1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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The night fell on the city, I spent the whole evening in the restaurant, watching people and slowly sipping aromatic, moderately strong wine. I sent Vladimir to take a walk, I want to be in silence for a while, without an annoying, constantly dissatisfied spirit. In the hall stood a quiet, measured murmur, towards the evening most of the tables were filled and now I am surrounded by couples and small companies from all sides. Everyone is so calm, quiet, they discuss topical issues among themselves and nobody cares about the guy who came from another world. The glass, for the umpteenth time, showed the bottom, I set it aside, that's enough, I need to know when I get drunk, get too self-confident and a little violent. A pacifying warmth spreads through the body in waves, and the brains finally fell into place. I needed this quiet evening of thoughts, for once I was able to be alone with myself, reflect on the situation and look at the whole picture, so to speak, from a bird's-eye view.

In my heart I did not pleasantly scratch, I did not immediately realize that it was Veres who was trying to contact me by intercom.

- What? - I asked mentally, with obvious discontent in my voice. A dark room appeared before my eyes, the light was not lit and in the dark, Katya stole around looking, stealing. So-so-so, this is already interesting ... She went to my bag, lonely thrown on the floor in the living room and began to rummage in it, I frowned, I did not like this picture, it does not look like she decided to get my dirty laundry socks. So it is, the girl threw my things on the floor, threw the bag over her shoulder and hurriedly walked away from the room, the zombie quietly watching her from the corridor did not move, and she did not notice it in the dark. Ah, here's how to be here? After all, I just decided to behave adequately and appropriately, I would like to return home, but I will stay in this world for a long time, well, she herself is to blame.

- Go next, make sure that she moves away from the house, and then roll her neck, pin her body, but you can not bother with it. - With a heavy heart, he gave the order to Veres, he slid silently behind him, this nasty little girl did not even bother to close the door behind him.

I sighed, poured the rest of the wine into a glass, drank it in one gulp and got up from my chair, it’s time to go home. The night city was strikingly different from its daytime hypostasis. I walked along the cooled stones of the pavement and looked at the streets. Lanterns burned everywhere, such thin pillars with balls shining on the tops, magic was good, no wires to you. The open doors of taverns and restaurants were shining with doorways, I was full and I was a little sad. To be honest with myself, I expected that Katya would think and accept my generous offer, over time we will establish relations and everything will be very good. As it turned out, human stupidity and greed are invincible, decided to steal from me? So let the citizens find her dead body in the morning, there is no desire to torture her or to torture her desire, nothing at all, just to get to the bed and fall on the bed. I lifted my head up and smiled, noting the scattering of unfamiliar, but such beautiful constellations. At home, in his hometown, the stars in the sky is not visible. Only one shines dimly in the sky, and even then, very rarely and only in clear weather.

I found the cart quickly, in the center of the city they are not uncommon at night, a thin boy without any questions asked took the coins and took me straight to the gate, God bless the taxi drivers.When I approached the porch, the door was already closed, but not locked. At the entrance, Starukés stood with a stone idol, in his hand he held my bag, it means everything was already over, I won’t even know where and how.

- Well done. Take this to the bedroom. - I nodded wearily, clicking the fingers forcing the balls under the ceiling to light up. A gesture of art, calculated on the audience, some posturing is not alien to all of us. I went into the living room, sat down on the sofa and pulled off my boots, carefully put them on the armrest and thought. I was tired, I drank a little, spent a day full of events, but I still couldn’t get ready to come into my arms, did I read a book? Suddenly, I remembered Vika, locked in a room with a fireplace, I wonder how she is there? Quietly, trying not to scrape my feet on the floor, I went to the door and listened. Silence, is he really sleeping? Not at all, I heard a quiet sob, muffled by thick door panels. Rolling my eyes to the ceiling, I pulled the steel bolt and opened the door, the light falling into the doorway lit a naked girl sitting on the chair, she pressed her legs to her stomach, hugged her knees with her hands and cried.

- Well? Have you thought about everything? - Strict, with a deeply concealed mockery, I asked in a voice, turning on the light, she recoiled and covered her eyes with her hand.

- Yes! Sir! I beg th-th-th-th ... - She howled, jumping off the chair and humiliatedly throwing herself at my feet.

- Even so? But what about the warlike spirit of the irreconcilable valkyries? - With a grin, I stretched out, pushing with bare feet her arms outstretched towards me.

- I ... I am more ... I will not-oo-oo-oh ... - Already in a hysterics she wailed, choking on snot and tears, I winced disgust and went forward, aiming at the chair. I was shuddered, whitish spots on the back, brown streaks on the seat, well, and disgusting, who even allowed her to pile up her torn ass on my chair? Having extinguished the incipient irritation, I turned to the girl, who was obstinately sprawled on the carpet, and looked at her, how nice it is to feel that someone's life depends on your decisions and desires.

- Stop howl, shut up. - Strictly I said, she immediately stopped crying, vigorously holding back tears and rushing outward moaning.

“Today you tried to kill me, I must finish you off, but I drank a little and became overly merciful. - Hicking lightly, I began my measured speech.

- I am starting all over again, in a new city and in general, in a new world, and on the occasion of this significant date, I give you the first and last amnesty in your life. - In her tear-stained eyes flashed a shadow of misunderstanding.

- I forgive you. - Rolling my eyes to the ceiling, I explained in a simple way, her face cleared a little, but still remained mournful and frightened.

- And anyway, nothing would have happened to you, because I am immortal. - I casually added, as if by chance, the surprise in her eyes grew into amazement, now she stared at me not just with fear, but with awe.

- Yes, yes, what did you think? I am a great magician, flew from the sun on a fallen star. “My brain-crazed brain in itself generated ideas, one more beautiful than the other, the girl's eyes grew in diameter from my revelations.

“And you, you are the only one from your village, who is still breathing, so I give you life and the great honor to serve such a magnificent and wonderful to me.” - I summed up the smug self and slightly kissed my shoulders, looking down at the thoroughly stunned girl.

- Well? Why are you sitting? Well, get up vividly and go clean up. - I frowned, she jumped up and on bending legs she froze in front of me, her chest slightly swelled for the past time, swaying enticingly, and asking for hands.

“Sir ... I ...” In disbelief of her own ears, she muttered, not knowing where to hide her eyes.

- Shut up, just do what I say, and maybe, just maybe, I will let you speak for yourself. - I said majestically, slapping on the elastic ass forcing her out of the room. And why did I do it? I do not know myself, you can not even ask.The randomness of my mood and spontaneity in decision-making had not been the norm before, but, apparently, the events that had happened had somehow affected me. It is only in my words that I am a strong and powerful magician, but in reality I am a little sad, sad and scary, because I have no idea what I will do next.

Vika got her lesson, now in her head should not be settled seditious thoughts about the murder of my beloved. Yes, stupid and unreasonable, but, I so want, and sometimes this is quite enough. I walked barefoot around the house, more closely studying the layout and decoration, my main attention attracted the basement ....

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