1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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only came to this world, weak as kittens. - With reluctance admitted demon.

- Yours? - I was truly amazed.

“Well, yes, my laborers, I'm not a simple demon, as you remember.” - He could not resist the smug smirk.

- I remember, I also forget a little. - I returned the favor to him and thoughtfully ruffled his hair.

“I don’t even know how to help you, I myself can do little, I’m not going to throw them out by the collar, I get stuffed into the trouser legs quickly.” - Without embellishment I looked at the situation.

“And nothing of the kind is required of you, the situation in the former Porminte is not easy, the witches have come over the darkness, but, everyone from different structures, everyone is biting with everything.” Their one subject in submission keeps, the big lump in the council, if it does not become, the bedlam will quickly begin, and I like chaos, one can say, my own element. - Got to the XA-Aran case.

“Hm ... I’m quite capable of that, one magician is not the biggest problem to spill over, and so I’m going to take up this business.” - I admitted.

“I don’t need to change my plans, just start with a certain person, then I’ll forgive you your trick with Svetlana.” - smiled demon.

- It would be something to forgive, I took my. - I grunted, however, and without thinking to argue.

- A dubious question, although, you are necromancers, you always have been and will be terrible owners. So we understand each other?

- No problem, what's your stormy name?

- Maykep Rolirsky, the eighth in the Council, is led by battle magicians.

- Not weak uncle. - I clicked my tongue, remembering the place where the fat Horial was standing.

- For you, this is not a problem, if you do not want to bother, out, you can incite it. - casually nodded at Eva Xa-Aran.

“Oh, no, I don't want to risk my baby, I'll do it myself.” - Without thinking, I shook my head, sensibly reasoning that to beat the defenseless citizens and the same defenseless guard was one, but to fight the strongest combat magician of the Empire is a completely different carousel.

- As you know, it's up to you. A couple of days later he will appear in the capital, the Council will have a meeting, the next one, now they generally do a lot of hands together. In order not to drag around, you can wait here, but, take the count, it is important. - Once again reminded me of XA-Aran and disappeared, as if there was no one.

“I heard about Count Mikeke, his Grand Master alone is not afraid, even the Emperor is afraid and never argues.” - Touched me by the elbow, quietly shared knowledge Eve.

“I am not the Grand Master, and not the Emperor, this magician is up to me to one place, even if there will be a fighting magician a hundred times.” - I grunted a little wounded and again motioned Neutrot to me.

- I will come tomorrow by noon, try to find a detachment of fighters by this time, intelligent and ready to go against the current government if anything happens. Hint that there is a case and cry generously. - I said when the innkeeper returned.

“Do you need mercenaries, my lord?” - He clarified.

- They are the most, as it will, but not more than a dozen, and to know their business, do not welcome idiots.

- With this, I think there will be no problems. In El Tene there are always people selling their swords. - The innkeeper nodded confidently.

- That's good, arrange for us to meet in a quiet place, in this poorhouse there is a backyard?

- Of course, my lord, how not to be? - He was surprised.

- We will meet there, but do not forget about your main duties either, but somehow you told me a little news. - I scolded my servant and, taking Eve by the elbow, headed for the exit.

- Can I go out? And then the last days of the house did not leave because of the child. - Eva asked when we moved away from the restaurant for several blocks.

“Of course you can, just don’t get carried away by yourself, and you can’t stop ripping any more of the bodies, we’re enough gold now.” - After thinking for a second, I nodded favorably.

- Then I went back in the morning. - She kissed me playfully on the cheek and slid into one of the gateways, instantly dissolving into the dim light of the transitions not lit by lanterns.

Having become like Eve, I dragged around the city all night. I think on the go well, I walked around the night capital, looked into several eateries, drank there, sat here, and that night ended, and in my head I was a mess, and stayed. It is at such moments when you are alone with yourself that it is much more difficult to deceive yourself, assuring that everything is easy and in general, in work and fun, all means are good. Well at least Xa-Aran did not get into the bottle, for him my mother is a great lever. Say, you're here rip your ass, and I will take care of your loved one there, and if you do not try, you will not take care, well, no. Now mom is here, in front of her and at hand, with one rock on her heart less, so I can protect her from everything, and in general, I will try not to draw into my friction with local authorities, I will need to pick up her comfortable housing later from the capital .

Came to the manor very early in the morning. At the door I met Benjamin, the obliging zombie does not need to sleep, so he stands at night, waiting for the owner to return.

- Everything is in place? - I asked, throwing off his coat and stretching his servant.

- The young lady returned an hour after you left, she is still asleep. Lady Eve has not returned yet, my lord. - He reported and carried my coat into place. I thought for a few moments, I wanted to go to bed with my mother, but, the morning dream is the sweetest, you should not deprive her of this pleasure. He went to the second floor, slipped silently past the doors of the young marquise and stopped at the neighboring doors. With the advent of mom, Sorianna moved here, she realized that in her bedroom now will live Light. The doors were locked, even funny. Thin tentacles of power threads slid into the keyhole, wove round every detail of the mechanism and turned them quietly, without a single click.

The door opened without a squeak, I entered the room and looked around. Since my last visit to this room, almost nothing has changed, only the furniture diminished, but it's not scary. The curtains are tightly drawn, the pleasant silence and gloom pacify and calm. Sorianna slept alone on the bed, on her stomach, tightly hugged the pillow in her sleep, her face calm and serene. I came closer, listening to her deep breathing. He undressed neatly and quietly, walking with bare feet on a pile carpet, walked over to the bed and slid to the marquise under the covers. Sorianna felt my presence, woke up quickly, turned over anxiously to her back and peered into the darkness with sleepy eyes.

“Good morning, lady.” - Smiling, I whispered, not responding to her palm, rested against my chest. She did not try to push me away, only held me back, not allowing me to get closer, but this did not last long. She looked into my face that was barely discernible in the darkness for a long second, and then, recognizing her voice, reluctantly lowered her palms, turned away.

- Look at me. - I whispered, dropping to her face and touching her cheek with his nose, pressed against her, making him feel a tense cock that rested on tightly compressed hips. For the night she put on some kind of cream, a pleasant smell, a mixture of lemon peel, wormwood and something else unfamiliar, spicy. I obeyed, turned slowly, looked into my eyes, at such a distance darkness was not an obstacle. Easy surprise, could not see the usual gloating and condescension, I look at her seriously and thoroughly, without grimaces and antics. Long seconds, silence, the aroma of her skin, the warmth of a body warmed under a blanket, pent-up breathing on my face.Thoughts, ideas, doubts, all this was reflected in the depths of her eyes in those few seconds, and the very next moment I turned them all out single, dug in with a powerful, demanding kiss. Her lips, wet and plump, as if created to be kissed and caressed, slightly parted, passing my tongue into my mouth. I caught Sorianna inhaling, at first she was confused, but immediately responded to the kiss, slowly exhaling through her nose.

I hung over her, kissing and enjoying my humility. The marquise does not want this, she is ready for much, so that everything stops, but no one ... Read more →

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