1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

Page: 8 of 8

from it a coarse semblance of a flask, the volume took more, let it be better with a reserve, so more reliable.

Following my instructions, Horial brought Dogpis, and he brought Pline. I specifically asked that before sending the healer put her into a state of unconsciousness, you should not be nervous once again. He forbade her to take her with her for the same reason, Buroch's loyalty is important to me, he should not know exactly how his sister will recover from her illness, the reaction may be too unpredictable.

- So, put it here. - Pointing to the grass in front of me, I told Dogpis and the Master Healer carefully laid the fragile body of the girl at my feet.

“Eve, prepare the people for the ritual, cut them all down and untie them.” - I nodded at the people from the village, and they scared when they heard my words, several girls lost consciousness themselves, not waiting for my Minister to put them on the back of the head with their hands. While from the side I heard the sounds of blows and torn to shreds fabric, I knelt down in front of Plina and looked at her face. With his finger he removed the chestnut strand from his cheek, ran his hand along the bare neck, running it under the dress. A soft warm chest in my palm rises to the beat of breathing, I feel how calm my heart beats, now it does not hurt, so be it. I wove the pattern, activated it and the girl's heart stopped, breathing stopped, death came quickly and painlessly, the soul moved timidly, leaving the receptacle more unfit for it. I was already waiting for this, grabbed the soul of Plane, entirely. Earlier, kidnapping the souls of the dead, I took away only the most valuable part for Xa-Arana, the energy component that a demon can use as a battery. Now everything is different, I captured the soul of this girl entirely, did not miss a single part of it, preserving the personality, memories and feelings, quickly put it in the prepared tank and set it aside.

Now in front of me lies a dead body, a soulless and lifeless piece of meat just a few moments ago, a former man. This is exactly what I already know how to work with. Do not hesitate, confidently tore the dress of the girl, bared her breast, for a moment he looked at the nipples and, creating a monomolecular thread, drew a line from neck to navel. From the incision droplets of blood appeared, the heart is no longer beating, but it has not even begun to curl up, still warm. Overcoming disgust, put his hands in the cut and spread the parts to the sides not paying attention to the crackling of the ribs. Well, disgusting, how disgusting her lungs look, corroded by the disgust she had to inhale. Something like a smoker's lungs from posters in clinics, only much worse. In some places where there was a lot of harmful substance, not only did the alveoli darken and bleed, they also lost their structure, becoming more like jelly. I winced and, exhaling, began to tear these mutilated lungs out of my body, scrub all this filth with my hands, disdainfully dismissing it aside and tried to restrain the gagging urges. I am a Necromancer, I should not react like that, but still, just disgustingly incredible. Finally, after completing this work, I pulled off energy gloves from my hands and, carelessly closing Pline’s broken chest, activated the weaving of the regeneration of dead flesh.

This pattern requires a lot of energy, but it is efficient and effective. The strength left me, and the sternum grew together, the seam grew over, and soon there was not even a scar under the layer of blood.This is not the end, the energy is still going into weaving, new lungs are rapidly growing inside the body, I prudently turned Planean upside down, her mouth opened and dark brown mucus with black patches dripped from it. So, all the excess goes, nothing remains, a bit more and the body will be completely clean, it is not so important for a zombie, but I was going to make of it not a zombie at all. It took about ten minutes, even though I poured power very generously, it takes time to fully regenerate the lungs, and when the weaving stopped eating energy, I exhaled quite and, tearing the remnants of clothes off my exhausted body, I transferred it to the bathroom and laid it on the bottom.

- Drag the first. - Trying not to pay attention to my pants, which I still managed to izgvazdat in muck that flowed from the girl's mouth, beckoned to Eve. The attendant brought the first guy, I created an energy cable and, twisting his legs around them, lifted the first victim over the bathtub with Plaina lying on its bottom. A sharp blow with an energy blade and the guy's head flies to the side, hot, foaming blood poured abundantly on Plain, pouring scarlet on her chest, stomach, flowing on the shaggy pubis.

