1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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from her back, she turned around to see what I was doing, for which she immediately received a ruthless slap.

- Look straight. - Without even thinking to raise my voice and bellow, I said very calmly, she paused, tense. Slightly bent to the side, watching the cheek on the spot of impact hit, he beat hard and bitingly, so that from the first time she felt the master's hand and didn’t even think to wriggle, it’s not possible otherwise with such women. Without seeking to feel everything quickly, I also tightened my gazing from the back, I liked her anxiety. So, in private, I feel very well strong emotions and feelings, it is even surprising how quickly my abilities progress after Xa-Aran’s antics with his original nature.

A string of energy grew from my palm, lengthened and materialized, becoming a resilient wooden rod sharpened at the end. Not trusting his own hand, incapable of such precise movements, he controlled it mentally. He stretched out his hand and spent the very tip, quite sharp, along Erla's spine, touching the skin quite a bit, did not leave even a scratch. The girl shuddered and shrugged her shoulders, arched in the back, trying to move away from an unfamiliar object touching the skin. Prut whistled, on the right buttock, the band began to rapidly turn into a resilient and taut, Earl squealed and jumped on the spot.

- Do not move. - Just like the first time, I said, she froze, twitching finely, and she was tempted to stroke her soft spot with her palm. She didn’t see my grin, she didn’t dare to look back, and when I walked around her again, her face was calm and not expressing anything definite.

I went back to the table, took the urn in my hands, and returned to the mercenary awaiting his fate. The girl followed me with her eyes, no longer daring to shake her head, clever, she quickly learns. I shamelessly poured out the contents of the trash can in front of her in a handful, laid out several layers of energy in an even layer and formed a rectangle.

- On knees. - Nodding at the resulting mat, he commanded and waited. Earla looked at the walnut shells laid out under her feet, swallowed nervously and looked at me amazed, imploring eyes. I raised the rod and gently tapped her shoulder, my eyes did not promise anything good and she had to obey. She dropped to her knees with horror and shudder, very slowly, trying to delay an unpleasant moment even for a second. I did not rush her, calmly waited and watched, awkwardly, with her palms resting on the floor, she was trying as gently as she could to smooth out her smooth knees, unused to such treatment.

Finally it happened, she squeezed chokingly and often breathed through tightly clenched teeth, she was hurt, but she tried not to show it with the last of her strength. I waited until she took a comfortable position and froze, walked over and began to slowly walk around her in a circle, idly playing with a rod.

- Take your hands off the floor. - Lightly poked a sharp tip of the twig in the right elbow, she hesitated a second, and then tore her palms off the parquet, her face twisted in pain, you heard a quiet cheek.

- Back straight. - He patted the crooked back with a twig, she straightened slightly.

- I said, straighten your back. - He quipped, she shrieked, jerked, the sharp shell dug into the skin more strongly and Earl groaned, unable to restrain herself.She straightened her back, tears to her cheek, her lips trembling again, that's better, otherwise she calmed down, standing here like a queen on the porch.

- Hands behind your back, chest forward. - He touched the right nipple, making it clear that if he disobeyed, the rod would have to be hit there. I obeyed the first time, put my hands behind my back and locked my fingers into the lock, my shoulders trembling, sobbing trying not to make a sound.

- Umnichka, and now raise your head, look at me. - Standing in front of her, put the tip of the rod to the throat. Earla slowly raised a tear-stained face at me, I was not satisfied with the result and, moving the rod under my chin, nodded slightly, forcing me to lift it even higher, so now it’s good, looking at me from the bottom up with eyes reddened from tears. He began another round in a circle, stopped behind his back, looked at the tense toes, arched and rested against the parquet.

- Fingers straightened, do not bungle. - Affectionately, as if I caught my younger sister for stealing cherries in my own garden, I noticed and tickled my feet with the point of the twig. Erla gathered her courage, inhaled and straightened her fingers, while slightly shifting on the shell and moaned in pain, looked down and noticed the blood on the floorboard, very well.

- Here and stand, if you move - we will cure your knees and start everything from the very beginning. - I promised and returned to the table.

A young girl, beautiful and approachable, completely naked was nearby. The member stood with a stake and started to ache a little, I returned to studying the cards with a deadpan look, and he quietly launched into his pants several power frames imitating a palm and slightly softened the blood that was flowing, it became easier. Let him stand, with Sorianna, he made a mistake, so at least I’ll tear off on this one, besides the Marquise I have, the aristocrat, although she obeys, is really unrealistic to re-educate her, and this is nothing like that, a young one, it can make sense more. Having a little depicted the work, I returned to Erle, who was suffering and was quietly whimpering, with a light movement threw on her a power film, not solid, but completely covering it and repeating every contour of the body.

“This is a guard spell; if you move, it will shrink and strangle you.” - Without blinking and I lied with an eye, I went to the door. No, this is not a watchdog spell, just energy attached to me and very flexible. Movement does not constrain, but if Earl stirs or changes position, I immediately find out about it.

I went straight to Master Dogpis, borrowed from him several healing amulets designed for light wounds. Convenient thing, recently found out about it. If you are stuck in the ass with an arrow or a sword, but it is not fatal and the vital organs are not damaged, you simply activate the expensive trinket, and even scars will not remain. Mages earn very well on such small artifacts, one such on the market costs about two gold, by local standards very, very solid money. I was in no hurry to return, I walked up the stairs slowly, continually glancing around. I was hoping that Earl would not believe me, relax, be hunched over, stand up for a while, then I would be able to make fun of her even more so that life would not seem honey. She believed, sat as she sat and did not even think about a respite, she almost stopped crying even, a person is such a beast that she can get used to almost everything.

- You can get up. - Returning to the room and fiddling over the map for pro forma, I nodded graciously to my pupil and she very slowly and carefully rose to her feet, several very large and sharp fragments dug deep and now hung on their bloody knees.

- I allowed? - I raised my eyebrow, I wondered in amazement, when Earla reached out to get rid of them, she hurriedly pulled her hand up, quickly looked at the rod in my hand. From the extra shell I saved it myself, hooked it one bar at a time and threw it on the floor, with each piece of Earl splinter that fell on the parquet moaning and hissing. There was a lot of blood on the boards of the parquet, not very much, I would say very little, compared to yesterday's entertainment — a bit.

- Back.- Not looking at her, I reminded me, the rod in his hand swung. Earla immediately straightened.

- Hands over head, chin higher. - Without changing the tone, I commanded, and she obediently carried out, tried to look at the wall over my head and did not meet his eyes.

- And now I listen to your apologies, I really hope that they will be sincere and not like the last time. - Arms crossed on his chest, I put the rod on the map.

- I ... I apologize for my misbehavior. - quietly whispered Earl dropping her eyes, her voice treacherously trembled.

- Well, you can when you want, and how much you could have avoided, if it were right away. - grinning indulgently ... Read more →

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