1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

Page: 6 of 8

If the metal starts to break down, it is very toxic. - As a young child, the Master explained the situation very slowly and thoroughly.

- So what? Why can't you help? You can even grow bones. - I frowned, looked at the magician with displeasure.

- Excuse me, your grace, but this is completely different. My magic, and indeed any other healer, is based on the increase and simultaneous release of the natural potential of the organism. When we treat wounds, we force the human body to heal itself, give it the strength necessary for this process. In the case of a young lady, this principle does not work, the beryllium particles are very small and they have penetrated into the cells of the lungs, it is no longer possible to remove them from there, if she turned to the healer as soon as she inhaled the poison, it would still be possible to prevent what happened, judged by its current state, it happened almost six months ago, I am powerless. - He spread his hands a healer.

- Why can not do as you say? Why not make her lungs heal? - Having grasped the essence of his method, I did not understand the essence of the problem.

“The particles of the toxic metal have penetrated very deep into the tissue; they will remain there until the very end.” No matter how much I force light girls to recover, they will collapse again, and besides, each healing case requires a lot of energy, both for the magician and the patient, she will very quickly die and die, I can’t support life in such a weakened body.

- It's my fault. - Suddenly, having ceased crying, evil clenched his fists Bruoh.

- Yes, it is completely your fault. - I did not argue, the warrior threw a furious gaze at me, his cheekbones sharpened, his features became predatory and insane in his rage, but his furious gaze immediately went out, sank again and froze.

- You left your sister, and she had to cope with difficulties alone. You were not around, you did not tell an inexperienced girl what to do and how, because of you she made a mistake and now she is dying. - It became interesting to me and I tried to stir up Bruoh, but he did not answer my words, his anger died away in his feelings and doomed indifference entered into his rights.

I did not like it, too melancholy feeling even for me, is hundreds of times worse than anger or anger, worse than pain and suffering, almost absolute emptiness, as if the soul has sunk into oblivion, but actually just stopped, because there is no longer any desire live. Those who have ever lost really close people will understand me, this is unbearable, feelings leave the heart, you seem to die, but for some ridiculous reason you continue to breathe, look at this world with an indifferent look and just wait for death to come for you and every second seems like an eternity. I didn’t say anything anymore, he blamed himself for what happened and he is right, he can’t earn forgiveness anymore, Plina will soon die, young, in her prime, at the very beginning of life, then why is it so warm and can you hear the rustle of rather rubbed palms? Ideas and patterns of weaving were frantically changing in my mind, I delved into the memory of an ancient necromancer and found something that can correct the situation.

- If the vaunted magic of healers is powerless, then I will do what is required. - Having decided on the further plan, I said loudly in the ringing silence and Bruoh very slowly raised his eyes to me.

- What does it mean? How? - Perplexed, he asked.

“It doesn't matter, you only need to know one thing.” I will keep my word, and your sister will be healthy. - Confidently, well aware that it is quite within my power, I declared, and my words had an effect.

Bruoh jerked like a slap in the face, he stirred in his soul and instantly spread his wings of hope, frantic and absorbing everything, she was clearly perceptible in the look with which the former centurion was looking at me. I turned to Dogpis, utterly surprised by my words.

- How much time does she still have? - I became collected and my business tone.

- A little less than a month, if I help, two. - Having counted something in mind, the healer answered.

- Well, there is time, but we will not pull. Stay with the girl, see what you can do, ease the pain. I will go prepare for the ritual. - I nodded and rose from the stool, Bruoh spent my back disappearing in the portal and, looking at Dogpis, blinked.


“Can you really cure her?” Or just kill and lift the body? - Eve asked with interest as soon as we entered the clearing in front of the fire.

- I can, and you will help me in this matter. - I nodded and pointed my finger at the drive lying nearby, the Servant intelligently threw a stone on her shoulder.

“Dogpis, I need a village, small and deaf, do you have anything in mind?” - I turned to the magician.

- Yes, your grace, in this part of the Empire is full of such settlements. - indifferently the Baron shrugged his shoulders and sniffed the air. Yes, the aroma in the meadow is appetizing, Uklana is chewing something over their bowlers for dinner.

“Then pick one and go there with Eve.” - I slapped Horial on the shoulder and again turned to the girl, I was seized with excitement, more like nervousness, what I had planned before I couldn’t do and I knew the essence only in theory.

- Go with the baron, find about thirty people. Young and healthy, preferably stronger. Bring here, all the rest kill, the witnesses to us to anything. - Quickly counting some numbers in my mind, I ordered both of them immediately disappeared in the teleport.

Considering the weaving in my head, I thoughtfully walked from side to side, nervously snapped my fingers and, spontaneously choosing a direction, plunged into the forest thicket. It was not easy to walk, the paths here did not even smell, the carpet of last year’s foliage and thick grass hid the unevenness of the soil and the gnarled tree roots that had emerged from the ground. Having walked a little over a hundred meters, I spat nervously and created an energy platform under my feet, covered myself with an impenetrable dome, and quickly ascended upwards, smashing the densely woven branches of the crown with a bang. Yes, it is much more convenient to move around this way, nothing is stopping, the dome protects from gusts and so a weak wind, and I’m not afraid to fall, it’s just impossible. Glancing back and looking at the tent field that was perfectly visible from this position, I slowly flew forward, peering down with my magic eyesight. Nowhere to hurry, with all her strength and speed, Eve cannot cope with my task quickly, and besides, she will surely want to have some fun while hunting, which means that I have an hour or two to spare.

Despite the seeming simplicity of the upcoming ritual, in fact it is very complex in the magical plane. If I did not have the opportunity to use the memory of a long-dead professional professional magician, then I don’t even know how many years of practice I could independently build such a bulky and intricate pattern. What is the most unpleasant, in this case it is impossible to use the pure energy that I love so much, only natural material will do, and this adds some inconvenience. It took half an hour, decently separating from the parking lot, I finally found a boulder suitable for the size and sank to the ground right next to it. Almost all hidden in the ground, on the surface one can see only the top overgrown with moss, more like a simple mound, if you do not see the rest of the magical vision. Eh, I do not want to waste energy so ineptly, but there is no choice.Growing out of my hands, several dozen energy filaments were thrust into the ground with a finger thick and securely entangled a huge stone of irregular shape. Physical effort during energy manipulation is not required, but I reflexively tensed and put my feet on the ground, when I began to pull the boulder to the surface, the reserve began to gradually empty, the weight of this machine is huge. There was a crash and the tree closest to me began to collapse, breaking branches from neighboring trunks, some of the stone was twisted out and cut off its roots, nothing, there are no environmentalists here.

Here it is, dark gray and wet, covered in earth and cracks. I'm just ... Read more →

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