The blood smells simply stupefying, the smell hits the nostrils and awakens some strange, primitive feeling of joy. An invisible hand in the chest of a guy with a force squeezes his heart, once again, the blood rushes out of the neck with pushes, a stinging and dark venous mingled with a liquid and light arterial. Together with her, life itself pours on the dead body of the girl, I direct the energy flow of the agonizing soul, do not let it leave the dead body, squeeze the force, make it go out with blood. Weaving on the bath works like a clock, the concentrator does not allow the force to dissipate, keeps the energy clot around the girl’s naked body. This is not enough, not enough, throwing the body squeezed to the side, Eve has already brought the following. This time, the girl, also young and strong, makes such good healthy children, but now I only need her life. The head hits the side of the bath and rolls away to the side, the body is shaken, the chest has broken out from under the dress, but it doesn’t distract me, I concentrate on squeezing it like a lemon, more, every single drop, leaving in the decapitated body only crippled soul remains which can no longer go away and is doomed to stay here for a very long time. One victim after another, I methodically filled the bath with blood, watching how Plane's body was hiding in her little by little. Already the blood has closed over her head, but the girl's body does not emerge contrary to all the rules, lies at the bottom like a stone and it is already permeated by the life force of two dozen people sacrificed.

There are eight, six guys and two girls left, left them for last. The guys gave their lives and energy, their bodies flew off into a common heap and I picked up the reservoir with the soul of Plinje from the earth. Here it is, the moment of truth, in theory everything should turn out, but what will happen in practice? There is no possibility to put the soul into place, the insane amount of energy in the bath does not allow any manipulations with the girl’s body, just throwing the ephemeral substance into the bubbling as if it boils, blood, the soul will find the way, everything will fall into place, you only need to finish the ritual, to bring the amount of energy to the required minimum. The penultimate girl rises above the bathroom, which is almost full to the brim, she started to recover from the jolt, painfully opened her eyes, blinked, met my gaze and the world turned over for her again, it was her head that left the body and, spinning, flew to the side. The blood, how much of it is there, squeezing, more, more, give me everything, the last drop falls into the bath and I feel a monstrous surge of power, it boils and bubbles while looking for a way out, but the hub is made securely, not a single error in weaving, this force has nowhere to go except to fill in the body of Plyna, to help the soul to return to its place and find life. A wave came over the newly calmed surface, Plina sat up abruptly, her mouth wide open and inhaled convulsively, blood running down her face and hair.The incredible relief and jubilation in my soul united, I almost let go of the last victim's body from grasp, threw unnecessary raw materials into a pile of waste in time and hurriedly waved Dogpis. The healer ran up to the bath, put his hand on Plane's head and she calmed down, nearly fell back into the bath, but Dogpis held her in and drained herself out of the blood, carefully took the girl out of the blood tank.

I walked away tiredly and collapsed weakly on the ground and closed my eyes. People like to say that human life is priceless, it is a delusion, it just costs very much. To resurrect one, I had to use twenty-nine others, almost one hundred and fifty liters of blood, my calculations turned out to be very accurate, the error is minimal. Laughing, I raised myself on my elbow and looked at Eve watching me, the Servant came up and sat down on the grass beside me, looked inquiringly into my eyes.

- And she is lucky ,. - Grinning wearily, I nodded at the unconscious girl, the only one left.

- Kill her? - Eva shrugged.

“I myself, bring her here.” - I shook my head and waited for Eve to drag the prisoner. Forces left almost no matter what, I gave everything to the fullest, the drive is also empty, so the stock is useful. Light weaving, the heart of pyshechka shrinks for the last time, and I already fell to her puffy lips in a farewell kiss, greedily drawing in the dark force of the blowout at the moment of death, the reserve immediately filled to half, the fatigue recedes, I must go.


Bathing went to the benefit of Plaine, she not only came to life, but also fully recovered. I got a little better, these horrible dark circles disappeared under my eyes, even my hair became saturated and full of shade, what to speak about the figure and chest, I managed to evaluate them while we washed the girl from the blood in my pool before returning her brother. Yes, at first Bruoh tore the metal, Dogpis with Horial took the girl without explaining anything and leaving him in the dark, but now the former centurion tenderly holds her sleeping sister by the hand and tears of happiness roll down the warrior's cheeks. I stand in the corner of the room, modest and inconspicuous, thinking about the subjectivity of the concepts of good and evil. I am trying to find in myself a feeling of remorse or torment, but to no avail. I have already got used to kill, for me it is not a problem, and thirty lives are not a very big price for the joy and immense gratitude of a person who will be very useful to me in the future. You have to pay for everything, but I am a necromancer, which means that this does not apply to me, others will pay for me, and let everyone say that this is unfair, I have my own justice. With these thoughts, I grinned, Dogpis looked at my face carefully and looked away, I noticed how his hand nervously twitched, was it really that impressionable?

