1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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to stuff? - Acris guessed to clarify.

- Do not be full, the bags will not stand. Ten pieces in one bag, and leave there, no need to drag here.

- Will be done. - Somehow the soldiers nodded too much on the military and marched in the indicated direction.

- Eva, my girl, go command the servants, check that they pack all non-perishable foods and take more food for the first time. The attendant nodded silently, she all morning was sulking slightly at me for not calling her to fill up the drives, I also found a maniac.

- Dogpis, your task is to collect all the possible materials in the house that you may need in your business, pack it and prepare it for shipment. - So the Master Healer went into the house, I followed him with a look and turned to the others. Earla could not stand my direct searching glance, looked away and lowered her eyes.

- You just do not get confused under your feet. - So without inventing the lessons of my pupil, reluctantly let her go and I looked at Molai-Ha, he was a little wary.

- Weapons, artifacts, all useful take out of the house and put in the yard, later sorted. - Disordered and, left alone with Sorianna, thoughtfully looked at her from head to toe. Once again she was dressed up, wrapped in rags to the very neck, dragged into a corset and no decollete to you, and yet her breasts were beautiful ...

- What am I to do with you? - I rather reliably portraying reverie, I slowly stretched out and, taking a step, turned out to be right in front of a frozen woman. Again, the calmness and coldness of a lady is making herself, does my method really work so badly?

- I would like you to leave me alone. - The voice was confident, but on the last word it slightly faltered, it did not hide from my attention and I stretched my lips in a contented smile.

- I would like to leave you alone, but you have such a tasty one. - Still grinning, pointedly smiled and ran his finger along her cheek, the marquis made a short step back.

- But I do not advise you to run away, otherwise I will be very dissatisfied with you. - Stepping even closer, I hugged her around the waist, yanked her close and whispered it almost to her lips.

- I really do not like it when such mouth-watering and juicy girls make a fool of themselves and try to show character. If this very character you have is not so hot, it is better to hide it, do not force me to knock out your foolishness with whips, you really do not want to ruin your skin for nothing, it is so tender. “Though I kept my good-natured and humorous tone, I still added a threat to my voice, Sorianna understood everything and slowly, very slowly, blinked her long eyelashes.

- Do not think that if we leave the estate, then our contract becomes invalid, now your home is where I am. - I just pulled away to look into the eyes. I got to the very point, Sorianna's look for a moment became frightened, disappointment and annoyance flashed through him, so-so-so ... I immediately stopped smiling and looked at the awnings much more intently, she became nervous, her heart began to pound more often, awkwardly led my shoulders, but, my arm wrapped around her waist did not flinch, I just grabbed her side with my fingers and squeezed it a little, making it painfully grimace.

- Leave these thoughts, I see through you, what I do not hurt you, does not mean that you have any rights.- Pronouncing every word clearly, I said and turned the recently learned trick, the air I exhaled became frosty, filled with microscopic pieces of ice tingling the skin, and so close to the face it is not very pleasant, and it should frighten them. The effect met all expectations, Sorianna shrank as if in anticipation of a strike and quickly nodded, not daring to open her mouth once more, I let go of it and without turning around left to prepare for the move.

It took almost four hours to get ready. As a result, in the courtyard of the estate, there was a mountain of bags and boxes with my height, I looked around at all this belongings and sighed. If it were not for Horial, all this junk would have to be left here, because they could not do without a cart, however, it would be very good to have a magician at hand capable of opening direct portals in space. Quickly counting all those present on the head, I was convinced that everything is here and went to the basement after my last companion.

- Rockylda, honey, we have to go. - Having appeared at her camera, knocked knuckles on the door grille. The princess measured me with an indifferent look, not a single muscle fluttered on her beautiful face, another one that many imagined about itself, so what is all this to me? I opened the lock, opened the grille and walked quickly to the center of the chamber, where my captive was sitting on a stool with truly Imperial greatness.

The girl squeezed her shoulder with disgust, as soon as I only touched her, I hesitated for a second and threw a resounding slap in the face to the obstinate prisoner. Rockylda took it calmly, just shook her head and looked again, not paying attention to the pain, I really did not like it. This time I grabbed her not by the shoulder but by the thick long hair, tried to budge. I did not understand what she had done, but at that very moment I was on the floor, and this seemingly fragile girl sat on me, painfully turning her arm around and kneeling on her spine.

- Do not dare to touch me, smer. - For the first time, she gave a voice, she said contemptuously, sharply tugged at her hand, intending to break it, but she didn’t come out to make such a spectacular and pathetic gesture. After receiving a few moments while she ranted, I covered my twisted limb with a layer of energy, so now all her efforts were in vain. I have to admit that the girl’s mind and determination not to occupy, didn’t break my arm the first time, she immediately punched her head, gasped softly and immediately rolled to the floor with a slow rising to my feet.

- And it will be fun with you. “The princess, already leaping to her feet and standing in some unfamiliar fighting stance, recoiled from my smile. Merry malice filled my soul, the captivity of the captive got mad and at the same time made admire, the blood boiled and I rushed forward, on the move putting my body into impenetrable exo-skeleton from the materialized energy completely. Rockylda instantly recovered from the first bewilderment and skillfully conducted a series of precise and surprisingly quick strikes. If I had not been dressed in armor, I would have already lay on the floor again, but now the girl hissed and took a step back, stood up again, and blood began to ooze from her broken knuckles.

- Let's dance, since you insist. - I grinned in a mad grin, I swung forward with a flourish and, grabbing her hand after another unsuccessful blow to the face, pulled hard on myself. Contrary to my expectations, the heir to the throne did not lose balance, just took a step forward and her knee sank into my groin, a treacherous blow, and very feminine, did worse to herself, but don’t need to knock on the energy armor like that beat the wall, to her without much difference, but to you ...

I pulled Rokildu further, at the same time moving aside and putting her footboard. The princess saw perfectly well what I was doing, I wanted to step over the barrier, but, the leg that had been injured before, let me down, gave a little buckle and she stumbled and stretched out on the stone floor of the chamber, it was good that I had time to let go of my hand.

- Well, your highness? Are we still going to swing our arms and legs? - Without letting her rise, I asked with a grin and, not giving her a chance to get up, I kicked in the gut with a sweep, didn’t calculate my strength, now I’m not moving, but a thin film of energy enveloping my body. The body of the girl threw a little and she, falling on the floor, softly groaned, squinting in pain.

- Kung Fu, or what are you practicing there, is a good thing, only here it is somewhat inappropriate. - Squatting beside me, I wrapped my fabulous hair around my fist, buried my face in the dusty floor of the basement, pressing my cheek into the cold stone slabs.

Now even an elephant will not break out of my grip, she didn’t know about it and tried ... Read more →

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