1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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I was limping along the path, hissing in pain and stopping often. For the third day I was delirious at the speed of a snail in this forest. That evening, when I got even with two freaks that raped me, I acted very foolishly. I do not mean that I killed both, but about the fact that being hungry I ate all the meat at once. Yes, then I ate, but the next day there was nothing to eat, and it was very depressing. Towards noon of the first day I came across a stream, he ran in a hollow between two small hills. How am I delighted with the usual clean water, and not the remnants of vomit that splashed at the bottom of the flasks. First of all, having spat on all the prejudices about the infection, I drank plenty from the stream, the water dulled a little the feeling of hunger, filling the stomach, it became easier. Carefully rinsing the jars several times, I filled all three with water, carefully put them in a bag. A couple of times, on the way along the path I met the berries, but I didn’t eat them, the nerd from me was awkward, I didn’t have enough to die under a bush from food poisoning.

And yesterday, closer to evening, I came across a boar. He did not look like the cute pigs that are shown in the meat advertising, no, he was healthy, massive and all overgrown with short brown wool. He brazenly stood on the trail, and his small, wicked eyes furrowed me with a frown. I froze, there were a dozen steps to him, I relaxed and did not immediately notice this pig. We stood and looked at each other, I did not confidently reach for the dagger, that I put it in the back pocket of my jeans right in the case, my eyes narrowed into a beast, turning into very narrow slits, it was all tensed up.

- Hey, you! Well go from here! - Snatching a dagger, I waved them belligerently, intending to drive the boar away with my menacing look. My escapade did not have the expected effect, no, the boar ran, but not into the bushes to the far away, as I expected, but straight at me. Zazevavshis, I at the last moment managed to jump off his path, a leg below the knee burned sharply with pain, I rolled to the side, breaking the young bushes with my back, crashed back into the tree trunk and froze.

The boar ran a little further, turned around, loudly and menacingly grunting rushed at me, oh God, well, and the tusks of this creature, mammoths would envy, and on one of them fresh blood, my blood, and now he will pin me to the tree, and then he will devour . I quickly wove a pattern where I didn’t know my boar’s heart, so I struck all over the carcass, which immediately consumed two thirds of my reserve. The Chushka Spit on the run bent its front hooves and began to tumble over the ground over its head, inexorably approaching me, I fell on my side, rolling to the side, the heavy body of the beast slammed sideways into the tree trunk and stopped. I raised myself on my elbow, looked at the defeated enemy, and collapsed with relief on the grass, thanks to heaven for being alive. Yeah, the pigs in this forest are not friendly, I will not survive a meeting with another such one, I really hope that they are not haunting the whole herd here, otherwise they will come running to avenge their brother, husband, or whoever they have there this aggressive subject ...

Over time, the action of adrenaline began to erode, and I began to feel the pain of my left leg. I collected my strength, sat down and looked at the torn and bloody jeans. This grunting snout ripped my leg, not much, just a very deep scratch below the knee, the bone is not hurt, scratched the muscle, but still very painful.Having sacrificed one flask of water, I washed the wound in order to somehow reduce the chance of blood poisoning, took off my T-shirt, cut it lengthwise and shook my leg tightly. Still, I study in medical, although only the second course, I still know something. While sitting, a clear awareness came, I'm not at home. Not in Russia, that's for sure, it is already late autumn with the first frosts and ice on the puddles in the morning, but here it’s the height of summer, everything is green, everything is blooming and very warm. The idea of ​​another world seemed absurd, absolutely incredible, but at the same time the only true one. If you think sensibly, after all, there is magic, and this girl is up there about something that will send me somewhere where I probably will not come back ...

A puzzle in my head was squeaking in pieces, these two homeless people were talking about slaves among themselves, some coins and magicians, I thought they were crazy, but now my doubts have crept into my judgment, am I not going crazy? I don’t give a damn, so be it, I’m a magician, I can raise ghouls, and now I’m a big dick, I’ll not lose tea, I hope so. I got up, broke off a thicker branch from a tree, cut off smaller branches and leaves from it, tried to lean, it worked out. With such an improvised crutch, I now walked along the path, staring with hungry eyes. I didn’t eat a wild boar, raw meat wasn’t for me, but it didn’t work to get fire by friction, apparently I’ve overly evolved and got used to lighters that aren’t dying away in the wind. Gradually, the trail became wider, smoother, I was clearly approaching civilized lands, which added strength and hope to me. As far as I could, I added a step and two hours later I went to the edge of the forest, in front of me there was a wide immense field.

- Who are you? - I heard behind my back and turned limp. Behind me stood a young lad of sixteen in a simple open shirt and brown trousers made of thick fabric. With his bare feet he stood on the grass and aimed at me with a bow. What!? From the bow !? Your mother !!! Either I stumbled upon idolatrous idiots that every year they go out into nature, poke each other with fake swords, rush around the forest headlong with homemade bows and worship Tolkien along with Martin, or my worst fears were justified.

- I ... my name is Lucas. - Hesitating, I called myself the name of a hero from one book I read.

- Are you from the forest? - He squinted suspiciously, pulling the string more tightly.

- Yes, yes, I lost my way, a boar attacked me, see. “Without making any sudden movements, I showed him a bandaged leg, blood was soaked through the torn fabric a long time ago and dried out with a brown crust. There was a thought to stop his heart, and go quietly to the village, there surely is something to devour, but it is not known where and with what force the arrow will fly when he opens his fingers. Yes, and starting the acquaintance with the locals from killing a teenager is somehow not from the hand, they will burn at the stake, about ten or fifteen people I will do with magic, but the whole village will simply flood me.

- Sorry about that. - he said unexpectedly affably, dropping his bow and removing the arrow in the crooked self-made quiver behind his back.

- We've got someone stealing goats, so here we are with the guys and the guard. - He shrugged, noticing my dumbfounded look, I blinked and nodded intelligently.

- Yes, the goats are holy. - I muttered, trying to hide my amazement.

- I call Kiran, I'm out of that village. - He said, poking a finger in the village beyond the field.

- Yes, I already guessed. - I nodded and frowned, having forgotten stepped on a sore leg.

- Come to us, I have a mother herbalist, she will help. - He kindly shook his hand and approached me. I cautiously threw my hand over his shoulder and we hobbled across the field, pushing the ripening ears of corn.

“Where are you from?” We have deaf edges here, there are few travelers. - He spoke inquisitively, I thought frantically that I could answer this question, because I don’t know local geography, I don’t know anything at all, except that wild pigs and homeless perverts are found in the forest.

- Are you silent? Probably from afar-aaa ... - stretched out my interlocutor, without waiting for a clear answer to his questions.

- Yes, very far away. - According to I nodded, deciding to keep the conversation going.

“Where's your sword?” Or are you of these monks, that only with sticks go? - He asked inquisitively, I thought.

- No, I'm not a monk. I have a dagger, and a sword ... And the sword broke in battle. - I began to lie as confidently as possible, deciding to pretend to be a tough guy.

- Yes-ah? - The boy goggled, even stopped for a second.

“Who did you fight with?” And there were a lot of them? Did you win - Immediately, questions fell on me, I had to think again, coming up with answers ....

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