1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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I looked at the case and, making sure that the cracks were not deep, I smiled a lot. Working here is inconvenient, the trees grow too thick, and all are so huge, with thick, unshakable trunks, you need to find a more pleasant place. Ten minutes ago, flying over the forest, I saw a small gap free of large vegetation, it was there that I carried my load and dragged myself, mentally lamenting how much energy was spent on transporting this kind of cargo through the air, and yet I still have a ritual ahead ... Lowering the stone in a small clearing, I walked around on all sides, sweeping away the pieces of soil that had dried up during the flight with an improvised brush. I don’t need all the stone, only its core, strong and monolithic, without cracks and caverns, is surprisingly high-quality material. Armed with a flexible monomolecule, I retreated a couple of steps and began to brush the upper layer generously, carefully observing that the large pieces rolling away would not crush my legs. The defense had to be removed, its maintenance also requires strength, and without the need for this it is better to abstain. I don’t know exactly how long it took me to do this work, but when the portal opened behind my back and Eva came out satisfied with blood that was smeared from head to toe, I had already cut a volume rectangle like an overly tall coffin from a boulder and now pondered , as if to process the turned out pig.

- Come forward, cowardly filth! - I could hear Eva’s perky voice behind me and, looking up from my thoughts, turned around. A young guy in plain, plain clothes flew right at me, his hands were tightly tied behind his back with a piece of rope with scruffy fluffy ends. Confused at the first instant, I still managed to react and leaped a little awkwardly to the side, the guy almost ran at a run past and, stumbling over one of the boulder scraps, collapsed into the foliage. Behind him ran the second, third, Eve kicks asked them to initial acceleration and the prisoners, against their will, ran into the teleport. A thick, tightly woven braid flashed by, I grabbed her possessor by the shoulders and kept her from falling, looked into a face as white as chalk, and smelled panic in my nose.

- I will ask you to hurry, to keep the passage stable is not easy. - I heard from somewhere on the other side a tense voice of Horial, I looked away from the rustic but rather pretty face of a slightly plump girl and peered into the opening in which a crowd of people could be seen and Eve controlling her. The attendant did not argue with the magician, she simply began to quickly throw people into the aisle, without demanding that they go their own way. A girl fell at my feet, immediately started to whine, she was unlucky, pleased with her face on the sharp edge of the stone trim, which immediately became stained with blood.

- Everything is the last. - Eva summed up, effortlessly dragging two women into the clearing, the captives were unconscious, the Servant just grabbed their hair, the baron followed, closed the transition and wiped sweat from his forehead with relief.

- My lord, I did everything at my best. - Eva stepped up to me, but I stopped her with a gesture, there was no desire to dry up in the blood that had not yet dried out.

- How many are here? Witnesses cleared out? - I asked in a businesslike manner, continuing to hold one of the captives next to me with one hand, she was clearly shaken, she tried not to look at Eve at all.

- Thirty, as you said.And everybody else, and the village was set on fire by Horial and I. - Eve eloquently ran a finger over her throat.

- Not we, but you. - Looking around, the Baron made a remark and threw up his hand, trying to escape, the prisoner fell and huddled between the trees.

- Do you already know how? - I was surprised.

- In combat magic I am not a Master, but I possess some skills, of course. - The Baron shrugged his shoulders and I remembered that I was talking with the former Council Magister from the top twenty.

“Okay, stop everybody and don't bother me.” - Pushing away the girl, who has already begun to feel hope in my account, to the others, I threw the jacket off my shoulders. Eve and Horial began to drive the whole village mob away to the side, Horial actively used some kind of magic that was not clear to me, and Eve simply thrashed those who dared to open her mouth or resist at least somehow, people fell like a mowed, unable to resist the Servant’s blows. I also had to complete the initial stage.

- Remove the trim so that under the feet are not confused. - Noticing that Horial alone is enough to pacify the prisoners, without interrupting the work, he gave the order to Eva and she obediently began to collect and drag pieces of stone to the side. And I cut and cut everything, removing new waste and forming a bath from a stone. It is a pleasure to process anything with monomolecules. Not only does the thread smoothly cut off any surface, but it is also controlled mentally, which gives the movement a delicate precision. Feeling like a high-tech robot equipped with laser cutters, I, as a real sculptor, made a small, almost standard bath for my world. The sides, legs, everything is as it should be, only there is no drain, here it is unnecessarily. After finishing the polishing and finishing the product to the ideal, I moved away and rather looked at the result from the side. Everything turned out as it should, if you get tired of being a magician, go to art, what compositions from whole rocks I can do, Tsereteli will be wrapped with envy in a coffin.

Trying not to be distracted by anything superfluous, I quickly smoked a cigarette and, carelessly discarding the cigarette butt, went back to work, now it's time to do some magic. Thoughts about the future weaving took hold of me entirely, I was already anticipating how to create a magnificent pattern in its complexity and did not notice that the foliage in the place of the drop of the butt slightly smoked, but Eve noticed it, stepped and trod, preventing a forest fire. Point by point, I concentrated on creating energy knots and formed a pattern out of them, they were connected by numerous web of connections, from some points there were five or even ten threads of different bandwidth, and all this was woven into a complex tie, which still needed to be bent she went to the stone without incident. That's what real magic is, the weaving that I use to create drives, and next to it did not stand, this pattern is on a completely different level. He will hold the energy without absorbing it and not letting it dissipate, be sent to one place, a kind of hub, designed to work with a force that is enormous even by my standards. I am a Necromancer, if earlier it sounded strained, now I can pronounce it with pride and confidence. What I am creating right now - can conquer death, make it retreat, bring it to its knees and snatch prey from the raking paws, no such healer of this world can dream of such a practice even in a dream.

Only when the weaving was completed, I felt how much my eyes hurt. I stared at the enlarged segments of the pattern for a very long time, trying to do everything with maximum precision, and now I blink hard, trying to bring myself back to normal.

“Eve, bring the battery.” “I sat down on the flattened grass in front of the stone bath, I asked tiredly and the girl immediately lowered the drive beside me. Having connected to the artifact filled to the limit, I eagerly began to absorb the dark force of other people's deaths, it poured into the body, chased away fatigue, cleared my head and filled the unpleasant void of reserve.Without pausing to feed, I simultaneously began to fill the pattern immersed in the stone with the energy of darkness, second, two, the stream is wide and stable, I control it perfectly, everything works as it should, for a few more moments and the artifact will be completed. Finished, with relief, I stopped the process and lay down relaxedly on the grass, looked at the slightly swaying high crowns, a smug smile walked on my lips, everything worked out for me. There is nothing more to worry about, everything is familiar further and will not cause difficulties, create a temporary vessel for a girl’s soul, perform several procedures with her and perform a ritual. After sending Horial to the patient, I took a larger piece of stone and began to make ... Read more →

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