1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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the coins are large, weigh a lot, about twenty grams each, the total weight is about twenty-five kilograms, Eve looked up to the ceiling, sighed and took away his burden from the baron, easily raised the huge purse with one hand and thundered down such a painting by Sadros.

You know, money works wonders in any of the worlds where people live. Not a trace was left of the skepticism and discontent of the head of the artel. I must give him his due, he did not stand and stare at the gold, even though I was in secret and waited for such a reaction. It is understandable, just said that they work with aristocrats and are accustomed to large sums, but still, there was a slight disappointment. The attitude to our company has undergone a strong change, we were immediately escorted to the second floor in the personal account of the host, poured wine and listened to all my wishes. After receiving the oath assurances that both the promised brigades would be ready to go on their way in a couple of hours with the tools and everything necessary, even without looking at night, I deigned to leave, chuckling softly into a fist.

“And why all this farce?” You could have sworn in, he would have done everything for free. - Eve eloquently knocked fist on the open palm of Eve, as soon as we settled in a tavern near the central square of the city and ordered a very, very late dinner.

- What for? People do the work, they have to pay for it. - I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing how to justify the whim that came to mind.

- Well, I do not know, somehow it is all a chore. - Eva shook her shoulders and looked at the silence baron, he said nothing, that's right, I didn’t ask. Eva is right, but somehow it is boring and not interesting. The head of the construction cooperative does not pose any danger for me, but what only his physiognomy was worth at the moment when he opened the bag of coins. No, loyalty and submission is good, only to achieve it yourself is much more pleasant than receiving as a handout from Xa-Aran, I have not forgotten who owns the wonderful artifact hanging under my shirt.

Having stuffed our bellies, we sat in the tavern for even more than an hour, and all this time I was talking to Horial. In obedience to my order to "behave with dignity," the Baron radically changed his behavior. For all the time of our conversation, in the voice of the magician, the shrill hysterical notes that so irritated me never flashed, he did not fawn any more, did not hiss and froze, just calmly talked about the places where he had been. And the traveler from Horial turned out to be notable, because of his duty, he spent most of his life wandering around the Empire, jumping tirelessly to where it was necessary to set up teleportation and landing platforms, in some cities he lived for months and studied them well. Mentally, I thanked fate for the fact that she threw up the Molai-Ha idea to bring me exactly to this person. Only now, sitting in a calm atmosphere, full of smiles and sipping some fragrant herbal decoction, I realized that Baron was just an invaluable storehouse of very useful information for me, it is not surprising that he was given such a high position on the Council as Horial himself admitted, in serious cases he had not.

Most of all I was struck by his memory; Horial spoke without hesitation of the names of cities, their population, the main focus of their type of activity, the names of city governors and their titles, who with whom in any way. I listened to his chattering hour, I realized that the head from the new information was swelling and firmly promised myself to be with this fat man softer, a very useful frame. I am a child of my century and of the world, and I understand perfectly well what value even the smallest piece of information obtained at the right time can have, and the baron has just an inconceivable amount of information in his head, it's hard to even imagine.

- As time will be, we will continue our conversation, and now let's go. “Waiting for him to negotiate a certain Viscountess Kraesau, who six months ago changed her husband with the younger son of Count Nofrar and because of what the Emperor had to intervene in a noble quarrel, to prevent a massacre, I rose from the chair. Horial obediently paused, put down the fork, which he still twisted in his fingers and stood up. Eva, who was already dozing under our peaceful conversation about everything, started, blinked several times and hurried to catch up with us, who had already managed to move a few steps away from the table.

- It is time? - With a crunch, the Servant stretched his neck as soon as we went outside and breathed in the fresh night air.

- It's dawn soon, I had to do everything. - Glancing at the sky, I shrugged my shoulders and we stomped in the opposite direction.

Sadros almost fully complied with the terms of our agreement, twenty-six people gathered in the depths of his courtyard and, by the light of the torches, put something into the carts with concentration.

- What is this? - I did not understand, nodding at the carts.

- Like what? Tool. - The head of the artel, who personally checked the charges of his people, was surprised by my preciseness.

- Also true ... - I was forced to admit the logical nature of what was happening and I looked at Horial.

“Will we take everyone off?” “I asked the Baron quietly when Sadros retreated to the wagons.”

- Only if running a long wide channel I can not keep so far. “Having estimated his possibilities, Horial’s lips tightened slightly, uncertainly, staring at the carts.

- And if I add energy? Hold? - Noticing his glance, I frowned too.

- If so, then yes, no problem. - Immediately brightened face sorcerer.

- Then there is nothing to worry about, we have a lot of energy with us. - Nodding at the backpack, hanging on his back and not noticing his burden of Eve, also stopped sweating over trifles, and I went to the crowd.

- Here, meet. This is Skas and Ukror, brigadiers, for the most part they will work with you. “As soon as I got close, I immediately brought two pretty young guys to me, somewhat similar to each other.

- Brothers? - I didn’t ask very politely, glancing at them with magical eyesight.

- Yes, why? - The guys were clearly surprised, their simple, ingenuous faces were slightly stretched.

- No, nothing like that, just wondered. My name is Lucas, I, as you already understood, the customer. - I nodded and, without showing off, firmly shook the palms of both brigadiers, and Skhaz didn’t give me a bit of a crush on my hands, but he noticed the mistake and was embarrassed.

- Is everything clear with you, and where are the engineers? - I turned to Sadros.

- And out, put their belongings in a long wagon. - Poke a finger boss.

- Okay, we will have time to get ready, now let's move forward, we need to leave the city before dawn. - I ordered, and at Sadros' nod, the estate guards began to remove the deadbolt from the main gate.

- Lucas ... By the way, what is your title? - I wanted to say something, but suddenly remembered the head of the artel of decency.

- Do not, you can just Lucas, I'm not snobby. - Smiling, I shook my head and looked expectantly at the bewildered Sadros.

“Well, Lucas, you have not told me where you are going to build.” - Quickly taking himself in hand, surprisingly firmly and aggressively stated Sadros.

- I want to build an estate near El Tena. - Without batting an eye, I replied.

- Aaaa ... So you are from the capital.- Obviously thinking about something of his own, knowingly hemmed a man, he suddenly became “understandable,” let him continue to think so.

- I can assure you that this is not our last meeting, if everything goes well, I will build a lot and will certainly use your services. - Warming up in his mind the image of a rich young man spending an accumulation of generations of ancestors, I added in a jokingly conspiratorial tone and hurried to catch up with the column that had already left the gate.

We left the city without any difficulty, we were stopped by guards at the main gate, but one of the brothers presented them with some paper and our company was let out. Almost everyone went on foot, only three drivers were shaking on the carts loaded with tools, so they moved slowly.

- Here you go,... Read more →

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