1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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- Listen, Baron, come on you, huh? - Having made a simpler face, I stretched out my palm to me, having recovered from yesterday's news of my new salary, the boy calmed down and fussiness and slight nervousness disappeared from his behavior, which made him even more like it.

- With joy. - Without delaying, Kuglar shook my hand, and the guy's grip was necessary, or I lost the habit of pressing my hands for people ...

“I understand who you are talking about.” And yes, for the future, Eve is not joking, if she says that she will kill, then it will do so. She is my bodyguard, and she takes her duties very seriously. - Conspicuously lowered my voice, I said a little jokingly, Kuglar snickered and nodded, they say, I will have in mind.

- And what did he want? You do not know? - Pulling out the lighter from my breast pocket and grabbing the ember from the fire, I smoked.

- Fadron? I do not know, but he looked gloomy. - The guy shrugged, looking at the smoldering cigarette in my fingers, looked at the red pack, which I was about to put in my pocket.

- Do you smoke? - Noticing his interested look, I shook the pack invitingly.

- Oh no, no, that you. - Immediately he shook his head and laughed.

- Then, it's OK. If we didn’t talk with Fadron yesterday, I’ll talk today, but this later. - Having made another puff and letting up a stream of smoke, I chewed on my lips, thought for a second.

- Did you work in the artel for a long time? - After a short silence, I asked the patiently waiting guy.

- Not really, with half a year only. - Kuglar admitted a little reluctantly.

- That's how it is ... By the way, how old are you? - As if by chance I specified.

“Twenty-three last month.” - He calmly shrugged that questioner and looked into my eyes, saying “problems?”. I smiled, noticing such a reaction, I understand him perfectly, I myself have lately encountered a similar problem, the surrounding people are too frivolous to those who are young.

- Do not worry, I myself am not an old man with a beard, as you see. - I laughed and, holding out my hand, familiarly patted the guy who relaxed at my words on the shoulder.

- What am I interested in? Do you have a lot of connections among artisans in Esvona?

- Not really, but there is, and what is needed? - Interestedly clutched fingers in the castle guy.

- I need an artifactor, I want to equip the future house, but without the participation of Sadros, can you advise a good specialist? Products need special, so to speak, individual order. - Picking up the words, I designed the idea.

- I can ... There is one craftsman, almost does not cooperate with the artel, he asks for too much work. - After thinking and going over the options in my head, Kuglar said.

- Greedy? Or such a good master? - I raised my eyebrow a little skeptically.

- Second, and it is the Master Artifactor, he has an Academic diploma, and therefore takes a lot. He works more directly with rich nobles, but he has met a couple of times. - Admitted boy.

- That's good. So, now you will go through a teleport to Eswon, do not enter the guild, try not to shine before your friends, the less people know that you are in the city, the better. Find this Master and arrange a meeting for us, hint that I want to make a big order and I will pay very well. Don't say anything superfluous yet, who and where is not his business, if he is interested, he will know when we will agree. - I was revived, the Master is good, as far as I understood, it is a step below the Master, and the Masters sit on the Council.

- Well, I will do it, only ... - the guy nodded and hesitated.

- Oh, yes, I forgot. You'll take your four hundred gold from Horial, he will just ship you, you will receive fifty at the end of the month as a salary. - Having correctly understood his hitch, I nodded and Kuglar immediately brightened his face, quickly rose to his feet, and, waiting for my supportive nod, ran off without saying goodbye to look for the former Magister Horial.

There was no desire to step towards the workers, I don’t think that they managed to do something particularly impressive in the evening and morning, even if they were working. Instead of checking construction, I went to check on my warlike captive. Rockylda sat under her tree, leaning her back against the trunk and thinking about something with a sad face. I approached a little to the side and, noticing her thoughtful state, grinned and took off. Small platforms of materialized energy under the soles of the boots lifted me ten centimeters above the ground, just enough not to rustle last year’s foliage, which made it possible to approach absolutely silently.

- What are we thinking about? Escape is plotting? - I fun barked at the princess above his head when flew closer. Rockylda, at the sound of my voice, jerked with her whole body, looked around in fright, and, noticing me, immediately made a calm face, trying to hide the fear that flashed in my soul. I would never tell her that I can sense emotions and feelings, especially those that taste sweet, it is very funny to watch her attempts to save a little face.

- How should I address you? - And without thinking of rising to my feet, Rockkind asked very restraint without looking at me.

- Lucas call me. - He just shrugged his shoulders and, dropping to his feet, carelessly crouched beside him, having previously dressed in defense, well, she seemed to be calm, and then, like a bitch, he would tug at him sharp.

- Lucas? And the title? And the title? - Overcoming a keen desire to crawl away, the princess did not stir, I envied her endurance.

- The title? I do not have the title, and the title is not, did not come up with yet, so just Lucas. - I frivolously waved my hand away, my mood and tone were very complacent, but the princess was no longer deceived, she sat side by side tense like a string, and only the realization that it was meaningless and only provoked me kept trying to distance herself

- Really the authorities did not deign a title or even a title for your work? - Knocking finger on his collar, Rockked asked, she smelled a wave of anger, but apparently it did not affect.

- Oh, yes, you think that I am running errands for your peasants from magic. Well then, yes, here they are ungrateful, long? - I grinned and the girl fell silent, staring me with a stern look.

- I came to talk with you about our conversation yesterday, and mind you, girl, I came for the last time to talk. - I said in a changed tone and looked into her eyes too, making my eyes hard and piercing, Rockkinda started and blinked, looked away.

- I don't want to die. - Turning away, the princess quietly uttered and in her voice there was so much melancholy and pain that I almost grumbled quite, eagerly grabbing these emotions of hers.

- Did I ask what you want? Something I do not remember this. - Picture having lifted a finger to a chin and having slightly inclined a head, I thoughtfully stretched and added in a voice of an anticipation, very ominous anticipation.

- What do you want to hear from me ?! - Sharply turning back, screamed Rockyld hysterically, evil tears ran down her cheeks, which she could not hold back.

- I want to know whether you will be a good girl, or should I not bother with you and immediately give the peasants? - Strengthening my own armor movement, I darted forward smoothly and very swiftly, put Rokilda on my back and hung over her so that we almost touched our noses. The princess convulsively pressed herself into the foliage, her palms pressed against my chest with all their might, but now the armor is fixed not on my body but in space, and you can't move the tank. With a little panting, the beautiful bit her lip and looked into my eyes, which were very close now, numbly frightened.Yes, I have long wanted such a thing to turn such a thing, and after the talk of Xa-Aran about the initial process, I understood how to do it. My eyes darkened, became impenetrable black, frightening and fascinating. I saw this in some TV series at home, there is no television here, so the focus is unknown to the aborigines and very effective, because Rokilda swallowed nervously, and her heart was pounding, even stopped jostling Read more →

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