1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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- In the woods I hit the robbers, there were two of them, while they were fighting, they broke the sword. - I told as briefly as possible, deciding not to clarify that at first they fucked me, almost torn my ass, and then I, like a psychopath, scored one with a stone, and to another I tore the guts with a stick, avenging my scored point. It, by the way, still ached, and apparently, it will be ill for a long time. In the village we were not met with bread and salt, there were almost no people on the only street, everyone was busy with their own business, from the far end of the street there was a loud roar, I suspect that a blacksmith was working there.

We approached a small one-story house in the middle of the street, strangely, I always thought that the travnitsy lived on the outskirts. Kiran helped me up the steps of the porch, and we entered the room, which immediately turned out to be the entrance hall, the kitchen and the dining room.

- Kiran. Who is it? - A middle-aged woman in a sundress and apron draped over her head came out of the house.

- Mom, this is Lucas, I met him when I went around the field. - Encouragedly rattled my new acquaintance, running up to his mother and devotedly looking into her eyes.

- Again you hung around with this stick! How many times to tell you, do not leave the village, the elder himself will figure it out! - He said irritably, weighing the guy is not a strong cuff.

- Mom, Lucas in the forest killed two thieves, and his boar patted, will you help? - Not paying attention to the execution, the guy started chattering again, unceremoniously pointing his finger at me.

- Killed? - Mom frowned eyes and stared at me.

- They themselves attacked. - I hurriedly raised my palms in a protective gesture.

“Let it be so ...” The woman muttered pensively, deftly gathering thick hair in a ponytail and throwing it behind her back.

- Kiran, bring a bucket of water from the well. - She commanded and approached me.

- I will pay. I have some money. - After thinking, I said a slightly ingratiating way, recalling the fact that in the bag I really saw a small leather pouch with rough copper roundels. There were also a couple of light but dirty ones, I didn’t immediately recognize silver in them, I was also surprised where the homeless precious metals came from, now everything fell into place.

- It's good. - The woman did not deny, unwrapping bloody rags without disgust, I clenched my teeth, trying not to scream and do not cry.

- When did it happen? - Easily touching the edges, she gazed intently at my wound.

- Yesterday afternoon. - I hoarse, closing my eyes. There was sweat on my forehead, I was shaking pain.

- You are in a fever, quickly lie down on the bench. - She commanded, pressing her palm to my forehead, I obediently sank, my head was spinning, I just managed to notice how the woman opened the chest in the corner and began to dig, putting some flasks on the floor.


The broad, roughly hewn beams on the ceiling in the wrong, quivering light, this is what I saw when I opened my eyes. I came to myself from the fact that someone carefully wiped my face with a damp cool cloth.

- What ... - Lips did not obey, I shook my head.

- Do not move. - Strictly stuck me, I looked at the woman, as I remember, the mother of the boy who helped me walk to the village.

- Where I am? - Something like, I said hoarsely.

- In my bedroom, but it does not matter. I did not think that you would end up in the morning, but you were tenacious. - Pretty woman said, rinsing a rag in a small pelvis, which was standing on a stool to the right of the bed.

- What happened? - Little by little I came to myself, I asked, leaning back on the pillow.

- Your leg, you, apparently, washed the wound, but it was not enough. I put a bandage with herbs, once woke up, then you will live. - She calmly ascertained, and patting me on the chest, left the room.

I covered my eyes, my head was spinning, and I really wanted to sleep, but you can’t do this, you need to figure out how to go back and lather the neck of a stranger who is to blame for all my troubles.

- Why do not you sleep? - Somewhere in an hour, my rescuer glanced to me.

- I do not want ... - Without opening my eyes, I whispered.

- In vain, you need to sleep. - She said with conviction, coming up and putting a cool hand to my forehead.

- I know ... What is your name? - I opened my eyes.

- What? Oh yes, I did not have time to introduce myself. Rinona.

- Beautiful name. - I smiled faintly, I muttered.

“But-but-but, even though you have a healthy member, don't even think about it.” - A woman jokingly threatened me with a finger, I froze for a second.

Your same ma-a-a-a !!! I'm completely naked under the covers, except for a tight bandage on my leg. I thought a little and did not blush. Just think, naked, so what's wrong with that?

- And why? - spitting on everything, I asked quietly.

- What "Why? - For a moment, was taken aback by Rinon, not knowingly looking at me.

- Why not think? - I asked provocatively, internally grinning.

- Because I have a husband. And son, not much younger than you. - She was not angry, but laughed, apparently the woman was used to using the attention of men.

- Well, ooo, if so ... - As if reluctantly I stretched. Slyly, of course, even if she were willing to do anything, I could do little. As for the section, it’s also some kind of analogue of a doctor in this village, and it’s not necessary to be shy in front of doctors and tailors. I sighed and the owl closed his eyes, enough to resist, apparently, here I am safe, and you can take a nap.

Little did not work out when I opened my eyes, the room was bright.

- A. Wake up? - In some inexplicable way, the woman found out that I opened my eyes, sitting back to me.

- Good morning. - I squeezed out hoarsely and coughed.

- Here, have a drink. - She powerfully handed me a massive wooden mug, I hardly took it and held it with both hands, sniffing. It smelled of herbs, something tart and elusively familiar.

- Mama! Dad has arrived! - Kiran ran into the room, noticed me and was delighted even more.

- Lucas! Are you feeling better? - he beamed.

- Better to him, better, and now go and do not bother a person to rest. - grumbling muttered woman, pushing the guy to the door.

- And you, drink everything up to the end, it will help you rather recover strength. - She turned to me and looked into her eyes sternly, I obediently brought the cup to my lips.

Nasty mysterious potion was not likely familiar and slightly sour, but not much. I drank to the bottom, as I said Rinona and again sat back on the pillow. He began to concentrate, felt his power. Despite the deplorable state of the body, my reserve was full to capacity, apparently managed to save up, while lying in oblivion. I closed my eyes and began to weave a complex pattern of threads, I already used it that night, when everything had just begun, the last time I managed to heal myself a little after beating my father, I hope this time will help. Having finished the pattern, I gradually began to imbue it with power, this is very important, in contrast to combat tangles, where power flows in easily and quickly through several points, the treatment requires uniform and careful distribution of energy, otherwise it will not work. When I finished, a wave ran through my body and I felt much better. Slowly he sat down, his head was not spinning any more, he moved his hands cautiously, stretched his neck. Yes, it’s still far from full norm, but now it’s much easier, and my leg barely hurts. I threw back the blanket and immediately sank again, completely forgot that I was lying completely naked, something needs to be done with this.

- Kiran! - I shouted, behind the door I heard a tramp and the guy's head popped into the open gap.

- Wow, you already got up? Mom said you will be lying for another week. - He whistled in surprise.

- She was a little mistaken in terms. - I smiled through force, the guy entered the room completely.

- What did you want? - Having straightened hair with a hand, he asked.

- You could not bring me my stuff? - I asked.

- Of course I can, now. - He nodded and ran out of the room, I remained to wait, not ... Read more →

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