1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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froze like a rabbit before a boa constrictor.

- So that? Are you a model captive now? Or can I already call the foremen for the first call? - Blinking, he brought his eyes to their original state and smiled a little mockingly, obviously making it clear that I would do this in case of refusal. Rockylda was holding her breath with all her strength, but still breathed out, breathing on my face, swallowed nervously again.

- I ... I agree. - A little hesitated, she said softly and nervously bit her lip, I was too close.

- True? And what do you agree on? Tell me. - My smile has become wider.

- I agree to be ho ... x ... hh-good dd-girl. - By reluctantly speaking, the words of the princess were somehow articulated so humiliating for the crowned woman, and closed her eyes, more from shame than from fear.

“It was you who correctly decided that a thin world is much better than a good quarrel, especially a quarrel with me.” - I contentedly stretched out, she opened her eyes uncertainly, noticing that I was silent and not going to slazit with her.

- Now I will explain to you the very simple rules that you now have to obey. “Having waited for this moment and looking into her eyes quite, I lifted me from the ground with a slight movement and sat down again on the tree.

- You do what I say, without discussion and objection, quickly and as expected. If you try to escape, you will return to the chain. If you decide to try to kill me or some of my people, I’ll start implementing the option I told you about yesterday. If I do not like your behavior, you will be punished, physically, I remember that Eva really likes to hurt you, and I am not indifferent to this. - I grinned and got to my feet, looked down at only sat down Rokilda.

- You understood me? Or repeat? - I made an arrogant face.

“I ... I understand you ... Lukas,” Rockyld muttered softly.

- Then go wash yourself, it stinks from you. And borrow a dress from Sorianna; she dragged them along with her. “Already having received the answer and removing the leash that tied the princess to a tree, I mockingly waved my hand in front of my nose, stretched my fingers and went to look for Dogpis and Horial, it’s time to finally get busy.

Our company approached the gate of Bruoh's house much later than noon, I stopped and looked at the picture before me. The residence of the former centurion was located on the very outskirts of Aflium, and in order to find him, we had to stray a lot, guided by information received from yesterday's innkeeper. Judging by the appearance, the warrior does not live in poverty, the low one-story house looks dilapidated and unsightly, the foundation sank a little from the south side and therefore the whole structure has squinted, it seemed that it would collapse. Despite this, the yard was clean and the economic hand was visible, I unlocked the gate, not secured by anything, and Eva, ahead of me, was the first to go inside. We did not even have time to take a couple of steps along the path laid out with thick boards, when the door slammed loudly and jumped off the porch, passing the steps, my yesterday's friend.

- Aaaa ... It's you. - He nodded shortly, as soon as I stepped out from behind the watchful Eve's shoulder and removed my palm from the hilt of my sword.

- Do not worry, everything is fine. - Soothingly stroking the girl who had tensed at the sight of an armed man on the ass, I stepped forward and nodded to Bruoch.

- Yes, as promised, forgive me for not coming in the morning, there were urgent matters. - I said respectfully, the warrior just nodded and waved his hand, inviting us to the house.

The interior was not impressive either, the furniture was minimal, only the most necessary and important. The floorboards under my feet stirred and squeaked heavily under the massive Horial, Dogpis modestly entered last, in the hands of the healer holding a voluminous bag of hard, coarsely dressed calf skin. A girl met us at the door of the kitchen, she could have been very beautiful if it had not been for a disease. Long brown hair is dull, shoulders sutoulen, thin and emaciated, her face is pale, there are dark bags under her eyes.

- What's happening? - Seeing us, she quietly asked Bruoh, coughed and staggered.

- Quiet, Plina, why did you get up? You need to lie down. - Immediately rushed and grabbed her by the waist of a warrior, pulled her close, gently stroked her back, allowing him to clear her throat.

“Who are these people, Bruoch, what are you thinking again?” - Having recovered a bit, the girl pulled away from her brother and quickly wiped her lips with the back of her hand, I looked at the owner of the house and saw blood on his shirt, Bruoh followed my gaze, squinted his eyes and immediately felt pain and despair.

- Hello, Plina. My name is Lucas, I came to help you. - Stepping forward and smiling softly, I introduced myself, but in response I received only a hostile look with piercing blue eyes.

- Why, brother? Are you trying to contact the magicians again? You know, these bastards can not be trusted! She cried out, suddenly hitting Bruoh angrily in the chest. Her cams were small, almost childlike, and she was still weak, she had almost no strength left in her emaciated body, the warrior did not move, held the girl back, did not allow her to fall, she coughed again, tears began to run down her cheeks. Without looking at us, Bruoh easily lifted his sister’s thin body into his arms and took him out of the room, returned a few minutes later.

- Please forgive my sister for such harsh words, she does not understand what she is saying. - He apologized discreetly, most of all now this man was afraid that we would just leave.

- Do not worry, Bruoh, I understand her perfectly, she loves you very much. - I reassured him and nodded to Dogpis. The healer stepped toward the door to which the soldier carried his sister, but Bruoh blocked his way.

“This is the Master Healer I told you about, he needs to examine your sister.” - I went up to the tense warrior and gently laid my hand on his shoulder, squeezing reassuringly. Without a word, the former centurion stepped aside and Dogpis left.

Bruoh is all nerves, he does not even try to play the hospitable host, we sit at an empty table on hard stools and reflect on his own. The warrior continually casts worried glances at the door, not a single sound comes from there, more than an hour has passed and I see that his patience will burst very soon.

- I understand that we only know the day and you have no reason to trust me, but I have no reason to do harm to you and your sister, please calm down. - I asked, when the soldier was about to rise, he threw me a sharp, worried look and froze when he saw Eve at my shoulder.

- Remove the weapon, girl, everything is fine, this is our future ally. “Without fear, taking up the blade of the dagger, which instantly materialized in the palm of the Servant, I forced him to lose materiality and return to the girl’s body, she pursed her lips with displeasure, not taking a close look from the intense Bruoch. Dogpis discharged the situation, he went into the kitchen and all eyes were immediately crossed on the healer.

- How is she? - Not holding himself, he still jumped up and asked Bruoh with insane hope in his voice.

- Sorry, I can not help you, my magic is powerless. - Dogpis shook his head guiltily, turning to me, Bruoh fell back with a quiet exhalation, his shoulders quivered, his head sank, a stifled sob was heard.

- What's the matter? Explain in more detail. - Glancing at the fallen warrior, I turned to Dogpis, I did not expect such an outcome, I was completely confident in the strength of my staff healer.

- The girl inhaled beryllium particles for a long time, they settled in the lungs, and when accumulated in sufficient quantities, irreversible destruction of tissues began. Said Dogpis quietly.

- beryllium? Where does he come from? - I was genuinely surprised, I did not think that the meeting in this world would be a familiar name.

- It is a very hard metal, which allows, after a little magic processing, to create from it parts for large bearings, which are installed in some types of power-saw benches. Such products are much more durable and reliable than their counterparts from other metals, but require special care. Every few years, the magician artifactor must update the magic component, otherwise ... Read more →

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