- How can I thank you ?! Dispose of me! My life now belongs to you! - Turning sharply, Bruoh rushed to his knees.

“I'm glad I could help you, Bruoch, please stand up.” - I generously and patronically declared, raising the warrior to his feet, he devotedly stared into my eyes, ready to die or kill, I secretly rejoiced that I could achieve such an effect without the gift of Xa-Aran.

- Today, the girl will sleep, and tomorrow morning she will wake up and be completely healthy. Stay with her for a couple of weeks, get things done at home, I'll leave you your first monthly salary for this purpose. - Soothingly stroking the soldier on the shoulders, I said, and he nodded, expressing warm gratitude. We said goodbye quickly, Bruoh didn’t see us off, he couldn’t get away from his sister’s bed, he all sat on the floor and stroked her palm in disbelief.

We returned to the camp three of us, Eve remained at the sacrifice site burying the corpses, I had neither the strength nor the desire to pretend to be an excavator. I forbade her to touch the bath, put a bunch of extra weaves on the artifact, preventing the blood from spoiling and collapsing, she gave not all of her strength, something that still remains and can be useful, too valuable is the resource to just throw away the remnants. We were late for dinner, dinner was to start very soon, Horial and I did not have time to sit by the fire, as the baron stopped, listened only to the signal heard and led his hand, opening the portal.I blinked in surprise, Kuglar stepped out of the transition, stared into my eyes in anguish, and collapsed with his face into the foliage.

  • March 3, 2018 22:17



    • Rating: 3
  • Dawinchi (a guest)
    March 4, 2018 6:56

    Above all praise! Just super style writing.


    • Rating: 2
  • March 4, 2018 10:23

    Very glad you liked it.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 31, 2018 23:37

    I may be stupid, or I misunderstand you, in general, please explain why you connected the ending with mercenaries? Kuglar is after all one of the engineers, Misha ordered him to find the master artifactor, all that. Nothing illegal or dangerous, and the effect of an amulet would hardly have had such an impact on that.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 7, 2018 19:37

    Hello, dear author. If it doesn’t bother you much, could you contact me on the subject of paid chapters.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 12, 2018 14:16

    Everything is just fine. True, the ritual this time personally did not impress me very much. Here, of course, the taste and color, but the creation of a ghost guard for the house I went much more. But this is personal, if you take in general, everything turned out pretty cool. Waiting for the continuation.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 14, 2018 16:18

    We look forward to continue)


    • Rating: 1
  • March 20, 2018 16:15

    author, write, please, at least an approximate timeline for the continuation.
    (c) your ardent, tolerant fan who didn't miss a single chapter


    • Rating: 1
  • March 20, 2018 16:45

    Oh, I can not say anything about the timing. Now busy, two coursework and diploma hang.


    • Rating: 0
  • MetalDoctor666 (a guest)
    March 26, 2018 0:59

    I join previous commenting. The story is addictive. We are waiting for the continuation. And no please happys. Evil must win. The devil must triumph)


    • Rating: 0
  • April 8, 2018 23:53

    There are different opinions) you need a happy ending, preferably with the painful death of GG. Well, or if you want to destroy the demo and he himself will get drunk, 0c0knowing the che00 nakuralesil)


    • Rating: 0
  • April 8, 2018 23:56

    Come on, normal yy. Not all the same about the noble light knights galloping on a white horse on a rainbow to write.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 9, 2018 23:13

    c0glasen) and antiger0 n0rmalny) n0 I didn’t write. V0n just above t0varisch wrote "no happyp0v." I decided to give ch0, not all of them are together) to put it, so to speak, and one ounce of silver to another bowl, weight 0v. By the same happy event in such an event, it seems to me, it can look d0 in 00 insane0. And so k0nechn0 on all things vot autor.
    P.S.Srri for zeros, he is furious.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 26, 2018 22:40

    I think you can put it in one word - Zhdun)))))


    • Rating: 0

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