1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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relaxed and limp on me, yet people are lustful animals. Turning my hand out, I took the bucket, scooped up some water and began to pour on her head, more, and more, she pulled away slightly to make it easier for me.

- You were born and raised in the village, and you don’t know much. I can show you a new world for you. - I said gently and quietly, stroking her back.

- Thank you, Mr. - She whispered quietly, not daring to turn around.

- I am indebted to you, and now I realized this, therefore, do not be afraid of me. You understood me? - I tried to speak quietly and calmly so that my voice inspired confidence. She was aroused and slightly relaxed, the atmosphere had, you need to use it.

“Yes, I understood you ... Sir ...” She said quietly, almost whispering, and turned round timidly.

I looked into her pretty face, my hair was wet and now stuck to my head, green eyes looked at me with an indescribable range of feelings. There were fear, pain, wariness, and at the same time fatigue and prayer, there was a lot of water on my cheeks, but I could see the tears.

- Hush, do not cry ... - I said, touching her cheek with his hand. She is older than me by a couple of years, and I treat her as if I’m already forty years old, funny.

Having scooped up a handful of slurry from the gutter, I began to smear it over her thick hair, put my fingers into this matted tangle. I washed her head like a little girl, now and then stroking her chest or stomach, I poured the ladle on top, and I myself thought about what kind of badass I was. A couple of weeks ago, I killed her relatives, everyone she knew, and now I sit and paw, stroking his swollen snatch every now and then. And why? Yes, because I can, by right of the strong, and these echoes of conscience need to be pushed deeper into the ass, so as not to spoil the mood. I washed off all her muzzle, unraveled the hair, which was crumpled up into a koltun, straightened them on the shoulders and hugged, holding me tightly to me. Somewhere I read that with the embrace of women some kind of hormone is produced that causes confidence, it would be the way.

Why did I get so soft and fluffy? Why mess with a girl instead of just pressing her against a wall and properly fucking? Because unreasonable violence is enough, it is fun, but it quickly bothers, from now on I will try to behave quietly, calmly and as graciously as possible, because this is how really strong people behave. This weakling will run around the yard, humiliating and beating up those who are weaker than him, and when someone gets stronger, hold tail and prick into a corner, I don’t want to be like this, apparently I still have something not quite rotten. .. I stayed like this for almost an hour, it is probably late at night in the yard, it became a bit sleepy. Getting out of the bath, I gave a hand to the girl, she timidly leaned on her and got out after her. Throwing three stones in a bucket, I created four strands, one weak and three stronger. The water began to arrive, while heating up at the same time, I tilted the bucket and began to water the girl as if from a shower; she was understandingly rinsing the body with her hands. I rinsed myself, slapped to the door, it opened and Veres helpfully handed me a few towels.

Wiping myself, I wrapped one around the hips, the second one, which was bigger, stretched to Mira, she hastily wrapped herself in it, covering her chest and legs to the knees, I did not mind. I walked in front, the girl minced from behind, passing by a huge vat, I noted that a third of the water had disappeared from it, my guess was right.

- I hope you understand everything? - Turning around on the stairs, I asked Mira, she nodded silently, now her eyes were not frightened, but sad. Without answering, I walked down the hall, upstairs to the bed. Veres had already laid a fresh bedclothes, I threw a towel from my hips and dived under the blanket, beckoned my finger, which was hushed at the edge of the bed, to Mira. She reluctantly removed the towel, appeared before me washed, clean, flushed, but I didn’t want anything, tiredness took her own. Having pressed the girl to me with my back, I hugged her around the waist and lowered my head on the pillow, my eyelids were filled with lead, and with the last effort I put out the magic lamp, plunging the room into darkness.


- Wake up and sing! - I heard the loud and cheerful voice of Vladimir in my head, I slowly opened my eyes.

- What do you need so early? - I thought with displeasure, suppressing the desire to move, Mira peacefully slept on my hand, hugging me in a dream.

- Yes, behold, I admire and I can not stop looking at your stupidity. - with a moronic joy in the voice told me the spirit, I frowned sleepily, trying to understand what he was talking about.

- What are you talking about? - Before I wake up to the end, I thought a little slow.

- I have to ask this. What kind of game is lying next to you, leaning against your bare ass? - Vladimir curious asked, I rolled my eyes in disappointment.

- You do not roll your eyes. Why did I leave you yesterday? That's right, so that you can calmly sweat and relax a little, and instead you start creating some kind of incomprehensible garbage. What's the matter? - He spoke indignantly.

- So, slow down. I thought about everything yesterday and made an important decision for myself. I don't need your quirks and quirks. - How can I firmly thought.

- Yes? And who saved you when she wanted to put you on a feather? - With a clear accent, Vladimir was indignant, and where did he just find him?

- In your head and found, there is so much garbage in the long-term memory ... - He disapprovingly stretched.

- Well, Duc, we live in the age of information technology, what did you want? - Mentally I shrugged.

- Nowadays, there was no such shit. - Inspectingly told me Vladimir.

- Yes, yes, you still say that Stalin is not on us. - I chuckled.

- And here and there, and very much in vain. You are with the topic do not move, what the fuck do you get up a bald? Mind you, I will not save you anymore if she kills you or poison you, your problems.

- And how you will. - I calmly summarized.

- This is with some such joy, then?

“And if I die, they'll throw you back to Xa-Aran, to Hell, and you don’t want to go there, so don’t bounce and fuck up.” - I thought with a grin.

“Oh, you, as you said, since when have we become so fucking?”

- And from these most. You pidrila inflated, took advantage of my shocked state after moving into this world, and nahuvertil affairs, and then I dream of the corpses at night. - I also began to resent me.

- But-but-but, you throw it, you did everything yourself, I only gave advice and added a bit of drive! - sharply objected Vladimir.

- Yeah, of course, tell someone else. Now I’m in our main duet, if you don’t like something, you can fucking playfully, I'll give a kick and spit in the back.

- And why in the back? - Taken aback, asked the spirit.

- And for better lubrication, so that no soap in the ass. - I laughed.

- Yes, you go ... I didn’t force anyone, you did it yourself ... - Vladimir muttered, having taken offense, muttered.

- I didn’t do it myself, but podzavali eblet, now I'm here dad. - Strictly I said.

- Well, do what you want, just remember, limp rags do not live for a long time, especially here. - he said ominously and shut up. I was delighted with such an easy victory, apparently not only Vladimir influences me, but I affect him. During these two weeks he has changed a lot, and I noticed that. Even though I drank yesterday, I made the right decision, I’ll give the girl a chance and don’t offend and mock in vain, can understand everything and have some warmth and comfort in my house, and if not, Volodya will insure that he’s not there . Strangely enough, there was no hangover, I lifted my head and looked out the window, the sun was just rising in the sky, its first rays shyly looked through the glass and lit the opposite wall, not falling on the bed yet.

I didn’t want to wake up Mira, and so in those two weeks I didn’t sleep very much, working as my seed receiver, yes, I fucked this girl notably ... If you want, you don’t want to, but you have to get up, today at noon, my main point is to enter the local Academy. I carefully got out of the girl's embrace and, without waking her ... Read more →

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