1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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radeyuschih for the fatherland. Most of the opponents were destroyed by me, reveling in their pain and suffering, because they did not die immediately. The recently completed reserve was gradually emptied, I reached for the drive in Eve’s backpack, wow, but it’s already more than half filled, numerous deaths on the way of our journey went to the stone for good. I joined it with an open channel, replenished my strength to the maximum, and again cut some zealous warrior with a force thread. No sooner had the warrior fell at the feet of the white like the chalk of Horial, as several fiery clots flew headlong into us, spilling out ingloriously in my defense. I did not have time to recover, as we were again attacked otherwise, chain lightning struck the energy film, bounced off and after them a huge spear flew out of the ice. Horial, wailing heart-rendingly, fell to his knees, passing the danger over his head, I just began to suspect how the ice had already passed unhindered through the intangible protection from magic.

The tip is aimed at my chest, some kind of meter, I did not even have time to get scared, as Eve was in front of me with her shield. The blow was strong, the girl was thrown back at me, from which we almost fell, held Borms, who in time gave a shoulder. I quickly created a wall of material energy and shielded us from subsequent surprises, turned the calm Eve towards me.

- My Smartie. - I gratefully kissed her on the cheek and I heard a soft crunch, lowered my eyes and stared at the twisted hand, with which the girl held the shield. An obvious fracture quickly grew together, another second and a limb returned to normal, Eve moved her fingers, it is more convenient to intercept the shield.

- Master of combat magic, no less. The second is weaker, most likely the court magician and his student. - Stepping back, in a low voice explained Molai-Kha, anxiously glancing at the spells I had been defending.

- Yes, even Masters, now I will arrange them. - Starting to get angry, I growled and made the wall of Energy rush forward sharply. The magicians stood at the far end of the corridor, concentrating hollowing with ice lances, which had shown their effectiveness, at one point, but the Energy wall that had flown into them literally smashed their bodies against the stone castle wall.

- So, this is not your icicles. - I gloatfully hissed when we passed against the unsightly mash.

We did not risk any more, I surrounded my detachment with impenetrable protection and then we walked like in a tank, allowing our shooters to calmly shoot enemies. Borms and Akris were out of work, while iron was not required to swing iron, and the soldiers stared around, for the first time in the Imperial Palace. Yes, it was beautiful here, before our appearance. My threads cut everything around, shamelessly disfiguring people, the interior and even the walls. We reached the fourth floor and froze in front of a huge crowd of knights bristling with spears.

- Enough hedgehog cosplay! - I shouted merrily to them, waved his hand and the spears fell to the floor, cut off at the very fingers. The warriors did not expect this, so they hesitated and I nodded to the bored fighters. Borms and Acris rushed forward with a roar without caring for protection. I took care of this, they did not get them, but they are swinging with might and main with ironies enchanted by me, without any difficulty passing through the armor of the soldiers who began to retreat.

The first row of knights didn’t even have time to remove their swords from its scabbard, they just released the stumps of spears from their fingers as they immediately fell on the stone slabs of the palace, filling them with blood. My fighters showed themselves in the best light, Borms skillfully wielded the blade, trying to hit opponents in the joints of the armor, and Acris waving tirelessly with a heavy ax on the backside. Looking at his weapon, I realized that I had a familiar spell cast on her, which facilitates the weapon and returns all its weight in a short moment of impact. More than a dozen knights fell, only two of the last forces fought desperately, leaning their backs to the door they were supposed to protect. A few seconds and one fell with a cut head, his sword, with which he tried to block the blow, broke. The second, without noticing a dead comrade falling on him, caught him with his elbow, for which he immediately paid, having received the Borms blade in the throat, the warrior thrust him with such force that he broke through the door and entered it halfway, he heard a squeezed from behind the door female cry

My fighters quickly dragged the body of the guard to the side and I, dashing with a kick, threw open the doors, imposingly entered the elegantly furnished bedroom of his Imperial Majesty. He entered the room first, Bormes and Acris stepped on both shoulders, Turbert and Valding ran after them, both fell on one knee and, putting the butts of crossbows on their shoulders, took the sight of those present, Eve came in and modestly stood at the door, the last one looked cowardly Horial in his dress uniform of the Magister of the Council of Mages.

- Good evening, gentlemen. - Throwing back the hood, he created on the face an impenetrable, transparent from the inside veil, bowed to those present. And the people in the bedroom crammed a lot, quickly counting them over their heads, counted nine souls, thought. Two in the armor of the knights, boldly stepped forward setting their swords in front of them, no helmets, the refined noble faces of the nobles are full of determination, looking straight ahead.

- So, these are bodyguards, get out. - I moved my wrist and both, lifting it to the ceiling itself, with great speed carried over our heads into the open doors, behind me we heard a deafening rumble and gnash of iron, death wheezing, I shut the door and closed it with an energy wall, cutting off all sounds from outside.

Quietly, the remaining seven do not move, keep a close watch on me and my people, I don’t see any particular fear, only one girl scares fearfully and presses against her friend, who is more collected and focused. I felt a surge of magic from one of those present.

- Sorcerer in the flow. - Turning my head slightly to Akris, I said to the soldier and sharply braided the magician with threads, lifted him to the ceiling and threw him at the fighter, who had already swung his ax. So, try to conjure, when the legs do not touch the floor, but now you can’t exactly, the monstrous Axre's ax has cut in half in flight, hot blood splashed onto my cheek.

- So, who else is superfluous? - I asked and, taking from his pocket a snow-white handkerchief, wiped his cheek. Now, now it is better, the shaking girl is about to faint, the two guys in camisoles, who covered their backs with the rest, turned pale.

- You, come to here. - I stretched out my hand and poked my finger at the frightened maiden, young, about twenty years old if not less, slim and with a beautiful lush breasts, appetizingly looking out of the wide neckline of the neckline. She shrieked and, pushing everyone else, quickly approached, dragging her feet across the floor.

- You are a princess? - I asked, grabbing her throat, fragile girlish fingers wrapped around my wrist, hands are weak, can not do anything, in the eyes of panic, not a shadow of thought.

- She is? - I showed my prey to Horial, he shook his head negatively.

- Then get out. - I phlegmatically shrugged my shoulders and, playing to the public, without the slightest effort threw the damsel in the side. She screamed into the wall without a scream, there was a crunch of broken bones broken by a terrible blow and the body fell on the floor with a limp doll fell on the floor; Yes, it is unpleasant to kill such a young and appetizing female, but, show-off is more expensive than money, you need to show strength, cruelty and determination.

- Well, uh ... Now only the Imperial family is left. - Looking around the rest, I asked and looked at the pale Horial, who nodded inhibited.

- Who are you and what do you want? - Over the stupor numbness, pushing the guy covering him, a tall, handsome man stepped forward.

- I? Yes, I went to visit. And you, apparently, the Emperor? - I opened my eyebrow.

- Yes it's me. - He nodded shortly, his attentive gray eyes glanced from me to my fighters, settled on Horial, his eyebrows crept to the bridge of his nose.

- Hey, you, the king of pots and sticks, look at me and not at my serf. - I carelessly snapped my fingers and I and the Emperor again paid all attention ... Read more →

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