1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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- Here you are. Mom washed, and still sewed pants. - He said, dragging me a heap of crumpled clothes, apparently the iron was not yet invented here ... I gratefully accepted his rags from him, nodded at the door, he slapped himself on the forehead and jumped out of the room.

I hurriedly pulled on my underpants and jeans, fastened my belt and threw a thin windbreaker over my naked body, I had to polish my T-shirt. Having put on my shoes, I got up on my feet, shook me slightly, but I stood up on my own two feet and walked slowly toward the door. The guy was waiting for me right after her, gave a hand and led me to the kitchen, where from the bounty of the soul he put a mountain of potatoes and a few pieces of boiled meat into my cup. I was hungry as a herd of vegetarians in a meat restaurant and therefore began to fill my belly with ecstasy, not paying attention to the complete absence of salt.

- So, where are you from? - Again, he began his questions, sitting opposite and drinking kvass from a huge mug.

- From Vladivostok. - I honestly replied, pushing the empty cup away from me and looking at the benefactor with drowsy eyes.

- Where is it? - He was surprised.

“Oh, far away ...” I said with sadness in my voice, he interpreted my tone in his own way, he chuckled understandingly and nodded his head.

- Where are you going? - After a few short moments of silence, he leaned forward again.

- But I can not say this. - I whispered mysteriously.

- Because I do not know. - Seeing his offended face, he added hastily, which caused another wave of surprise.

- Aren't you a magician? - He squinted suspiciously.

- Mag. - I nodded as honestly as possible. The guy jumped to his feet, with a roar dropping the stool and quickly ran back to the wall, looked at me with fright.

- Hey. What are you doing? - I was taken aback, he silently continued to stare at me, feverishly groping for something on his chest under his shirt. At that moment the door opened and an overweight, tall man entered the room without haste and looked at Kieran in bewilderment.

- Sonny. What's the matter? - With a booming bass, he asked without noticing me, Rinon followed.

- Mama! He is a sorcerer! - Kiran screamed, finally removing a small sack on a rope from under his shirt into the light of day. The man instantly got close, turned and took a step in my direction. His face was not kind, I just in case blocked his knees, so to speak, to avoid. Kiran waved his devilish pribluda, nothing happened, but he continued to swing his bag, as if chasing away mosquitoes from himself.

- calm down! - Rinona snapped at him, with a familiar gesture weighing off the head, the guy lost his rhythm and lowered his hands.

- And you quickly release my husband. - She turned to me, I obediently turned the patterns, the man cautiously stepped back.

- Both of you went out, I need to talk with Lucas! - Powerfully, she snapped at her household, and they rushed headlong to the door. I sat and looked puzzled from a woman at the door closed.

- So you are with us, it means with magical powers. - She said thoughtfully, sitting at the table opposite, I nodded.

- It explains everything. That's why you got up so fast. Do not pay attention to mine, they grew up in this village, they never even saw the real magicians, tell all their tales to each other, each time the magicians in them get worse. She waved her hand at the door and looked at me searchingly.

- Um ... I see ... - Not finding the words, I squeezed out.

- It's good. You need to leave right now.I won’t take money from you, so be it, but the people in the village will not be friendly to you. - She said, pulling out from under the bench my bag.

- Uh ... I ... - I moaned, not keeping up with her impetuous thinking.

- Do not mumble, and take your little things and piss off, until the headman gathered the people and didn’t come to burn you, I suppose Kiran is already half of the village disheveled. - she grumbled discontentedly.

- Where should I go? - Finally, I realized, looking at how she quickly puts some bundles in my bag.

- Decide for yourself, but I would advise you to go to the city, there are magic schools, and the main school is in the capital. - She shrugged her shoulders.

- How do you know that? - It goes without me.

- I graduated from this school. Don't even ask if circumstances have driven me into the wilderness, and the rest does not concern you. - She said, threw me a heavy bag and pushed out the door, advising to quickly carry away the legs.

What is wrong with me? In all the books with a similar plot, which I managed to read, the heroes come to save the world, they are given money, a bunch of guides and comrades, enchanted mail and a magic sword. What am I? I barely twisted my neck until I rolled on the ground, then they beat me, then fucked me, then I was beaten again, then I almost died of fever, but now I’m delirious along the highway, sweating with a heavy bag on a hump, what’s wrong with me? I stopped and took a breath. From the village I walked away already far, I am walking not for the first hour. There is no sound behind, dust on the horizon does not rise, so the guys did not jump on their arable stallions and did not chase after the terrible sorcerer, and that bread. I sat on the side of the dusty path, the sun stood at the zenith and implacably burned my head. When I put on the hood of my windbreaker, it becomes hot and hard to breathe, there is no umbrella, so you have to endure while drinking water from a flask.

Suddenly it dawned on me, Rinon slammed my head into my own fears, from which I forgot that I could kill this whole village with five huts for three families. For a moment I hesitated, the woman was kind to me, healed, fed, somehow it would not be good to pay her back for good. Once again I looked at the dusty path stretching into the distance, spat and rose resolutely. I will tell her not to interfere, if she obeys, I will not touch, if not, her problems. I walked back, making plans, how to curb the temper of the villagers without any unnecessary sacrifices and get everything desired. While walking, he inflamed himself more and more, as a result, he came back to the village in full combat readiness.

- Warlock !! - Some woman screamed as soon as I stepped on the street. People started to run up from all sides, they had pitchforks, scythes, sickles in their hands, someone had chains and someone had ordinary sticks.

- Bay sorcerer! - Without superfluous forewords, someone from strong men screamed and a wave of people moved on me.

I focused and began one by one to stop the hearts of the men, who were running briskly in front, they fell to the ground, forcing those who were walking behind to stumble and fall. There was a noise, a howl, a screech, someone unsuccessfully ran into his own pitchfork, people hesitated and recoiled, leaving a couple of dozen corpses on the ground. The spell used very little energy, so the reserve was still almost full.

- What are you doing?! - Rinona heard the cracked cry, she jumped forward, staring in horror at the corpses broken by kula lying on the dusty road.

- I do what I want. Nobody said that I was from kind characters. - Brazenly grinned, she threw her eyes to me, moisture glittered in them, I suddenly realized that one of the dead was her husband, he was lying in the dust. The woman howled in a cracked voice and fell on her knees in front of her husband's body, I felt a little ashamed, but I quickly pulled myself together, because only the strongest survive.

Suddenly, Rinona jumped to her feet and stood in some unfamiliar stance. I was perplexedly watching her concentrate her hands in the air in front of her with her hands, when suddenly I felt someone's strength, someone else’s, not like mine, she came from a woman and did not promise anything good.Not inventing anything better, I quickly paralyzed her hands, between which a clot of fire from pure energy was already growing from a spark. Everything happened in a matter of seconds, the surviving residents did not even have time to scatter. The ball of fire in Rinona’s arms grew, I saw her trying to hurl him at me, but her hands would not obey. So he reached her palms, the edges of the sundress flared, the woman screamed in pain and the skin on her palms began to bubble and burst. An explosion thundered, the charred body flew off a dozen steps back and collapsed onto the roof ... Read more →

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