1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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power over man, nothing else can compare with this feeling. I revel in this sensation, with my mother everything is different, with her I am gentle and affectionate, I try my best to finish as many times as possible, get pleasure, tremble in my arms and give my love. With Sorianna everything is much more sophisticated, more like a torture, incredibly pleasant, but not becoming less painful.

And the marquise whines, her vagina blazes with fire, thick, frivolous drops of discharge disintegrate from the blood that has swollen from the blood that has poured in to her lips, which she just oozes without stopping. The last time I changed the pace and let go of her hand, grabbed a little stronger by the hips and accelerated, forcing the penis to the very end, filling her squishing the vagina completely. The energy rushed in abundant flow, literally filling her body completely in the very first seconds, Sorianna raised herself on her hands, getting up on all fours, the magnificent fleshy breast rose above the bed, swaying in time with the jolts, nipples rubbing about the sheets and she rolls her eyes, whimpers something unintelligible, again coming to the cherished line. This time I didn’t stop, I increased the pressure and the marquise had finished, throwing out a long, sensual groan. The orgasm covered her headlong, took the power out of her hands, made her face collapse on the bed, reduced all muscles with a sweet spasm, knocking her breath out of her chest. Her face, so aristocratically beautiful, distorted, her eyes rolled and the twitches began to resemble agony.

I did it, I brought it to such a state and how I feel good about it. Using the latest crumbs of prudence, I managed to create a thinnest, almost intangible energy film on my penis and began to pour out the seed, filling it with hot, almost burning sperm. The awnings had little space in the pussy, looking for a way out, sperm went along the trunk, to the place where the original condom ended, began to trickle down her pussy, flow down the inner side of the thighs, and I finished and finished, firmly pressed into her soft ass. When I let go, he took out the weakening member and, removing the condom, carelessly threw him on his back, still weakly twitching Sorianna, removing the power structure still in flight. Weakness in the whole body, pleasant and wearying, in spite of her, pulled on his pants and fastened his belt. He was no longer wearing a shirt, his hands simply did not rise, he threw him on his elbow and, glancing at the marquis, he grinned.

Reddened, sweaty, lying on the bed with a raised ass and knees wide apart. My sperm and its discharge, all this filled with a sheet, crotch and inner side of the thighs. In some places, on the bed, my blood is seen, there is a stain on her saliva, the bitch completely lost her human form and flowed from where she could, a real female. It lies without movement, the head is turned on its side, mindlessly looking at one point, like a broken doll, and only slowly calming the breath gives life in this populated body. Without saying a word, he left the room, pleased, and just closing the door, he noticed Liara standing a little further along the corridor. In one nightgown, she frantically pressed her hands to her chest, disheveled, looks at me in amazement, but in the eyes of that astonishment, or that horror, you will not understand it right away.

- Yes ... It is necessary to do thicker walls ... - I could only mutter, turned and walked away, looking for something to devour.


I rested from the works in a cozy arbor in the farthest corner of the garden. He collapsed in a spacious armchair and sipped a weak, more like a normal juice wine, thought about the upcoming business. The Council of Mages does not inspire me much concern. He is directly acquainted with only one of its members, and Molai-Ha says that Magister Horial is a coward beyond all measure, however, he occupies a solid post there. I heard footsteps behind my back, I turned around and managed to see the magician and the mother following him.

- Here is your son, lady. - Respectfully bowed Molai-Ha, showing me. Mom was embarrassed and blushed slightly, not accustomed to such behavior.

- Good morning, mom. - I got up and stepped forward, nodded my thanks to Mol, the magician hurried to get out.

- Good. Mish ... This is some kind of madhouse ... - Mom confessed when I sat her on my knees and shoved my glass.

- Yes, he is still a madhouse, here you are right. However, how did you sleep? - I did not argue.

- Slept well, you can not argue. - Mom smiled, took a sip of wine, put the glass on the table and pressed, resting her head on her shoulder.

- It was enough to open my eyes, came running right away. A man in a suit, then a girl, followed by the boy who walked me. - Shifted with her shoulders Light.

- They are out of curiosity, do not be angry. - Stroked her thigh, mentally making a note to talk with Maul.

- They are curious, but I am naked, in one sheet. - Mom was outraged, I immediately corrected the note to talk to give in the face.

- And who are these anyway? Your friends? - Pulling away, my mother looked into my eyes.

“Not friends, servants.” - I corrected it.

- They ... - Autumn mom, she even opened her mouth in astonishment.

- Oh no, only Benjamin, the one in the suit. - Hastened to calm.

- And on it you will not tell. - After thinking for a moment, she admitted to Light.

- Firm brooms does not knit how alive it turned out. - I smiled smugly, stretched out and briefly kissed the girl on the lips, shrugged from his knees and stretched, yawned a long draw.

- Did you go to bed today at all? - Instantly understood the situation mom.

- I did not have time, I have a lot to do - I admitted, without mentioning that I was just wandering around the city and then I was fucking.

- What are you doing here at all? - Interested in Light, returning a glass in her palm.

- Yes, so little by little. I create religion, I am plotting a coup d'etat. - With a grin I said. Mama stared at my face for a long moment and blinked, then smiled intelligently.

- But seriously? - Still decided to get an answer.

- I am seriousness, mamul. - I winked.

- It does not sound very believable. - Again, did not believe the Light.

- It sounds weird, but, it's true. In this world, I create a religion, putting in the foundation of a new church, not the Lord, but Satan, my friend, who renewed your body, helps me in this. - Crouching down in front of her, I playfully clicked on her nipple, peeking slightly through the fabric of the dress, borrowed from Sorianna's wardrobe.

- Do not shawls. - Immediately slapped me on the hands of Light.

“As for the coup d'état, magicians run everything here, and they prevent me from implementing the first paragraph. That's what I will ... Um ... Turn over. - Hesitated for a second, I guided.

- Magee, how are you? - Swung in my direction with a glass of Light.

- Oh, no, people like me are not here, they don’t fit me. - Squinting eyes, straightened.
Mom noticed where I looked, quickly moved her legs more tightly.

- My dirty, but I did not find a replacement. - She looked away shyly, catching my crafty look.

- Yes, here the ladies do not wear underwear. - I grinned, Sveta sighed.

- Do not worry, if you want, I can send my tailor, you will find everything you want. - Patronizingly patted her hair I.

- Want. - Mom nodded her head relentlessly and looked at me with a sweet mixture of embarrassment and indignation.

- Mola to the library. - I briefly threw Benjamin, going into the house, my mother did not return with me, remained in the gazebo to think about her and finish off the bottle I started.

- Everything will be now. - I rushed to carry out orders of zombies, and I jumped into the kitchen and made a couple of sandwiches headed for the reading room. Mol appeared five minutes later, looked at me inquiringly.

- Listen, who in our kitchen now manages? - Chomping, I asked, looking at one of the portraits of the ancestors of the magician.

- So far, no one ... - Confusedly scratched the back of the head Molai-Ha.

- Disorder, tell while Eve to do, and then eat hunting. - Swallowed the last piece ... Read more →

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