1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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from my mind, no matter how much I called, the voice did not sound in my head again.

Until the evening, I digested the information received, was able to calm down and think about everything. Remorse did not disappear, I was sorry for those people who died for the sake of increasing my strength, but at the same time I recognized the need for what had happened, because if Vladimir had not appeared, I would never have learned how to return home. I thoughtfully sat in a wicker chair, in front of me on my knees were two girls, I thoughtfully stroked the head of one of them.

- What's your name? In other matters, it does not matter, you will be Kate. You agree? - Taking myself together, I asked imperiously.

- Yes, Your Highness. - Quietly replied the girl, looking at the floor.

- Look at me when I talk to you. - Weighed her not a strong slap in the face, took her chin and made me raise a pretty face.

“And it’s not your Highness that smacks of feudalism ...” I frowned.

“As you say, your ...” She began, and stopped in alarm, waiting for the blow.

- Remember, girl, I'm a magician. Do you want to serve me? - I asked, stroking her finger on the cheek.

- Yes I want this very much. - With fear she sighed.

“Then from now on, I am lord to you.” Will you do everything I say, do you understand?

- Yes, Sir, I understood. - She quickly answered and timidly looked up at me. Well, smart got.

- And you? - I just asked the second one.

- Yes, I really want to serve you, Sir. “Chuckling,” she said, kissing my palm.

- Well and good, then you will be Vika. - I summarized, grabbing the palm and stood up.

- Tomorrow we are going to the city. Now get some water and heat the bath. - I ordered and went to the exit, an interesting idea came to my mind.

It was only beginning to get dark, I dragged a girl who had come to her senses by her hair and led her to the corpses that lay on the road in the middle of the village.

- Who is the blacksmith? - I asked the whining girl, she poked with a trembling finger into the body of a young man, who was lying at the gate of one of the houses.

- Get out, that would not leave the house. - I pushed her away from me and walked over to the blacksmith's corpse. It’s not a problem for me to raise a zombie, I managed to do it in fifteen minutes, having habitually felt that part of the reserve began to drain on the blacksmith standing nearby. I did not speak out loud, I just mentally gave him my ideas, and he rushed headlong to the forge, to realize my fantasies. I began to wander among the corpses, choosing the prettiest guy, I didn’t find such a thing right away, yet the inhabitants of the village had extremely specific faces. Raising a tall, strong guy, I endowed him with all the qualities of a first-class zombie, he stood and looked at me with perfectly intelligent eyes.

- Behave like an ordinary person, I tried very hard to leave a piece of my soul in you. - I said loudly and did not lie, I really managed to turn this trick, Xa-Aran was not there, no one grabbed the soul and did not drag it away, so I could tear off a piece, giving the zombies at least some humanity.

I called this guy Slava and made him my servant, he devotedly nodded and did not hurry to go along.

- Glory, what do you know about the city, that two weeks from your village? - I asked, heading to the house elder.

- I have been there several times when we carried grain for sale in a particularly fruitful year. - Slava nodded, thinking for a moment.

- Well. So you can find the road? - I asked.

- Five years was not, but the path here is one, do not get lost.- He shrugged his shoulders, I nodded in satisfaction and sent him to help the girls with a bath, he went into the house to have a little snack.

When it began to get dark, the bath was ready. I took Vika and Katya by the arms, started the waiting room and started to undress.

- Well, why did you get up? Get undressed. - I nodded to them, they hesitated.

- Do not force to repeat twice. - I have already said more strictly, this had an effect, and they began to throw off their ugly sundresses from their bodies. Before that, the glory ran home and brought me my razor, there was no smell of safe machines here, now I was careful to hold a small steel sheet in my hands, it was very sharp and ground to shine. Gently putting it on the window in the bath, I closed the door, took the dipper and scooped up hot water from a tub, threw it at the girls with a sweep, they screamed and immediately shut up, looking at me in fright.

- Do not be afraid of me. Now you serve me, the great magician, if you obey, I will not punish you. - I said indulgently, beckoning Vika to her, she obediently approached and stood in front of me with a downcast look on the floor, her cheeks were red, either from the heat, or from something else.

Both of them were my cohorts, maybe a little bit older, I did not ask. The figures are simply excellent, the butts are tight and round, the hips are wide, the breasts are large and fleshy with wide halos of the nipples, the faces are both pretty, that's why I chose them. This is what it means to grow in the fresh air in the village, not so much as city women from my world, most of them skinny, flat, and every third person also has gastritis. It was hot in the bathhouse; my cock stood with a stake by the sight of naked and submissive girls, they continually glanced at him, immediately turning their eyes to the side. I stretched out my hand and felt the girl's ass, squeezed her in the palm of my hand, grabbed it with both hands and squeezed, did not resist, only hid his eyes, nothing, he would soon get used to it. It was a bit dark, I began to delve into the memory and remembered a small but very interesting weaving. When I finished, the ceiling of the bath shone with a soft even light, illuminating the room as if in the afternoon. The girls gasped together, I smirked smugly, not admitting that the pattern was eating my reserve a little bit.

- That's better. Take a shower and I need to do something. - I said, slamming the girl in the ass and letting her go to her friend. I do not know, maybe they are not girlfriends, but they will surely make friends. They silently began to fill the pots and washcloths off the dirt, scooping up some liquid from a bucket in the corner with handfuls. I walked over and poked a finger at her with interest, hmm, soap, something like our liquid soap, only very thick. Having collected hot water in my basin, I took a washcloth, fertilized it abundantly with incomprehensible slurry and also began to wash, glancing at the girls from time to time. When we finished, I took the pots off the bench, completely freeing a wide bench, let down Kate's hand and made her sit down, picked up the razor and turned to her.

- I beg! Do not! I will be the most obedient servant, Sir, I implore! - She exclaimed and began to whine, tears flowed from her eyes again. Vika, too, was frightened and hid in a corner.

- Come on, stupid, do not worry, I said that I would not hurt. - I said calmly, gently brushing tears from her cheek, she froze, incredulous looking at the razor in my hands.

- Lie on your back and spread your legs. - I ordered, she hesitated, I lightly slapped her hand over her thigh, and she obediently lay down on the bench, spreading her legs in different directions, closed her eyes and stiffened.

- Come on, relax. - I mumbled, stroking her across the tummy, on which was a thin layer of fat, almost invisible, but very pleasant to the touch. I looked at the thickets between her legs, her labia was almost invisible, it's time to introduce this world to a new fashion.

“Vika, scoop up a scoop of water and carry it here.” “I told the girl that she was watching us from the corner, seeing that I was in no hurry to open Kate's Throat in the name of the dark gods, she took the ladle with alarm and scooped up the water, slowly approached me.

- Lei. - I gently patted Kate on her pussy, from which she started, Vika began to pour a thin stream of water on Kate's crotch.

- Enough.- I snapped my fingers, she pushed her hand with the bucket, and peeked at me, scooping soap from the tub.

I copiously smeared all the hair between the legs of Katy, rinsed my hands and picked up the razor again.

- Now don't move. - I strictly ordered Kate, began very carefully to shave off hairs from the edges, gradually coming to the labia. When I finished ... Read more →

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