1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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and to her, and in a few minutes it is even better when the characteristic smell of a flowing bitch floated around the room. It is difficult for Erle to breathe, tries not to show sensations, but breathing gets stuck every now and then, it becomes more and more agitated. I do not give relief, I enter every time until it stops, slightly pushing, from which her small breasts tremble and shake her nipples hardened. I smirk, I took possession of her, visited all of her openings against her will, how pleasant it is to realize. She would be glad to refuse, only here I decide who will do what. Soon it will come to her, it already comes a little, I can see it in my eyes. Bitch spread her legs and ceased to be on its own, now she belongs to me, but I will just like that, without asking permission, in a businesslike way to insert her member into it.

Earla realized that she could not continue to look into my eyes, tried to turn away, immediately got a painful slap in the face, which tightened her whole body, her vaginal muscles momentarily contracted stronger, great sensations. Eyes no longer crying, flushed with paint and bites his lips, trying not to moan. Young, healthy, well flowing under a high-quality member, every now and then you hear a wet champ, my eggs hit my ass with wet slaps. The pushes are powerful, strong, I enter the heated pussy no longer smoothly but in jerks, each time removing the penis almost completely. He got a little tired, went out and, jerking him to turn it on his stomach, laid him on the table. Ok, now I can see her arms immobilized behind her back, entered her slippery and hot pussy and, stretching out her arm, wound her long hair on her fist, pulled her back with force, forcing her to tilt her head back. So, without ceremonies and curtsy, obstinate bitches need to fight hard, then they quickly become affectionate and docile.

A groan of inevitability, bashful, through clenched teeth, but Earl is no longer able to fully control the body that has become angry. Yesterday, when I was tearing her in the ass, she was just hurt, now in the girl's soul two conflicting feelings collided, she was raped, but she is very pleased, how can you not whine? I did not want to cum on her back or on the ass, she must understand that now my property. The orgasm was getting closer and closer, I felt it, but there were no efficient ideas. Having spat on everything, he began to quickly draw a pattern of weaving, in effect it looks more like a curse, if desired, an experienced necromancer will later be able to remove it. It was aerobatics, I didn’t slow down and I was already hammering the whimpering Earl into the voice, and drawing a pattern in time with the jolts. A little more, I’m ready, I’ll finish it, imbue it with dark force by one impulse, I immediately throw it at Earl, it didn’t feel anything, and I began to cum, watering my vagina abundantly with hot sperm. So, even deeper, finishing, he made several more frictions, and he stopped, pressing himself into it with his whole body.

He took out his penis and, having sat Erla on his knees, thrust him, all in her discharge and his own sperm under his breath. The girl did not show off, obediently opened her lips and began to suck, scrubbing. I did not calm down until she cleaned it all up, obediently licked the eggs and looked at me expectantly. Probably, she thinks that when I finished, I became kinder, naive. I also looked at the temporarily barren maiden, from the vagina of which, on the inner side of my thighs, my sperm slowly flowed onto the parquet, grinned.I did not live up to her expectations, created a few ropes and, quickly tying my hands, I put them in a corner of my office, hanging the ropes on an energy hook grown from a wall. She wanted to say something, but a gag from the same clean energy had her mouth shut. When I left, Earl gazed at me with worn eyes, standing naked, with her arms outstretched in the corner of the office.


The morning began when I overslept. Sveta did not bother to wake me up, judging that I need to rest, so I only went down to the refectory by eleven o'clock in the morning, where Magister Horial, in the Molai-Ha company, was extremely displeased with this fact.

- Are you dissatisfied with something again? - Yawning widely, I noticed the sour face of the Magister.

- I have been waiting for you for more than an hour, your grace. - He said and pursed his lips, from which he looked like a toad.

- True? And you could wait for all three, appreciate my kindness. - I lazily dismissed him and I gestured to the cook to serve breakfast.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” I have a lot of things to do today. - Without waiting for when I would start the meal, the representative of the government asked, Molai-Ha also looked at me with a question in his eyes.

“You're right, plump, today you have a lot to do, just not the ones you planned.” And in general, forget in all "your" affairs, you will no longer have them in principle. - Having measured it with an icy gaze, he made his voice stricter, the baron shrugged his shoulders and immediately turned sour, he remembered my disassembly with the Magister fighter.

“May I ask what your words mean?” - Already quieter, without his usual arrogance, he asked.

- Today you will cease to be a Master in the Council of Mages, betray the Empire and become a great villain. - So, as if talking about some routine, I shrugged my shoulders and nodded my thanks to the cook who put a tray with a hot breakfast in front of me. The baron lost his tongue, he just sat and blinked stupidly, trying to realize what he had just heard.

- But ... After all, I ... How is it ... - Finally he squeezed out, coughed.

- And you thought you had a lot of years? So I’ll disappoint you, your homunculus hatched tonight, tomorrow morning it will completely form and take on your appearance, so, after our conversation, run home, collect things and transfer all valuables to the shelter, in the evening we will make a daring attack. - I grinned, wagging a fork, Maul looked at me, something thought.

- Do you want to visit the Imperial Palace? - He guessed without much difficulty.

- Yes, you threw me a good idea yesterday. - Chewing a piece, I nodded to him, my eyes pointed to the decanter with a light dining wine.

- I prompted? - Confusedly muttered the magician, obligingly filling my glass. Now the Baron was transferring the lost gaze from me to Molai-Ha.

- Yes, you told me about his wonderful family and beautiful daughter in particular. - I reminded him.

- Yes ... I told ... But ... What makes you think that his daughter is beautiful? - He began, but suddenly he clung to something quite different.

- Why? In a world where magic flourishes, full of healers and other craftsmen, the Emperor's daughter may not be beautiful? - I was surprised.

- Hmmm ... True ... - Not finding anything to argue, he shrugged.

- But this is suicide! - Magister Horial finally had his pig squeal, he got the meaning of what was said, began to sweat and shake like a pig on the threshold of the slaughterhouse.

“Even if you commit suicide, you have no choice — you go with us.” I warned you that you have time until evening to secure your property so that the Imperial authorities would not put a paw on it. Personally, I do not care, I now have enough gold, but what you will live out of old age - you decide. Now get rid of my eyes, do not spoil the appetite. - I frowned in disgust, the baron gasped several times with his mouth, and then, unable to disobey the direct order, disappeared into the teleport.

- I do not understand why you need it? The Emperor has almost no power ... the Council of Mages will not allow ... - Molai-Ha muttered.

“I don’t care about the Council, they preferred to keep silent about the death of their man, but I need unrest in the Empire, a little chaos so that our mutual friend can work and gain strength.” People follow the Emperor, they believe in him and they know him, and the commotion in his palace to hush up just will not work. - I reasonably explained to the bewildering mage.

- But there is such a defense ... - Made the last weak attempt of Mola-Ha.

- I take the defense, walk like a broom on the benches, give the residents of the capital a reason to talk, and from here rumors will spread throughout the Empire. - Putting the fork, in anticipation ... Read more →

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