1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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someone's home.

- Mama!!! - Kiran shouted, bursting out from the crowd and rushing headlong to the side where Rinon had flown.

- Forgive the guy ... - I whispered quietly, stopping his heart, he fell on the grass and fell silent. I shook my palms and began the slaughter with terrifying ecstasy. Hearts stopped one by one, I targeted all men in sight. Women and girls screamed around, someone fainted, someone howled tearfully, clutching the corpse of a son or breadwinner to his chest.

- Well-oh-oh-oh ... - In the morning the voice purred in my mind, I froze, listened, nothing, is it really going crazy? Soon everything was over, I took a step forward and shouted loudly.

- They dared to raise a hand against me, the great and mighty lord of darkness, so I punished them !! Go all over here and kneel !! - No longer thinking about what heresy I'm carrying, I yelled, angrily looking at the remaining women. In fright, they came together in a pile and crowded in front of me.

- On knees!! - Again, I snapped at the weeping women, and with a howl they collapsed into fours, smearing snot over their faces and begging to spare them.

- You, you and you. Stay. All the rest are alive at home, and that no one would leave without my permission !! - I screamed angrily, putting more fear on the frightened women. They quickly jumped up and fled through the village, only three young girls remained on their knees, burying their noses in the ground and whimpering with fear.

- Where is the biggest house here? “Already, without any feigned malice and showy cries, I asked, they continued to howl. I rolled my eyes to the sky and leaned over, grabbing one of them by the long blond curls and jerking her to her feet.

- Where is the headman's house? - I yelled to her face.

- T ... T ... There ... - Stuttering with fear, she pointed with a trembling finger in the direction of the most respectable huts, I walked there, not letting her go. The short weaving, and the two remaining squealing like pigs from sharp pain, jumped up and rushed towards me.

- Do not lag behind, do what I say. - I coldly threw them, releasing his prisoner, she quickly stepped to the companions.

- And who will whine, I will kill. - I added firmly, the whole howling was gone, now they were standing in front of me, shaking and holding back tears running down dusty cheeks with all their strength.

I kicked open the door and entered the spacious room, pushed the girl to the shop and started the rest.

- Prepare something to eat, you have an hour, time has gone. - I ordered the girls, and they ran, looking for dishes and kindling the hearth. Grabbing the nearest one by the elbow, he dragged me into the next room and pressed it against the wall, clawing greedily at the elastic thighs and the massive chest poured with freshness. She sobbed and bit her lip, afraid to let out a sound though. The riser was just wild, I pulled up the hem of her long skirt on my back and began to unbutton the belt. Adrenaline raged in the blood, I began to feel that sense of power that made me drunk and dizzy. Bella was not worn here, her crotch thickly overgrown with brown hair was completely defenseless, which I immediately took advantage of. The girl screamed out loud in pain when I jerked into her for the most eggs. Fingers rolled up the wall, breaking nails.

- Shut up, bitch! - I snapped, continuing with sharp pushes to drive into her over-excited member, she continued to scream, I grabbed her hair and with force put her head against the wall, it made her shut up.

I do not know what I found, I tore it hard and ruthlessly, entering with sharp jolts at full length and firmly holding my hips. Her vagina was very narrow, at least before me. There was no talk of any heat, I had it dry, forcing me to tear off my fingers into the blood over and over again and quietly whine, enduring severe pain. I liked it, very much, I was elated from the fact that I can afford this and nobody can stop me. The orgasm came very quickly, I finished it, filling her crotch with hot sperm, pouring abundantly on the cervix with semen and panting out. The girl collapsed on the floor near the wall, she fainted and fell into oblivion.

- I was not disappointed in you. - A familiar voice sounded distinctly in my head, I turned round sharply.

- Who is there?! - I cried out.

- Do not yell. I'm in your head, moron. - Annoyingly answered me, driving into a stupor.

- Xa-Aran? - Unexpected hunch pierced consciousness.

- Did not guess. - With displeasure noted the voice, I again began to twist his head.

- Then who is it?

- I am the one whose memory and whose consciousness this ugly demon gave you as well-worn boots! “Now, there was a clear anger in my voice, and again I began to feel savage rancor and hatred for all living things, I slammed my fist into the wall and screamed in pain.

- Stop crippling our body! - I screamed a voice, I fell on all fours and shook my head.

- What does our body mean !? - I screamed in a panic.

- Take it easy. Breathe, come on. Slowly, inhale, you, sighs, inhale, you, sighs, like this ... - The stranger spoke a little worried, forcing me to appease the volcano of anger raging in my chest.

- Who are you? And why are you in my head? - Slightly calmed down, I asked mentally.

- I do not remember my name, you can call me Vladimir. And in your head I am your fault, and because the bastard geek demon took it to give you my memory. This creature thinks that I have been dead for a long time, that my consciousness has dissolved into the hellish miasmas, but I am a necromancer, which means I will always find a loophole. - My new acquaintance said maliciously and smugly, I sat down on the floor and blinked, slowly began to realize what I had just done, my heart shackled horror.

- Do not kill so, it's just stupid peasant. - snort Vladimir.

- But they ... They are living people. - I wrapped my arms around my head, unable to believe what happened and that I did it.

- Well ... Not really you, I you ... Let's just say, pushed ... - Vladimir hesitated slightly.

- But why? - Quiet whisper I asked, looking at one point on the floor.

- What do you mean why? You, like a pathetic worm, were frightened by some dorks, you ran headlong not knowing where, I could not calmly look at it. - A voice explained to me.

- But ... But I wanted ... - I began to speak and burst into tears, the tears themselves ran down my cheeks and after a moment I burst into tears seriously.

- Well, do not cry. It was necessary for both of us, for the final awakening I needed souls, human fear and pain, before it all took Xa-Aran without a trace, but in this world he cannot reach us, so all this is only ours. - Vladimir quickly spoke, I coughed.

- But you can’t do that ... - I could only, through tears, I squeeze out.

“We are necromancers, we can do anything.” - Surely Vladimir said.

- And besides, it is useful for your magical potential. By taking away human lives and absorbing their pain, you become stronger like a magician. Even for this small slaughter you have grown up a bit in reserve, you will see for yourself if you stop crying like an infantile bitch. - He said disgustedly, I froze, listening to myself, wiped away tears. Indeed, the level of power has grown, a little, but still ...

- You see. Don't worry so much, you will get used to it again. I once visited a couple of worlds, that's where I roamed. During the day, he mowed down entire cities, became stronger until he challenged the demon ... - The voice said sadly, and I was chilled, I really would have to commit atrocities to become stronger.

- Stop worrying so. Soon you will understand everything. - He said and fell silent, I got to my feet.

- I will not kill people for the sake of power. - As confident as possible I said.

“You will become, not now, then later, if you want to go home, of course.” - With a mock grinned Vladimir.

- What do you mean? - I quickly startled.

“That girl who threw you here like a dung mouse, she’s a magician, and she has incredibly much power.” If you can grow to its level in this backward world, you can return, and if not, you will have to stay here forever. - Vladimir sealed and disappeared ... Read more →

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