1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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got out of bed. So where are my underpants? Yeah, there are no clean ones, and putting on dirty ones is somehow nasty, okay, because somehow people without clothes live here. I left the room and wandered down, morning twilight reigned in the house, I did not turn on the light and went like that. In the dining room, on the table was a carafe of water, not finding the glasses, I drank a little straight out of it and dragged myself behind the bag with my new clothes. I put on a new suit in front of the mirror. Yeah, everything is black, stylish and quite elegant, by my standards. I don’t know, Vladimir said something about local fashion, but I don’t give a damn, the main thing is that I like myself, then the rest will be pulled. The mood was calm, I let go of the old emotional throwing and now I was ready to start everything again, to learn the unknown and give others love and joy.

Yes, it is necessary to change the image, because before this whole whistle with magic and power, which fell on my head on one beautiful night, I was not the worst person, even with problems in the family. I thought for a long time whether to take a sword with me, I decided to take it anyway. As far as he noted, many men here walk with weapons, and it looks beautiful and impressive, the main thing is not to roll over on its side and not to cling to the scabbard for everything.

- Veres, I'm on business. Tidy up the house, wash everything, clean it, and the dirt and dust in the barn. - I decided to talk out loud with Veres, there is no difference to him, and it helps me to feel like a normal person.

- Yes, Vick ... Do not touch the world, let him sleep as soon as he wakes up, let him rest, when I return, we'll talk. - A little thought, I added. Throwing a raincoat over my shoulders, I buttoned the fibula and once again looked at myself in the mirror, handsome, you will not say anything. I walked out of the house with a confident step, a sword on my belt, five gold coins in the inside pocket of my jacket, by local standards no small wealth, I didn’t take a bag, it didn’t come to me, and it doesn’t fit into the image.

Having caught a free driver, I reached the center and walked along the main street, looking around with interest, it was time to start the receipt, I’ll have time to have breakfast. A huge building came across, its facade was decorated with smooth polished marble, and eaves above the porch were held by impressive columns. It turned out to be a bank, I grunted and ran up the stairs, at the entrance stood two guys in ironed form, one politely opened the door for me. There were not many people, I went to a free table and opened an account. It was simple, you say your name to the girl, she puts it in some book and your box is attached to you. Naturally, all this is done by magic, I looked at the inner hall with magical eyesight and was dumbfounded, magic flashes of power were everywhere. The course of gold here was a thousand to one. For one gold round they gave a thousand silver, and for one silver a thousand copper. He put his five gold pieces in his cell, receiving in return a small notebook. The scheme of use turned out to be simple, a kind of check that is used in my homeland. Payment is simple, you attach a finger to a small page, the necessary number and metal designation appears on it. If all this happens consciously and voluntarily, the white sheet becomes green and nothing more can be added to it, you give the leaf to the seller, and he then cashes out this piece of paper in the bank, exchanging it for coins.

Magic replaces computers here, so everything happens quickly, easily, without excessive bureaucracy and mistakes.I took the name of Lucas Harper, deciding not to invent something intricate and even more ridiculous, I left the bank, having caught a wall in the doorway with a sword, a couple of clerks were silent, but I saw the laughter in their eyes. I didn’t get mad, I myself understand that it looked funny, you need to learn to carry this impressive piece of metal with you. With a checkbook in my pocket, I entered a familiar restaurant, my table was busy, and I sat down to a free corner, which did not upset me, it was even calmer here. After ordering mashed potatoes and roast pork, I waited, not knowing how to occupy my hands. Previously, I did not notice how I got used to the phone, tucking myself into the display every time there was nothing to do. Now this miracle of technology is not around, I threw it away a long time ago, when I realized that I don’t smell electricity here.

- Well, dad? Do you know where to go and how to enter the Academy? - Vladimir inquisitively asked me when I froze, looking at a young girl, with a smile sipping white wine in the company of a friend.

- Not. I do not know. But you tell me now. - I just shrugged, not intending to engage in another skirmish.

- Yeah, now, just run and stumble. After all, you are so independent and judicious. - Ironically declared spirit.

- Stop sulking, tell me, come on. - I thought calmly.

- What about the magic word? - With a mockery, Vladimir reached out.

- I am not Akopian to you, I have not been trained in every kind of abra-kadabram. - I answered in the same tone, looking at the tabletop covered with a tablecloth.

“Okay, we'll talk more about that.” - Vladimir threatened.

- Yes, yes, let's have a hot discussion in the style of a live broadcast on the first channel with shouts and tear-tearing stories from childhood. - I swore oath, wanting to hear at least something on the case.

- On business? Everything is simple. The Academy is a gated educational complex thirty kilometers from the capital. Entrance tests will be held in the city, in the administrative building of the Academy not far from the main city square. - Vladimir began to tell, putting aside jokes.

- So, where do I go, and what to do next? - I nodded.

- Nothing to do, in general, is not necessary. Selection is extremely simple. In front of the building of the administrative building erect a long magical wall with many arches. There is a teleport in the arch, when you pass, your ability to work with energy is determined, if you have abilities, even small ones, the teleport does not work, and you pass through the arch, and if they don't, then you are immediately transferred to the city gates, from where Stomp on your business.

- Well ... It sounds pretty simple, what is my chance not to be at the gate?

- If we proceed from your abilities and the current level of power, you will surely pass, this is without any options at all. - Vladimir calmed me down, I shrugged my shoulders and reached for a cup of steaming, appetizing meat that the waitress had just brought.

- If so, then I understood everything, you can still disappear. - I said, Vladimir snorted and disappeared, he does not like the new way of life, nothing, let him get used to it, there is nothing for all ghosts to command.

I had a leisurely breakfast, drank a mug of sea buckthorn fruit drink, and slowly walked towards the desired building. It was difficult to make a mistake in the direction, most people went with me in one direction, apparently, to go to the academy too. The crowd was gathering closer to a small square in front of a tall, three-story building with an intricate coat of arms on the facade. I slowly moved in the human mass, slowly approaching the stone wall in two of my height. As Vladimir said, at a distance of a meter from each other, arches were located, through them a porch and wide double doors of the building were visible, where everyone was so eager to get.

- Yes, how much can you stand here? - I heard a displeased male voice to the right.

- As much as you need, so much we will. - Smartly snapped girl, standing on tiptoe in order to make out what is happening ahead.

- That Academy gave up to you, to get up so early in the only day off, and for what? Hang out in this commotion? - Continued the cove not a young man already, in a good, but obviously, not a new coat.

- I want to do to get out already from you with Melira! - The girl answered rather sharply, taking a step to the side and stepping on my boot with all the weight.

- Oh! Sorry! - She screamed, turning around, and stopped short, noticing my black appearance and dark look. There was little joy, the red-haired girl left a whitish, dusty imprint of her shoe on my black boot.

- Forgive. - I said through my teeth, noting her face stretched out of surprise and confusion and began ... Read more →

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