1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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I turned, brushing palms away from the crumbs.

- Ok, I'll tell her. - nodded Maul and looked expectantly into the eyes.

- Did you see your mother today?

- No, why? Has something happened to her? - The magician was on guard.

- Oh no, nothing bad happened to her. Just wondered. - I grinned.

- With my sister, as I understand it, you also did not talk today. - I added a semi-affirmative and hit him in the face without a swing. Not expecting anything like this, the magician staggered, took a step back, but did not fall, closed his hands, stared in silent amazement at the still calm and complacently smiling at me.

- More to my mom without knocking do not go, and then take out my soul. - Approaching the mage who had recoiled when I approached, I promised with a smile, he turned pale and quickly nodded.

- Well, once you have decided everything, then talk to your sister, I advise you to send her to hell, while I'm good, soon it will be oh so hot in the capital. “He patted him on the shoulder, left him in the library, and he himself went to the laboratory, now he needs to act and not sit still, or he will fall asleep and sleep over the meeting.”

He fiddled a bit by practicing the creation of energy structures of different configurations. I like working with pure energy much more than with weaving. Everything in the patterns is simple and unambiguous, you know weaving - you know what it does, but pure energy is much more versatile. For a couple of hours I managed to thin the power probe to full invisibility, while maintaining its rigidity. The result was a real monomolecular. Almost taking off a pair of fingers for myself, I lightly brushed the corner of a table of dense oak wood into a fist thick, smiled contentedly and removed the resulting weapon. It’s not possible to create it quickly, you need to concentrate, but, most importantly, I can, the rest will come with practice. Time gradually approached noon, went downstairs and found Eve, Mom and Sorianna in the refectory. Molai-Ha and Liara was not, everything is clear, I drove my sister to go to hell. I hope the mage will have enough brains not to drag around with her, but to entrust this business to someone else, okay, let's not guess, in which case I will harness Horial. As it turned out, Eva cooks just disgusting, my mother reluctantly poked around in her cup, Sorianna did not even touch her portion, Eve looked at me confusedly.

- Do not kuksis, today I find a man in the kitchen. - I stroked her head, I, Servant smiled gratefully. Mom looked at us for a long time, something like jealousy flashed in her eyes, then she was gone. Sorianna avoided seeing me at all, sat upright, putting on the mask of a high-ranking lady from high society again, nothing, I’ll take care of you once again to free myself a little.

- Where are you going? - I found an excellent reason to escape from the plate of Light, as soon as Eve got up from her chair and headed for the exit.

- Meeting with us, business. - Out of curiosity, I picked up a piece of roast from her plate.

- Can I come with you? - Immediately interested in my mother.

- Sorry, dear, not today. Sit while at home, take a walk in the garden, rest. Later, I will definitely go out with you for a walk and show the city. - Without becoming torturing myself, I spat out a terribly sour piece of meat in a napkin, rinsed my mouth with wine.

- Well, la-a-adno ... - Mom was a little upset.

- Do not be offended, today is really very busy.Do not sit hungry, there in the kitchen to eat bread and smoked meat, snack while, I will come back, bring a normal meal. - I kissed her cheek and I quickly left.

- Forgive me ... I tried. - Eve obeyed, as soon as we got out of the manor gate.

- Never mind, you shouldn't have worked in the kitchen. - I waved away, perfectly aware of my mistake, I had to first find a replacement for Verimera, okay, let's figure it out.

We reached the tavern before the time was right, Neutroot was not in the hall, and I did not rush to look for him. Instead, we sat down at one of the empty tables and ordered lunch. Eve doesn’t need food per se, she receives the lion’s share of energy from murder, but she can eat too, and enjoy the pleasure of delicious food just like everyone else. Out of the corner of his eye, Vaira noticed, who had whipped through the kitchen door as soon as she noticed our appearance. Funny girl, and very prudent, well remembers what happened and tries not to catch the eye. This time the meat was above all praise, or I was so hungry ... However, this does not detract from the merits of the cook, I even decided to entice this craftsman to myself, but this is a bit later. When I had enough, I was pleased to lay back in my chair and began to look around. Less than ten minutes later, as Neutrot appeared in the hall, the zombie looked around and, seeing us, hurried to our table.

- Good afternoon, my lord. He did everything as you ordered, the right people are already waiting in the backyard. - With a nod greeted Eve, he turned to me.

- Well done, let's go see who you found. - I nodded favorably, and we went after the zombie, which led us to the spacious courtyard of the tavern.

- On the benches, nestled under the sprawling maples at a distance of the gate, sat seven people, noticing our appearance, they got up and went to meet me.

- Here, as ordered. I did not find a dozen, time is short, but these guys are proven, they know their business. - Neutrot assured me when we met and stopped, I looked at the company, they told me.

- We know that you are right. - The thin peasant, who was standing slightly ahead of the others, grinned at me, took a quick glance at Eve, who stood still behind her shoulder.

- Well, kid, lead to the owner, let's talk for business. - Having finished the inspection, he nodded.

- I don’t need to go anywhere, I’m a tenant - I said calmly.

- You? And what will you pay? Is it really a woman? - Once again, after examining my modest, eye-catching coat, he grinned. Four behind his back chimed, only two of them made no sound. The girl, the only one in their company, looked at her comrades with displeasure, apparently, the leader’s assumption somehow hurt her. In the second one I didn’t recognize yesterday’s interlocutor, he nodded easily, indicating that he recognized me too, it didn’t hide from the commander.

- Okay, man, do not be angry, I joked. Come tell me what kind of work to be. - Instantly catching the situation, the leader smoothed the corner and we moved away under the shadow of the maple.

- Work is not easy, but well-paid. - A little thought, I began to speak, watching their reaction. The mercenaries were silent, listened attentively, I did not see much excitement from my words, which made me happy.

- How good is that? - Voted one of them, standing to the right of the captain.

- Five gold per month, and all expenses, including transportation, food and equipment on me. - I nodded, there was an indefinite silence, the mercenaries were thinking about something. Suddenly, one of the group silently went to the gate.

- Lirs, where are you going? - She threw in his back a girl in a low, pleasantly velvety voice.

- Without me, for such money, the noble go down, and this is more expensive. - Without turning around, he answered in a hollow voice and went out of the gate, all eyes turned to me.

- Here he is right, you have to get a little dirty hands. - My yesterday's acquaintance frowned thoughtfully, lowered his eyes.

- is it possible in more detail? And then I don't like this idea. - stretched the girl, crossing her arms under her breasts, I looked at her more closely. Low, in trousers and a simple shirt, there is a blade on the belt, almost like mine, only without pebbles and engravings on the handle.Not a fashion model, chest, as far as I can judge under a shirt, small, it is good if the girl gets two. Her hair is ashy, gathered in a ponytail and abandoned behind her back, she is pretty on her face, only a look ... Brown eyes with gray eyes look straight, with some kind of challenge.

- Earl, shut up. - Threw her commander.

- What are you, Borms? Do not you see that the boy is muddy some kind. - The girl was indignant, I tried not to change in the face, calmly meeting not the most flattering response from the hostile girl .... Read more →

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