1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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passing microscopic portions of magical energy through the fabric of a nightgown. The woman's chest lifted in a deep breath, she held her breath for a moment and, very slowly, trying not to betray her reaction, exhaled through her nose.

- You do like it, do not hide it. - Leaning over, I whispered, almost touching my lobe to my right ear. The marquise was silent, her straight gaze was still watching me in the mirror, but, with an accelerated vein on a sleek neck, she gave out the hostess with giblets.

- You can just ask me, and I will make you very nice, you just need to throw away pride and finally leave your pretense. - My hand slipped from her shoulder and took the Marquis, who was pressed against her throat.

I did not think to strangle Sorianna, the grip was very light and calm, without aggression and pressure, the marquis already belongs to me and I just demonstrate it in the open. Sorianna understands everything, the ice in her eyes was covered with cracks and scattered shrapnel, magic gradually fills the unprepared body, fills the emptiness, where once was so recklessly sold soul, and now there is only a constant unconscious sense of loss, which temporarily recedes under my exposure, it becomes very calm and pleasant, though not recognized, stubborn. A body without a soul is a unique phenomenon for this world, all these people do not even think about how much in life depends on having such an ephemeral thing as a soul, they consider it a metaphor, beautiful words about their own sensuality, not even knowing what the soul fills their existence in bright colors, without which everything around seems faded and meaningless. Consciousness, feelings, emotions, without a soul, all this is rubbish, useless rubbish filling an empty body, Sorianna does not know this, but feels that this is why her eyes begin to shine and shine when I fill the void inside with pure energy.

I'm not in a hurry, my palm returned to her shoulder, my fingers picked up the edge of the shirt and moved it lower, exposing the velvety skin. Leaning down, I kissed her bare shoulder, the woman shuddered at the touch of my lips, through which the power gushed out in a wide stream, her fingers trembled, squeezed the armrests of the chair. A second and everything stopped, I smile, listening to her lost breathing, again kissing, this time on the neck, she slightly throws back her head against her own will, allowing me to touch the most delicate skin under my chin with my lips, and the awnings are already trembling through my lips, how sensitive she is to my power. Her emotions, cautious and incredulous, with each of my kiss, they grow stronger and open like a rose bud, step by step the body takes the reins of government and mind, breathing gets deeper, heart pounding more and more, blood rumbles in my ears, at such moments I feel a woman as himself, reveling in all the power.

My palms are covered with a thin layer of energy and immediately slides off under their shirt like gloves. A surge of surprise and fright, which I immediately extinguished with a new portion of energy, and a copy of my hands already glides along the body of Sorianna. I materialized the energy, copied my own skin, made it as warm as real, the control no longer requires me to concentrate as I did at the first time, I play with her breasts, continuing to massage my shoulders.Artificial fingers begin to pull at the hardening nipples, feel her growing excitement, revel in them, a new hand materializes between the awnings' legs and teasingly plays with her pussy swelling from the surging blood. So, no one carrot, only gingerbread, magic and pleasure, soon this once overbearing and unapproachable lady will be like a bitch eating from her hand, begging to be stroked. Silent moan and Sorianna, having closed eyes, sharply unclenches the fingers, hitherto tightly clutching the armrests, I immediately stop everything, the flow of power dries up, hands-gloves cease to be material.

- Just ask, more is required of you. It is very simple. - Tempting, whispering in her ear and enjoying her inner struggle. Crumbs of the mind, not yet absorbed by the waves of excitement and energy, scream her to stop, but the disobedient lips are already inaudibly whispering something.

- I'm sorry, what? - I ask again, although I heard her first timid request perfectly.

- ... please ... I ... - Marquise mutters a little louder, looking away from the mirror, unable to look into his eyes and his pale cheeks.

- I can not hear you. - Slightly moving for a moment the materialized fingers between her legs and tickling her clitoris, I smile encouragingly, biting my earlobe.

- Fuck me ... I ask! - Finally, finally stepping over himself, squeezing his eyes, Sorianna cries out and at the same time the improvised hand penetrates with her fingers into her already wet pussy. The palms on the chest also come to life, they squeeze the nipples and a languid sensual moan is pulled out of the woman’s chest, in which a mixture of pleasure and agony is seen.

I again miss a portion of power into it, urge on excitement and caress, staring at the reflection in the mirror. My dick standing already starts to whine a little, but I continue, press, lead to the precipice, here it is in a single step from the apotheosis. I caught the moment, stopped everything and took a step back, unzipping my belt with a slight movement. Sorianna opened her eyes, hastily turned around and, seeing my full combat readiness, as if spellbound, got up from her chair, came closer, knelt down.

- So, good girl. - I breathed through my teeth when her lips clung to the trunk and hot tongue slid over the head. Marquis began to suck, holding the member with one hand and the other down under the shirt. With my dick, she now does not part, now such a coveted energy passes through him, forcing him to suck enthusiastically, caressing his lips and tongue. I put her hand on her head, stroked her hair and closed my eyes, giving myself to pleasant sensations. Yes, I can allow myself this woman with this mature woman who conceals her sensuality behind imperiousness, I once felt the same with Sveta, now this piquant note in sex with a young girl who has become a mother is gone, but the marquis is a miracle.

Opening my eyes, I took her toy from Sorianna and, pulling on her ear, made me stand up. The woman quickly got up and, without waiting for instructions, pulled the nightgown over her head, stepped forward and tried to kiss me. I dodged, grabbed her hot body by the shoulders, turned his back to me, grabbed his chest with his hands, and greedily crushed the coveted flesh in the hot palms. If I did it fifteen minutes ago, the Marquise would have hurt, but now I felt only the wave of pleasure that smelled of her, Sorianna rubbed her bare ass against my dick, catching him with a hollow between the buttocks, impatiently, demandingly. The copies of my hands became material again, two lay on the lush buttocks, pushing them apart, and the third sent a member, putting the head to the wet awning. A sharp push made her tense up and groan, and I, squeezing my chest, which did not fit in my palms, began to move, another pair of hands forcing Sorianna to close her knees together, even tighter, like that. Well, in this position she became much narrower, it strengthened not only my feelings, but also hers, now she feels like never before every millimeter of flesh, with force and pressure bursting into her womb.Now this woman is very good, the Marquis Riator is gone, and instead of her in my arms, Sorianna, a lustful and bitch who is enjoying a young member, having fun with her rights as a host, groans. Having dispersed the marquise to the desired condition, I reduced the flow of energy, reducing it almost to nothing and released her chest, pushed her in the back, roughly and unexpectedly.

Sorianna screamed and leaned over, clutching at the back of the chair so as not to fall, rested against it, looked with dazed eyes at the reflection of her distorted pleasure face. Quickly throwing off my shirt, I grabbed her thighs and began, with strong sweeping movements, to pull the penis like a doll, pushing air out of her lungs and forcing her ... Read more →

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