1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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rubbed my palms and I noticed Eve passing by the door of the refectory.

- Eve, my girl, look to me for a moment. - I loudly called her, the girl immediately returned and went into the room, went to the table.

- Now run to the tailor's shop, he has a marquise to dress, name is Randolph. Tell him that you are behind the urgent order of Lukas, take it, do not give money - everything has already been paid. - I gave the order and returned to the left glass as soon as the Servant ran off to fulfill the order.

- You also blow to the city. Buy seven more raincoats and stronger, and another shield. - Looked at Molai-Ha.

- What is the shield? - I do not understand the magician.

- Well, the shield, which are protected. Choose a full-length and wider, you can wooden training, the main thing that was easy. - I explained, remembering what else you need to buy.

- Got something else? - Correctly understood my hitch Molai-Ha.

- Yes, another bag is small, the rope is stronger than two meters and in general everything. - To be sure, I bent two fingers.

- Good. Is all this necessary in the evening? - Mole sighed and rose from the table.

- Oh no, as soon as possible, I still have to handle all this properly. - I advised and set aside a hand with a glass.

At the place of the runaway to change clothes Molai-Ha Xa-Aran materialized from the air, I was a little annoyed that I didn’t feel his approach, but I didn’t twitch as at our first meetings, I should pay tribute.

- I'm with gifts. - The demon smiled good-naturedly, now there was nothing mysterious or inspiring respect in his appearance, as if the good uncle had come to visit.

- Very handy. - I did not deny, and pulled to his block of cigarettes, which he put on the table.

- You very subtly noticed the situation, a little chaos in the country will benefit me. - Xa-Aran nodded approvingly, took the carafe and splashed some wine in an empty glass.

- I know, only here the Council is quite skillfully holding the situation in hand, I wanted to make a fuss already with the count. - I have advised.

- Do not worry so much, we are already here and not going anywhere, full of time to rock the boat. - casually waved a demon hand.

- So this is so, I just do not like to hang out like shit in the hole, it is boring. - I winced.

“You mean you do it out of boredom?” - The demon depicted surprise on his good-natured face, he knows everything, he cannot but know.

- Not that out of boredom ... It's just silly to have power and not use it. - I hesitated with the answer.

- And someone in your homeland would say that this is a very wise act. - Slyly smiled Xa-Aran.

- Peace philosophy is not for me. - Understanding what he was talking about, frowned.

- I am glad to see that you are gradually becoming familiar with the primary course. - The demon nodded with satisfaction.

- You mean that crap that stuffed me? - I squinted suspiciously.

“Oh, no, this is the most wonderful event that can happen to a magician.” You are lucky. - Surprisingly seriously shook his head Xa-Aran.

- True? And I thought, well, I’ll run away to thank the gods for their mercy. - I did not keep sarcasm.

“Not gods — me, gods have nothing to do with it, they don't care about you at all, it's for the best.” As for your attitude to my gift, you are still very young and inexperienced, I’m sure that you will thank me many times for such a generous gift. - His smile became complacent and anticipating.

- What do you think about the Emperor? - Deciding to leave a slippery topic, I turned the arrows.

- What is there to think about? Personally, I do not care about him, do what you think is necessary, have fun as you want. - The demon shrugged.

- It sounds tempting, probably, I'll do it. “I didn’t argue and the demon disappeared, leaving a red block of cigarettes to prove my reality.

Finished with a late breakfast, went upstairs and went into his office, pulled curtains from the doorway. Earla was standing in the corner as I had left her, she was only drawn, dark bags were clearer under my eyes.

“Good morning, honey.” - I stroked her breast with a smile, rubbed my finger on the nipple. The answer to me was an intense, cautious look frowningly.

- I can not hear your answer, are you really so ill-mannered? - I opened one eyebrow, my fingers squeezed nipple stronger, more noticeable, but still not causing severe pain, only designating the intention.

“Good morning, my lord.” - Spreading dry lips, she replied hoarse after a long silence in her voice.

“That's better, continue to answer when I talk to you.” And then I will be offended and stop talking. - I winked with a mysterious smirk, Earl understood the threat, nodded anxiously.

Satisfied with this answer, I beautifully snapped my fingers in front of her nose. The bindings, which until then securely held the naked girl in a standing position, disappeared instantly, she suddenly lowered her sore hands by surprise, staggered and, unable to restrain her knees, she fell on her knees before me.

- And you learn quickly, baby. - I grinned approvingly and squatted in front of her, our faces drew level, Earl grimaced painfully, trying to stretch her wrists rubbed with ropes.

- Come on, you take an oath to me. - Thinking what to do with it, I nodded and took the amulet of Xa-Aran from my neck, put the chain around Erla's neck.

- Swear that you will not try to escape, you will not tell anyone about what is happening, you will not ask for help and you will not harm the life and health of me and my people. - Specially excluding from the oath a point of unquestioning obedience, he maximally secured himself against sharpening his liver on a dark night. Earla repeated obediently, she was somehow not particularly interested in what was being demanded of her, tired for the night, exhausted.

“Here's a good one, and now you can go, put yourself in order, ask Eve to give you a room.” Outside the estate or foot, I will take care of you how time will be. “Taking the amulet as soon as the girl finished speaking, I patted her cheek and left the office, heading straight to the garden.

Walking between the trees, I looked around in search of a bigger stone. The Marquise was once puzzled and designed one of the corners of the garden in stone style, ordered smooth stones from the coast, as far as I could find out, in the capital this is considered chic, it’s not close to the sea. I found about a dozen suitable ones, grabbed them with power probes and went upstairs, intending to begin preparations for the evening event. I haven’t killed anyone for a long time, lately I’m generally living as a pacifist, but oh, how I should take life, feel the sweet taste of death on my lips, absorb pain, fear, despair of people, it makes me stronger. I am still a pretty strong magician, I mean personal reserve of strength, but it’s just a laugh and only compared to what I can become. Xa-Aran made it very clear that the limit is very, very far, the cunning demon knows what kind of carrot to entice such a lazy donkey like me, so that I don’t pinch my ass somewhere too long.

Previously, I tried to return home to my mother, I was worried about her, although I tried not to advertise this much. Now, when she is near, under my protection, the acuteness of feelings somehow subsided, even the interest subsided a bit, and sincerely believed that as soon as I get out of my Light, I will not let go of the bedroom for a second. Yes, there was a good incentive, you will not say anything. It always happens like that, you want something, you strive, and when you reach it, you understand that you don’t really need it, and again a new dream looms on the horizon.And now, I stand in the attic and I am conjuring with might and main, creating storage stones at stones, and I could have basked in the bed, leaning against my beloved woman and enjoying the rest, a dummy and only that.

Work with the drives was delayed when after five hours she put the last cooled down artifact into a corner and was squeezed out like a lemon. The accumulators from the laboratory safety circuit are exhausted to the limit, all the energy was devoured from it to the drop, and the external dome cannot be touched in any case, this is my emergency reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances. Without thinking where ... Read more →

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