1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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- to pump this young bitch with sperm so that she flew. When you're done having fun, call me, I'll tie the weave structure to the drive. - With a condescending smile, I winked at the stunned Magister Horial, who kept glancing at Verimera's delicious ass, seen beneath the dress that had fallen out during the fall.

It did not take this hog for two hours, came disheveled, cheered up and naughty after thirty minutes, sat down at the table. I frowned, looking at the Magister was unpleasant, especially at his flushed cheeks and glittering eyes. It was disgusting to look at the fruits of his labors, Eve came in first and covered the naked girl covered with saliva and baron's discharge with a sheet. I don’t know, I’m doing things much worse myself, but when someone else does it, this sight doesn’t cause anything but disgust. I didn’t take a lot of time to add a few more braids and tie the future mother to the hopper. I checked it for the last time. Without consciousness, her face is so beautiful and defenseless, even for a moment it becomes pitiful, however, she deserved the fate that befell her, let her suffer a couple of days while she carries the fruit, and then let her go in peace, I will not torment her soul.


Eva and I walked through the city at night, not taking a carriage. The attendant did not ask where they went to look at night, but I did not impose a conversation, just enjoying the unhurried walk among the townspeople scattered in all directions. If a panic settled in the capital, it did not smell like anything in the air, people both lived and continued to live, only numerous patrols of the guards rushed into the eye, reminding that the ruthless killer of peaceful people was hurtling somewhere along the streets. The legs themselves led us to my recent acquisition, I pushed the massive door with my shoulder and we entered the brightly lit dining room. Numerous tables were occupied by every single one, we perched at the bar and began to expect when the owner of the institution will pay attention to us. A waitress hurried past with a heavily loaded tray, our eyes met for a moment and she passed by. Vaira froze at half step, almost dropped the tray from her trembling hands, but I quickly held it with power threads slipping from the wrist of my right hand, smiled indulgently.

- W-d-Hello. - Finally she murmured and, dropping her eyes to the floor, she hurried away.

- Your friend? - Eve noticed.

- You can say so. - I shrugged lightly and I beat the drumming on the polished surface of the bar with my fingers.

- What will be my dear guests? - At last the innkeeper noticed and broke into a welcoming smile, switching all his attention to me and my companion.

- A beer and ... - I looked at Eve inquiringly.

- Red wine. - Servant nodded favorably, shifted on the stool, more comfortable arranging her ass.

- Well, Neutrot, what will make you happy? - I wondered when the efficient owner put in front of us a pot-bellied mug and an elegant wine glass.

- The people in the capital over the past few days have increased, all the rooms are packed with me, even the most expensive ones have been taken away. - Pretty wiped his palms on the towel of the zombie and casually tossed him aside.

“I’m not asking this, you know.” - Sipping a beer, I wiped my foamy lips.

- A lot of things happened, only the tragedy in Porminte is worth something, everyone talks about it.- My servant nodded in understanding.

- True? And what they say? - I was interested, Eve also listened.

- There are a lot of theories, but most agree that it’s the sorcerers who screwed up something. The Council denies everything, only you cannot deceive people, everything is obvious. - Raised his index finger to the ceiling innkeeper.

- So, all the bumps on the Council of Mages fell down? - I quite grinned.

- Exactly. Rumor has it that the Emperor is even going to execute someone, but has not yet decided whom. - Neutrot confirmed.

- Keep your pocket wider, so the Council will allow one of them to pull up, they will find the last one as six years ago. Eve grinned disdainfully.

- What was six years ago? - I was interested.

- In the north, three mines collapsed, almost under eight hundred people were killed, then in the province a little revolt did not arise. - Putting the half glass on the rack, explained the girl.

- Is it because of the Council collapsed?

- And for whom else? The young magician, who oversaw the whole affair, screwed up big, lured something in spells, shied away so that the piles could not stand it. And nothing, they blamed everything on the sabotage of the opposition, fog caught up a lot, executed fifty people for sight and hushed up the matter. - Eva shrugged.

- Yes, yes, yes, the council is always like that, just that, at once the opposition, the opponents of the authorities are to blame for everything. Neutrot nodded approvingly.

- That's just, no one had ever seen the rebels in their eyes. - Suddenly, a man sitting on the right after two stools gave a voice. I was wary and looked closely at my neighbor, who, as it turns out, listened attentively to our conversation. A stocky, well-knit man, already in years, in black hair with rare patches gleams gray hair, his beard cut short, and on his left cheek are a pair of small, barely noticeable scars near the very eye.

“Have you heard about Pormint too?” - I politely asked him.

- But who about him, boy, did not hear. - With a sadness in his voice, the man sighed and turned to me, threw a short glance at Eve, his eyes flashed and immediately went out, he took a long sip from his circle.

- Did you have someone there? - I did not understand, I felt his feelings, asked quietly and with sympathy.

- My cousin's brother lived with his wife, the son was recently born. I was just going to see the little boy, but now ... - The man answered very calmly, even detachedly, without looking into his eyes, his fingers, clutching his mug, turned white.

- Our condolences. - Without waiting for an answer from me, Eva wedged. The man just waved it off and buried himself in a mug, knocked the empty vessel on the rack.

- At my expense. - I whispered to the innkeeper, gazing at the neighbor, he nodded intelligently and went to him to fill the glass.

- Do not regret? - Bending, whispered in the ear of Eve. There was no condemnation or hostility in her voice, only curiosity. Nor can she condemn, the Servant, even with a soul and completely thinking, with his emotions and judgments, is still attached to me by blood and loyal in any case. I did not answer, also hurried to hide my eyes in my circle.

- Good evening. - Between me and a man pumping up alcohol, another visitor sat down, Eve looked him in the face with a long, penetrating look, warily stood still.

- I came, and I already thought, I forgot about the companion. - I grinned sadly.

- How can, Lucas, I never forget about anyone. - Xa-Aran grinned with dignity, and a mug appeared in his hand, exactly the same as mine.

- By you and you can see, stuck like a bath leaf. - I grumbled anxiously, finished the beer and pushed the empty vessel away, shook my head, stopping the innkeeper who rushed.

- Do not, boy, if anyone has a reason for discontent, so it is with me. “The demon pursed his lips, Eve stiffened.

- Calm down, all yours. - Not paying special attention to his words, I hugged the girl and stroked her waist, she immediately relaxed.

- You got a good little animal. - Noticed Xa-Aran, looking at Eve over my shoulder.

- Do not complain, however, with what complained?

- You, as I can see, do not sit in one place. - Quite noticed the demon.

- Natura I have such an awl in one place. - I did not argue.

- I see, very commendable. Something I went in, you decided to pat the magicians very timely, the guys from the Council interfere, to me personally. - Seriously declared Xa-Aran.

- Already I guess, do not give a turn? - I smiled wistfully.

- Precisely, they swarm around the place of the dive of the anchor, they create so much magic that my own people feel uncomfortable ... Read more →

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