1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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From deliberation I was brought out by a delicate knock on the door, I shook my head and opened it wide with a power thread. On the other side was Molai-Ha, he just raised his fist for a new knock, lowered it a little embarrassed and hurriedly went.

“What news?” - I put out the cigarette butt and pushed smoke out of the window out of the window.

“Horial had just come in, told about the Council’s actions.” - Businessly nodded magician.

- True? And what did these pompous idiots come up with? - Not really worrying, I asked.

- To tighten control and security measures in the capital, citizens are forbidden to leave their homes after midnight. All magicians are obliged to search for the killer on their own, the Council is sure that you are in El-Tene. - It is to blame, as if it was he himself who threw such an idea to the Council, shook his head.

- Hmm ... And whose killer, they said?

- No, the special department is silent about the death of the count, all those who know about the incident are isolated.

- Special department? - I was surprised.

- The personal guard of Grand Master Pinners: magicians mentalists, undercurrents, curses, soothsayers, alchemists, combat Master of the highest levels, there are just very smart people, according to official figures of all of them more than ten thousand, spread throughout the Empire. They are engaged in the most important affairs of the Council and are subject only to the Grand Master, they also protect the Emperor and his family. - Explained Molai-Ha.

- Stop-stop-stop ... Emperor? His family? - I grabbed the most important thing from his explanations

- Yes, the Emperor and his family under the protection of the Grand Master. - The magician nodded.

- Very interesting, and a large family of your Emperor? - I was interested, in the head little thoughts, not yet formed into a meaningful idea.

- Not really, wife, two sons and daughter. - He thought for a second thinking.

- Sons - heirs? - Semi-affirmative, I asked with a smile.

- Yes, but the bickering for the throne has not yet begun, the Emperor is not very old and full of strength, so the brothers live very harmoniously. - Somehow in their own way interpreted my grin Molai-Ha.

“What is your Emperor?” - I caught myself thinking that I knew almost nothing about the enemy, I decided to fill in the blanks.

- Well ... You can't tell right away. I only know that his power is nominal. After the persecution of magicians seven hundred years ago, the Council does not want to show everyone its real strength, and for the people the Emperor is the supreme ruler. On decrees and laws, his name, on coins, his signature, ambassadorial delegations go to him and he also conducts the policy, all on the orders of the Grand Master of the Council of Mages, but few of ordinary people know about this, and who knows it keeps silence; rebel conversation is short. - Expressively held the throat with his thumb Mol.

- How do you know that? - I did not understand.

- So my dad took a seat in the Council of Mages before ... - Molai-Ha started, but he stopped himself and was silent.

- Then tell me, this is not the main thing now. - I quickly waved my hand so that he would not begin to sulk again and gaze at my feet, to communicate with the accustomed and who had ceased to be afraid of me the magician was much more pleasant.

- Sons are very small?

- One thirty-one, the second twenty-three. - Quickly counting something on the fingers, Molai-Ha told me.

- A daughter, then how much? - I thought.

“And she and her younger brother were born on the same day, she is also twenty-three.” - No longer calculating, the magician quickly answered.

- Very well, you need to think about it.- I rubbed my hands, the idea in my head was drawn up on the go.

“Lucas, if you are planning to harm the Emperor or his family, this is a very bad idea.” - Looking at my eyes shining with excitement, warned Molai-Ha.

- I have no bad ideas, Like, it's time to remember. - I grinned, gesture letting him go away.

The fighters brought their weapons to me an hour after our conversation with them. Now I looked at the numerous crossbow arrows and the rather long and heavy one-and-a-half Borms sword. I will strengthen them with accumulators of dark power and a film of pure energy, thanks to these innovations, the blade and arrows will pass unhindered through all the magic shields, this property will be most useful in the hunt for magicians. The work did not take a lot of time, it was managed quite easily with such things, having at its disposal absolutely any instrument, which only came to mind. Yes, and I myself liked to conjure objects, if I were not a necromancer, I would be a good artifactor.

Less than two hours, as with the new toys was over. The palms and Borms are large, and he picked up a sword with a thick handle, this made it possible to drill out a groove in it and insert a rather large drive into it, and the more energy, the more possibilities. If a warrior practices a little, he can successfully use his blade in the manner of a shield, he will be glad. I also made four amulets on thick gold chains, inserted flat drives with transforming weaves embedded in them, at the request of the carrier they can turn around a large bubble of pure energy that will not miss a single spell. What to do if the enemy simply tries to throw an ordinary stone sped up by magic at someone of my people, I have not decided yet. Until I bother so much, I have shielded them from the immediate threat of magic and my conscience is clear, I will do the rest at leisure.

While I was busy in the attic, I managed to get completely dark and my households scattered into their rooms. Mom probably still sorts out gifts, she loves all sorts of trinkets, always loved, only her father didn’t really indulge her. He came to rest in his office, sat down in a chair and stared into the dead, lifeless eyes of Count Rolirsky. I can not believe that the whole Empire was afraid of this man, I managed to overcome him too easily. No, if I had given him time to prepare, he probably would have given me a good fight and poked a little longer, but, the first spell did not work, and I did not give him the time for the second one, now he is decorating on the shelf.

- Your grace, do not want a snack? - Having knocked, I went into the room of the cook with a hefty cup with large selected walnuts.

- Bring here. - Without thinking twice, I nodded, I always loved nuts, especially walnuts, well she guessed.

He sat, smoked and flipped walnuts with his fingers, temporarily turning them into a kind of forceps. Gradually a pile of shells accumulated on the table, grabbed it into the empty urn with a sleeve of a shirt, stretched its neck and went down. The heavy door of the basement opened with a quiet, almost imperceptible creak, took a step forward and froze for a moment in fright.

- Good evening, sir. - Hiara smiled at me, transfixed in two steps in front of me.

- Hi, finally took shape. - Quickly remembering who I look at, I breathed a sigh of relief.

“A few hours ago I was completely awake from sleep and immediately began my duties.” - The girl bowed to me, her silhouette shimmered dimly in the dim basement lighting, the soles of the shoes did not touch the floor.

- This is you well done, invented correctly. - I nodded and walked forward, plucked up courage and stepped right through the ghost.

- How are you doing with your guests? - Once behind her, I asked.

“The incubator girl is almost dead, she has no more than two hours left to live, after which your homunculus will hatch and begin to grow more actively. - Turning and flying to the left, the dungeon keeper reported.

- What about Erla? Not dead yet? - Especially slowly walked toward the ash-haired warrior's camera.

- Her physical condition is normal, Molai-Ha came and fed her twice. “Hiara was already a fact known to me.”

- Wow, do you remember Maul? - I was truly amazed.

- Yes, sir, I remember everything that happened to me during my life. - According to the girl nodded.

- Not bad, I tried. Okay, keep an eye on Veriroy, how will he give ends - call Benjamin to tidy ... Read more →

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