1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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At night, Benjamin wasted no time and put in order my new office. I finally found a place to work, think and create insidious plans. All the dust has been removed, the parquet has been carefully polished, and numerous books from the shelves have disappeared, giving me the space to arrange my few (for now) trophies. The protracted walk along El Tenu gave its results, I learned that the Council of Mages very successfully kept silent about the death of its strongest combat unit. There was not a single hearing about the premature death of Count Rolirsky on the streets of the capital, absolute sterility in this matter, as if I hadn’t killed him with my own hands and now I’m twisting his head trying to arrange it on the shelf as spectacularly as possible. Cunning sorcerers do not want to let their prestige fall in the eyes of society, I can understand them, no one wants to fall, especially from such a height. Okay, let's see how they sing in a couple of months, when the authorized persons of the Council of Mages begin to be taken to the cemetery one by one, they will not be able to hush up under any circumstances, I will take care of that.

I still have a small chance to raise the wave, presenting clear proof to the capital's residents - put Magister Maykep’s head on the main square, you can even pin a sign for clarity, but ... and the count himself drove away to far away with a secret mission for six months or a year, they will be believed, not all but most, and this is quite enough. The second reason, much more important and fundamental is my greed, now this head is my property, I have taken it away with my own hand, and no one has the right to encroach on my property, no matter how absurd it may sound. Having caught myself thinking that I was already moving the notorious head from place to place for a good half hour, I removed my hands and moved away from the bookcase, returned to the table, rang the bell.

“What do you want, your mercy?” - Immediately looked into the room Benjamin, who is on duty at the door.

“Call Borms, Acris, and those two.” “I did not bother to find out the names of my own people, I was a little embarrassed, but the zombie didn’t care, he obediently ran to carry out the order.

- bought everything? - I asked in a businesslike way as soon as all the four lined up in front of the table.

“Yes, my lord, as you said, all the best.” - With respect, bowed bows.

“This is good, you will need a weapon soon.” - He nodded, looked at all fours, did not see any of their purchases, of course, they would not go to the authorities hung with glands.

- A lot of money left? - I clarified when deciding whether to give them travel allowances or not.

“Seventy-three gold, twenty-eight silver, and sixty-four copper coins.” - Calmly meeting my gaze, reported Borms. At his words, Acris put his hand in his pocket, fumbled there for a few moments and silently threw a reddish ringing ring in the air to the captain.

- Sixty-five copper coins. “With a tenacious movement, he grabbed the prey, Bormes announced the sum in a deadpan manner.

- Well, you can keep them for expenses, how to end - say. - Pretty rubbed his hands, I expected that, to celebrate, they would spend all that is.

- I will manage the money economically and report back on every spent coin. - Devoutly looking into my eyes, promised Borms.

- Just come on without fanaticism, you don’t need to save, and you don’t have to report, you have never suffered small-scale work. - I frowned and looked at the fighters, whose names I still did not recognize.

- You and you, what is your name? - Poking a finger into them, I decided to correct my mistake.

- Turbert, your grace. - Stepped forward one of them.

- Walding, my lord. - Do not lag behind him, comrade, stretched out at attention, Acris, looking at them, smiled slightly.

- I saw you crossbows, do you shoot well? - Remembering their names, at the same time recalled yesterday's conversation in the courtyard of the tavern.

- Yes, your mercy. - At the same time they nodded.

- They were the best arrows in their company, they know how to handle crossbows. - Also smiled Borms, nodding at the fighters.

- It pleases, tonight bring me all the bolts that you bought today. - I nodded to them and with my eyes pointed at the door, with a gesture I ordered Borms to stay.

- You wield a sword, right? - Nodding warrior at the window, I lit a cigarette.

- Exactly your mercy. - Obediently opened the doors and let the mercenary in the fresh evening air.

“Stop calling me that, you and your people can just call me by name.” - I said benevolently and pointed to his chair, the warrior nodded and sat down.

- It is an honor for us, Lucas. - He grabbed quickly, but the oath does not allow him to disobey, they will no longer be annoyed by their respectful, but seemingly showy appeal.

- So what's up with a weapon? Sword? - Without losing my thought, I returned to the topic.

- Tinker, fifteen years already waving. - Borms grinned cheerfully.

“Did you find the right blade for yourself?” Magic probably? - Already anticipating future troubles, I lamented.

- Not at all. No, steel is strengthened magically, but there is no magic directly in it. - The mercenary categorically shook his head, which surprised me a lot.

- And why? I heard that everyone wants magical blades to fire and or ice п sh-sh-sh-sh !!! - Making inspired eyes, I tried to portray the power of magical blades.

- These are young and early want, but I fought, I saw how the most magical swords out of time ceased to do “P-shhshh”. Not one good man died that way, hoping for the power of magic in a weapon. - With sadness, he explained, the look was absent, in it flashed the already old sadness.

- I understand you, the local magic is incomprehensible to some kind. - I decided to support him, stretched out an open pack.

“I somehow had more of a pipe ...” the warrior muttered, but he took a cigarette, twisted uncertainly in his fingers, I raised my hand with the red-hot cube hanging over my hand, Borms bent down and lit a cigarette. He inhaled confidently, coughed several times and looked at me readily.

“Bring me your sword with Turbert and Valding.”

- Do you want to cast a spell on him? - Instantly caught my thought captain squad.

- Rather strengthen. - I did not agree, he nodded more sympathetically.

- Buy four more daggers, of high quality, but not very conspicuous, one by one. They, too, to me, will be a special tool through the magical protection to break through. - Exhaling a trickle of smoke to the ceiling, he took an ashtray from the table.

- How do you say something else? - Borms watched carefully.

- No, not all. Get rid of your armor, you do not need to dangle in these pieces of iron in the Empire, I will make you something lighter and more reliable. - After a bit of thought, I decided to confuse myself with the equipment of my squad.

- I will tell the peasants, they will only be glad. - Borms was not particularly surprised, apparently, in his eyes I am really a cool witch from whom you can expect anything. The warrior was already out, and I still sat in silence and smoked a lazy smoldering cigarette. There is a lot of work, I do not even know what to grab in the first place. It is necessary to study the map of the Empire, to develop at least an exemplary plan of action, to find a place for the main base. It is now, when I am alone, several servants and a pair of zombies, we live without problems under the very nose of the Council of Mages, and that is all thanks to my dome. There would be no protection, a local analogue of the special forces of the FSB would have been trampling around a long time ago, and I was writhing on a rack.No, the base is needed, and far from the capital, it is unique.

Thanks to Horial, there should be no problems with fast movements, and I will leave a refuge in the depths of the mountain in case of an emergency, if I press them right away, there is nowhere to retreat, only underground, and I am not going to visit Xa-Aran. You can ask the demon to help, he has already studied this world quite well, but better I will do everything myself, in words he is all a partner and altruist, in reality everything can turn back as you please ....

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