always a chance of failure, moreover, they have not yet able to accurately operate with thin layers of magic, so they take more power to the process than I have at times. - Something Horial talked, apparently, the Baron likes to talk about his magic and praise himself, well, we are all a little Horial.

- Ok, tell about your students later, now lead us to the commander of the builders, is there such? - Cut it off ranting.

- Yes, I personally am not familiar with the head of the artel, but I know where their quarters are. - The baron did not argue and walked faster, overtaking and showing the way. When I exploded and decided to go after the people, I didn’t think about time zones and it’s already a deep night in Esvon, but don’t put off the case because of such trifles? We approached a multi-storey residential building forty minutes later, while we were moving around the city, here and there we met the most diverse people, and here we found those who were awake at night. Mostly they were revelers, in Esvona they didn’t even smell of martial law, the residents and guests of the city lived in peace, not knowing what kind of bedlam is now happening in the capital of their state.

- Here it is here. - Stopping at the broad, carved oak gates, he pointed to the estate, surrounded by numerous smaller houses, Horial.

- And the head of the artel does not live poorly. - I whistled, assessing the size of the mansion, the Riator family is obviously smaller, about one and a half times.

- It can afford, the artel is engaged in construction throughout the city, often go to orders and to other cities, the masters of Eesvon are dearly valued throughout the Empire. - Horial shrugged. I looked around the tightly closed gate, thought a bit and confidently knocked on the same marvelous gate a little to the side. The answer was silence, only a few dogs barked in the depths of the courtyard, I knocked again, and finally, on the other side, hurried steps were heard.

- Who are they? What is the noise? - Holding the lantern with one hand, with the other he moved the bolt and slightly opened the gate a middle-aged already, but still strong, little man, yelped with displeasure.

- Open, I need to talk with the owner of the house. - I decided to give it a chance, I, the peasant's eyebrows clearly crawled up.

- Suck sick? Look at the sky, dusk. - With angry irritation, he said, as soon as he came to the meaning of what was said.

- As you like, he asked for it. - I and Eve shrugged shoulders, grabbing a peasant outraged by such a course of affairs, deftly took him in the grip, pressed his neck.

- We go. “Glumly looking around, I pushed Horial in the back and we hurriedly went in, quietly closing the gate behind me.

The gatekeeper did not suffer for long, wheezed a little, twitched and died, Eva gently laid him on the grass at my feet, straightened up and peered into the darkness of the yard.

- I see the security, five. - She said briefly and had already taken a step away, but I grabbed her by the tip of her hair and strongly pulled back.

- Stand-buran, do not need unnecessary movements. - I hissed as quietly as possible, the girl came back and hurt her lips offendedly.

- Horial, look. - Briefly threw the magician and launched an energy dome over our company, there should be enough magicians in the city. A well-known weaving, a dagger slashed at my wrist, I grimaced at the sharp pain, I won’t get used to it. He grabbed the soul, not the magician, shoved it into the body entirely, imbued with the power of the pattern of the impregnation of dead flesh, almost ready, did not begin to create a recharge bridge, I won't need it for too long. While the zombie rose to its feet and shook off the clothes, reached for the drive behind Eva, spent a little, but I'm much calmer when the reserve is full to the eyeballs.

- Schaer, what's going on? - Stepped towards us tall fellow, cautiously put his hand on the hilt of the sword, hanging on his belt.

- This is to the owner, all is well.- Immediately besieged him by a zombie, walked along the porch and respectfully opened the door in front of me. Judging by how implicitly the guard stepped aside, the gate was opened to me by not the last person in the house. We were left to wait in one of the rooms on the ground floor, and Scher went to wake the guild leader, I told him to inform the authorities that very promising clients had come to him and were ready to pay a lot of money. Half an hour had not passed before a tall but very heavy man came out to us in a rather unattractive ... Read more →

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