1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

Page: 14 of 15

her shoulder, on the lips of the blonde, a contented smile wandered.

- Eve, baby, break our little bit one leg to continue to bite her master in disgust. - Looking into my eyes and noting with satisfaction how Rokilda’s face turned white at my words, I gave the order, and Eve did not hesitate in his execution. The attendant somehow unnaturally twitched, and from the throat of the helpless Rokilda, a heart-rending cry broke out, sounding rather funny. A moment before we were covered with a matte dome impenetrable for sounds, no need to confuse builders with screams, they didn’t get too far.

Well, no contempt and composure, just twitching all over and screaming, I slightly loosened my grip so that, shaking my head, Rockyld would not break his jaw. Tears are streaming down the girls' cheeks, anger has been replaced by pain, this feeling has a completely different look, very pleasant, apparently sadists from my world sometimes catch it, but I, being a necromancer magician, can feel it fully, so to speak, to taste.

- Well, how? Will we break the second leg, or has the lesson been learned? “Waiting for the first wave of pain to subside, and Rokilda will hoarse and die down,” I asked. The princess shook her head weakly, stopped fighting with my hand, froze with her mouth wide open, crying. Moscow does not believe in tears, it is necessary not to sob, but to obey, with a firm conviction of this thought into her hard headed head. Remembering why I actually came here, I took my hand out of Rokilda’s mouth and wiped the palm of a dress that was wet from her drool, about the breast, and nothing so tits for the bitch, large and elastic, and now they will get to not in a hurry. While I was fascinated by the educational process, the cup with the already cooled food obediently hung in the air, but now I created a sphere next to it, shook the contents of the plate into this ball and began to grind it with numerous knives inside.

My blender turned out to be good, but the strange brown color looked somehow not very appetizing, although with my mind I understood that it was just buckwheat and meat, ground into a homogeneous pasty mass. Okay, I don’t have to eat it, I didn’t want to go with a spoon, I’m shoving directly A thin hose unceremoniously penetrated into the throat of Rokilde, she tried to spit it out, twitched in an emetic urge, in vain, the hose passed through the esophagus and began to thicken, lightly, but the whole space was tight. Now she can not breathe, she will tolerate anything for a minute, quickly hooked the end of the hose to the sphere with liquid and began to rapidly reduce its size, pumping the frayed food directly into the stomach. Here, it is unpleasant, I understand, but it’s not necessary to become swollen, I suggested to do everything humanly.

- Well, now death from starvation does not threaten you, your highness. - I patted on the cheek coughing and trying to catch my breath after the procedure of feeding the princess, shook his head Eve. The attendant released the captive and she sank to the ground, trying not to disturb the broken arm.

- Oh yes, that temptation was not. - I said and snapped my fingers. From the collar of Rockylda, a transparent cable came out of the materialized energy, turned around the trunk of the tree so beloved by the princess and closed, becoming one and preventing the loss of energy from the drive. Let tied so far sit, and then run away yet.No, in the very center of the Great Forest there is nowhere to run, for many thousands of kilometers around the forest and nothing more, and I can find it on the collar for a second, only to reluctantly catch something, and so there is a lot of work.

“Call Dogpis to her, let him straighten his arm and check it altogether.” - I threw it to Eve, turned and pulled in the energy of the dome covering us, went into the forest, waving an empty cup as I went.

At my behest, Borms conveyed to the builders that today they can rest and begin work tomorrow morning. The cook did her job, she took the dishes with her as if she knew the future, found pots and pots, made a fire and began to cook for the whole horde. I went on the grass squeezed in wide boots, and after four hundred meters I went out to a stream running quietly between the roots of the trees, it was here that my people gathered water. Having rinsed the plate and having had a little drink, I returned to the camp, handed over the washed dishes and began to dig in bags and boxes that no one had bothered to unpack.

- What are you doing? - Creeping in silently, lightly patted me on the shoulder Eve.

- I am looking for heaters. - Twitching, and with relief realized that this Servant, I replied.

- What for? - Seeing that I am not angry for my brief fright, the girl continued inquiring.

- Do you like swimming? - I answered the question with a question.

- I love. - Without thinking, she nodded.

- Well, then take a couple of drives and follow me. - I smiled and, finally having fished out some artifacts-heaters, I went back to the stream.

The stream is too small, I did not even reach the knee, I had to work a little with an excavator. Having dug out a small pool, I looked at the unsightly surface of the soil with twisted stones and chopped off the roots of trees with an energy bucket. Now we need to resolve the issue with the stream, did not dig the channel, just put a bundle of energy into the ground, connected it to the pool wall, materialized it and expanded it, turning it into a pipe, tied it to the same drive. Water poured into the improvised bath, I threw the heaters and sent strength to them.

Eva watched my actions with genuine interest, and when light steam began to rise over the reservoir that had gathered to the brim, she squealed with joy and jumped, removing clothes from us in flight.

I could not look at her happy face without affection, I also hurriedly got rid of the clothes and carefully got into the pleasantly hot water. Oh yes, what a bliss, sat down and relaxed, enjoying the water, reaching the very throat. Having dipped her head several times, Eve sniffed, rubbed her face and, brushing wet hair on the back of her head, purposefully walked toward me.

- Do not flounder, give a rest. - Mockingly slapped her on the ass under the water, when the Servant tried to push playfully, Eva immediately fell silent and, crouching on my feet, pressed her back.

- I love swimming, and you can do more? - Reaching under the water and looking at how their outlines change from ripples running on the surface, as if the little girl asked for it, turned around.

“Yes, I can dig up the lake later.” - Seeing no reason for refusal, I gently kissed her on my wet nose and wrapped my arms around my waist.

Eve immediately twisted in my hands, turned her face and, grasping wet cheeks for cheeks, passionately kissed her lips. I was not against it, I pressed it to me, I stroked the elegant curving of my back, I seized the initiative. Looking up for a moment, Eve smiled like a contented cat, she feels perfectly, as my hurriedly strengthening cock rests against her ass. Here is an infection, especially fidgeting, massaging buttocks, and lybitsya. I also smiled, once again quickly smacked the lips folded in a bow and, putting my hand on my head, pushed me under the water. She didn’t even try to free herself, grabbed the handles I had kindly grown from the bottom of the handle so as not to emerge, and the next moment I felt her lips cling to the head.I relaxed and threw my head on the side of the pool, fucking in the water is quite difficult purely physiologically, water is not the best lubricant, but it is quite possible. Eve is not in a hurry, she doesn't even think about choking, she doesn't need to breathe anymore, she will sit and wrinkle under water for a couple of hours, the Servants stand out from people.

Her slow pace and thoroughness relaxes, in all this running around with the Council, the approval of the new world order and the organization of unrest in the old world, at least something is calm and bright. She likes to suck, the process is almost more than pleasure to me, even though the doctors say that there are no erogenous zones in the mouth. Having played enough with tongue and lips, Eve ... Read more →

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