1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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- Earl squealed, trying again to twitch, tears spilled from her eyes.

- And you will not twitch? Or do you still think of yourself as a great warrior? - Returning, mockingly I grinned.

- No no. I will not run away, honestly. - Earl whispered hotly, her eyes burned with panic, she felt that the world was not divided on her, and without any regrets I would start her sinister experiences.

For the sake of appearance, I stood for a while and thought, glancing appreciatively at the girl's toned athletic body, mentally called Eve.

“Okay, I'll show you such mercy.” - Finally, I nodded, with pleasure I saw relief in the eyes of the obstinate mercenary, removed the energy probes holding her body to the grid. Earla immediately took a few steps back, breathed with relief, looked back at her far corner.

- Come on. - Calmly called her, the girl froze for a moment, beckoned with a finger and she obediently returned to the grid with small, uncertain steps.

- If you don’t obey - I will cut off your right hand, then my doctor will add it back, and so over and over again, did you understand me well? - Without raising my voice, I said very calmly and confidently, Earl swallowed nervously and nodded somehow inhibited.

- Well done, I like obedient girls. - With a gesture he motioned even closer, Earla took a small step and touched the cold metal of the lattice, a shiver ran through her body.

- The second. If you try to escape or do something like that, you will find yourself in her place, right away, there will be no second chances. Do you understand? - I poked my finger into the next cell again, Earla nodded.

- I can not hear. - I looked at her sternly.

- I understood everything. - Slaply answered the captive, she coughed. At that moment Eve entered the basement, with a quick confident step, she approached me, looked at the Earl twitching at her approach.

- It stinks from her, take her to the bathroom, put in order, you know what to do. Just not at zero, I like her hair, leave a little. How to do it, bring it to Dogpis, let him see and heal if something goes wrong. - I ordered, the Servant silently nodded and, with a careless motion, threw back the piercingly clanking bolt and opened the door grille. Eva approached and unceremoniously grabbed Erla by the hair, the girl began to reflexively break out of her steel grip.

- I said escort, not drag. Do not hurt the girl, she is now my pupil, I will make her a lady. - Having patted Eve's ass, I grinned and the first one left the basement.

- Like, not sleeping? - I looked into the room magician.

- Yes, some there. - Molai-Ha advised and set aside a thick folio.

- What are you reading? - I was interested.

- I study the genealogy of the Imperial dynasty, it became interesting after our conversation. - He admitted.

- This is you well done, soon come in handy. And now quickly stomp to my office, bring the most accurate map of the world, which only is in the library. If you find, take another map of the Empire, I also need it. - I ordered and went to my room. What a life? It's dark again outside the window, but I'm still doing things, can I gradually turn into a workaholic?

Mol brought me the right cards and I, having ordered to call Magister Horial tomorrow morning, let him go to work on the handwritten texts. It was quiet in the office, having made the lamps as bright as possible, I studied with interest numerous squiggles on a rather detailed map of the Empire.The canvas with the image of the whole world didn’t impress me very much, at most because of its sketchyness. Only four significant objects: the Empire, the Kingdom of Morecides, the Kingdom of Hatmore and the islands of Chur-Mal. There are three continents, the islands of Chur-Mal are located close to each other and there are many of them, but these are still islands. The empire is depicted as the largest continent of all, judging by the map, the whole continent is the Empire, impressively. In the north, across the sea, or the ocean, I don’t know what is not indicated on the map, the kingdom of Morkisd. The mainland is smaller than the Empire two times, very elongated from west to east, with a rough coastline. In the northeast, the kingdom of Hatmore, the area is the same as the northern neighbor, only more accurate, not so stretched and with more or less smooth edges.

The notorious islands of Chur-Mal completely on the other side, in the south-east of the Empire. Their number inspires respect, I didn’t even try to count the numerous land inclusions in the general background of water. There are not too many neighbors, it’s surprising that there are only four states, I have many more in my homeland, although ... I don’t have such a phenomenon in my homeland as magic, most likely, the most powerful states with the best magicians just crushed all the rest countries and stretched out across the mainland, it sounds quite logical, you will need to clarify with knowledgeable people later. The empire on the map was much more interesting to consider. The map is very detailed, with rivers and mountains, main roads, cities and even large villages. I studied the canvas decorated with numerous symbols for a long time until I discovered El Ten. I naively believed that the capital is located in the very center of the Empire, and in fact the city is comfortably situated closer to the west coast.

The area is amazing, I do not understand the local notation, but, even visually, the vast expanses. And the Empire is very densely populated, I can’t even imagine how many people live here. More or less untouched territory is a small piece of forest in the southeast of the mainland, it is divided in half by a narrow mountain range. I immediately looked at this piece of land, but I was distracted by a knock at the door.

- Enter. - Without lifting my head from the map, I answered, I heard quiet steps and the sound of a door closing, looked up and looked at Eve, who was standing behind the bare Erla. The girl was pleasing to the eye, her skin was clean, without a single scratch, bruise or bruise. Pubic hair neatly trimmed and no longer hide the neat and rather plump labia. Her hair was put in order, long, elegant ash hair that reached below the shoulder blades was carefully combed and gathered in a ponytail on the back of the head.

Nude and barefoot, Earla hesitantly shifted from foot to foot and stared at the floor, just darling.

- Thanks, Eva. You can go hunting. - Having looked at this picture for several long seconds, I nodded to the Minister.

- My help is not needed? - The voice of the blonde could see that she did not mind staying.

“No, Erla and I have come to an understanding, right?” - I said, referring to the frozen captive, she nodded carefully without raising her eyes. Eve sighed and, turning on her heels, walked out of the room. I looked at the mercenary who was left alone with me for a few seconds and, imperceptibly adjusting the resulting riser, looked down at the map again. No, she waits for me to throw myself at her and start to fuck, naively supposes that I will tolerate and I will calm down, in vain you hope, girl.

For ten minutes I quietly continued to study the masterpiece of cartographic art, I even took a sheet of paper and a pencil out of the table, made notes. Earla stood all this time and was afraid to move, even tried to breathe as little as possible and quieter. Minutes went by, I fumbled with the papers, as if she was not here at all, got used to it a little and timidly looked at me, quickly, furtively, I pretended that I did not notice anything. This went on for another half an hour, finally, when she grew bolder, I podgadat moment and looked up sharply, our eyes met.My mocking, filled with strength and superiority, and her frightened, immediately swooping down, she shrank all over, her head in shoulders in surprise.

- Go here. - I called, pleased with the effect produced. Earla moved and walked a little awkward gait, for forty minutes without moving her legs got a little numb. Waiting for her to come closer, he went out and, crouching on the edge, folded his arms across his chest.

Considered with interest, my studying glance lazily wandered through her body, slowly and thoroughly. It was pretty unnerving to the girl, she was constantly shaking when I breathed a little louder in the ringing silence of the room. After examining my prey, I walked around ... Read more →

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