1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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I will take care of my women, to satisfy the impulses and inadequate desires there are others. After spreading her legs and throwing off the bed a disturbing blanket from the bed, I sat down between the thighs apart and gently crumpled the luxuriant buttocks in my palms. I will never stop admiring the achievements of this world, magicians and healers know their business very well, the marquise probably never squatted in her life, and her ass is what many of the visitors to the gyms of my homeland would envy, and I want to dig my teeth and rumble to bite for days all the way

He spread these wonderful buttocks and saw a not very dark, neat little ring of the anus, gently moistened it with saliva, watching the sphincter twitch as it touched the drop. One finger entered again without any problems, with no practical experience, something Sorianna still knew and tried to relax. I acted carefully and slowly, it was a bit difficult, because the sphincter tightly wrapped the phalanx, from which my excitement did not drop a jot, and the tense term, standing idle, had already begun to ache and gently ache. Not wanting to spoil everything, with my free hand I stretched it a little, dispersed the blood and continued. Two fingers again went with an effort, but this time I stopped without taking out and gently squeezing, making translational movements. A minute, two, five, I was in no hurry and felt a wave of gratitude emanating from Sorianna, the marquise knows what and how I did with Erla and rejoices that with her I am gentle and gentle, although I am persistent beyond any measure. It took me a lot of time and lubrication to make the marquise's butt get used to the invasion and the sphincter stopped nervously shrinking and getting stiff with every awkward or too sudden movement. Facilitating the task, I poured energy into her anus, thanks to which the process went more or less smoothly and I always had a natural lubricant, it was enough just to lower my fingers and moisten my already pretty moaning woman from my manipulations.

Without stopping the flow of energy and not allowing it to fade away again to the excited excitement, I hung over the still lying and biting corner of Sorianna’s pillow, the head of the penis enthusiastically touched the cherished hole, the energy palms spread the buttocks wider and I leaned forward. Very carefully, millimeter by millimeter, the member almost creaked into Sorianna's tight anus. Marquise felt rather thick member is not your fingers, besides it penetrates much deeper, filling her rectum and reflexively forcing her to press, trying to push out a foreign object. Continuing to enter, I soothingly stroked the woman on the back and stiffened shoulders, Sorianna whined softly, bit into the corner of the pillow, her saliva, which she no longer swallowed, soaked the cloth, but none of us had any business before. Half, I reached half and stopped, now it is its limit, if I go further, and so shaky, holding on to the constant awakening with magic, the awnings ’excitement will pass and it will only hurt. Stepping on my aspirations, for once I decided to act on the mind, I began to slowly move in such an amplitude, not pushing further. Nothing, this is your first time, and for the first time the result is very, very good, then it will be better, I will work you out gradually, time after time, you will soon be working full-length, and you will like it the most.

I do not feel in her feelings of that pleasure that was before, now and then flashes echoes of pain, which is almost completely muffled by the excitement of energy entering the body. Wanting to compensate for this moment, he created a small energy probe under a woman who had squeezed into bed, he immediately grew, stuck to Sorianna's vagina and began to actively stimulate her clitoris. So, now much better, the emotional background immediately changed, became much brighter and richer, Sorianna began to moan again, the discomfort from the penis penetrated the rectum to a minimum. I grinned and continued moving, it gradually became more and more rapid, the marquise's anus gradually got used to the member moving in it, the rectal walls reacted to the stimulus and began to emit a small amount of some transparent, very thick mucus, but as a natural lubricant it fit well The effect of her hitherto virgin ass was simply breathtaking, it seemed that my cock was tightly compressed in his fist, so tight he was entering the area that was unused to such treatment.

I sank on Sorianna’s back, put my elbows on the bed at her chest and concentrated on the drill almost creaking in time with the movements of the anus. After squeezing the woman’s soft body into bed, she poured all her weight and, for the last time, shoved the member as deep as possible, began to cum violently, filling the awning's rectum with its hot seed. No sooner had the bewilderment to form in Sorianna’s mind, as a powerful energy flow pierced her, entering her vagina through the caressing energy language, the force immediately began to spread throughout the body, instantly overfilled it and excess spray hit all the holes in her woman, but without magic vision This was not to see, and I was busy with my own feelings and impressions. Furious, filled with primitive wildness, an insane cry of pleasure struck my ears, Sorianna wheezed, her body twitched under me and the anus shrank so tightly that it even hurt me a little. Her orgasm shook her, wave after wave pleasure swept through her body, arching and forcing her muscles to give out the maximum tension, I pressed her to the bed, held my hands, and sank in her feelings, continuing and continuing to pump energy. Finally, it came to the realization that a little more and her body simply could not stand it, the flow of power weakened and the marquise calmed down, only slightly twitching and whining incoherently. I walked out of her ass and looked at how it began to close, first sharply and quickly, but, narrowing almost to the end, the anus began to contract more slowly, leaving a small hole from which the air escaped, but soon it closed again.

- Here you go. Good morning. - Having collapsed next to the Marquise lying in prostration, I muttered softly to the tent ceiling and slowly closed my eyes, just for a minute.

He came out of the tent into the light of day already closer to noon, squinted at the sun shining high above the treetops, and spat annoyingly at his feet. Well, not only did he wake up late and spend his time floundering with Sorianna, he also dozed off for a few hours, and the Marquis did not bother to wake me up. Well, she has an excuse, she herself slept, did not wake up even when I got out of bed and dressed, I can understand, the body experienced a considerable shake, so intensely I had never pumped it with energy. After a little thought, I decided that I didn’t miss anything particularly interesting in half a day and, waving my hand at everything, went to visit Uklane, who, that’s my clever girl, left me to eat, and even warmed up, you need to give her the gold medal, the only person in camp that makes me so happy. Behind his back he heard the rustle of leaves and I managed to turn around just at that moment when Kuglar approached the fire.

- Good morning ... day. - Smiling at the incident, the man waved his hand ... No, rather the guy and, not waiting for an invitation, sat down on the log opposite.

- And you with a morning.Why are you so funny? - In secret, rejoicing at such a calm and friendly attitude towards my person, I asked good-naturedly.

- And I finished with the chests. - The young baron nodded toward the neatly placed boxes.

- Uh-uh ... Oh yeah, you're the good one. “I didn’t immediately remember that yesterday I ordered him to sort out the junk that we dragged from the estate, I caught myself and praised, threw the last spoonful of mashed potatoes in my mouth and gave the dirty dishes to one of the passing servants.

“What other orders?” By the way, Fadron searched for you last night, wanted to go to the tent, but that girl, I don’t know her name, said she would rather kill him than miss her. Funny you have it. - Laughing, the young engineer informed me, I frowned a little .... Read more →

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