1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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The leader turned around and silently looked at his comrade, who somehow lost her mind under his gaze and lost its pugnacious attitude.

“I said last time, I'm not holding anyone.” If you stay, execute orders and do not climb with your opinion into all holes. - He said rather harshly, forcing the girl to lower her eyes.

- I apologize for my man, where did we stop? - Turning back, made me understand that the incident was settled.

Eve came out from behind my back and walked away to the gate, looked out, closed the doors and lowered the bolt, stopped there. The mercenaries watched her actions without much anxiety, and when I used several weaving harvested in advance, the two tensed, their hands reflexively twitching to the trinkets hanging from their necks on chains.

- It will be necessary to drive around the Empire and liquidate separately existing magicians. Quiet and quiet. - Having lowered a voice, I reported on the purpose of formation of the detachment. All froze, the eyes of the girl flashed, they say, I told you! Only my yesterday's friend threw up his head and looked at me carefully, as if trying to understand, whether I was joking or seriously.

- This is an important thing, and will benefit the Empire. - Already looking only at him, I added. The man thought for a few seconds, then stepped forward and, beating around the head of the detachment, stood on my side.

- I'm with you. - He said briefly and clenched his jaws so that the cheeks on his cheeks began to play.

- Akris, did you think well? - It seemed to me, not surprised by his decision, asked Borms.

- I am ready to cut these creatures for free. - with rage strained blackbeard, clenching and unclenching fists.

- Understand. - The captain bowed his head, the others looked at each other. All stood and were silent, waiting for the decision of their leader. The girl, who was named Erla, looked at me waryly, quickly turned to Eve standing at the gate a couple of times. It’s good that my Servant’s look is harmless; no one will say that she is able to tear a person apart with her bare hands. Finally, having thought it over, Borms turned to his people.

- I will go with Akris, we have been through a lot, we have experienced a lot, and I will not leave him. If anyone doubts, you may not follow me, I will not call anyone a coward, you can see for yourself that this is a serious matter and not everybody is up to it. - Gradually, picking up every word, he said.

- Yes, how do you even know that you can believe this sucker? - Unable to stand, exclaimed Earl, pointing at me with a finger.

“Neutrot and I have known each other for more than ten years, he has never brought a frivolous employer, and in this matter I believe him.” - Looking back at the innkeeper quietly standing nearby, the captain explained. Everyone thought, only Earla continued to sparkle with her eyes, thinking up what else to say. With her every word, I liked the girl less and less, but I didn’t show it, keeping a calm and even a little indifferent look.

“I’m in, just paying, and the magicians are pinching.” - One of the men slapped himself on the sides after much deliberation, the second looked at him and nodded to the captain too, he translated the questioning glance at the girl.

- Where are you without me? You will die right behind the gate. - pursing her lips, she snorted, remaining in the minority.

- I do not think this is a good idea. - I decided to contribute to the discussion.

- What about you?! Do you have something against me? - Immediately she threw up, looked narrowed, as in the scope, Borms also looked back.

- Boyfriend, not dust. Let Erla’s character is not sugar, but ... - He started, but I interrupted him.

- I don't care about her character.The work is difficult and dangerous, it is not worth it for a woman to risk it. - I turned to the commander, ignoring the girl standing and blowing nostrils.

- What did you say?! Have you ever held a sword in your hands? Or inherited from daddy? - Corrosive, with undisguised contempt, she grinned.

- Girl, do not talk to you now, bite the tongue until you pinch. - Well aware that she is five years older than me, I indulgently left. Borms realized that I provoke her, tried to intervene, but did not have time.

- If you do not believe so, can you actually show it? - Evil she hissed, a beautiful gesture throwing his hand on the hilt of the sword.

- Why not? That's just, girls can not be beat, my dad said. So, try to show my friend, hold out for half a minute - I will triple your share. - I neglected and, without waiting for an answer, went to Eve. The attendant understood everything, went out to meet.

- Do not cripple or kill. - I whispered when she passed by, stood a little distance. The other mercenaries approached me, stood by me.

- Not the best idea, with the sword Earl can handle. - quietly said Borms.

“Now we’ll see, I don’t need weak men in the detachment.” - Without turning my head, I said, justifying my act by a desire to find out the strength of the one I am going to hire.

Meanwhile, Earl came up to Eve and stopped in five steps, with a clang snatched a thin, elegant sword from its sheath and threw them aside, looked at the unarmed rival, at the calm me.

- If you hold out for half a minute - I will treble your fee, if not - you will shut up and apologize. Agree? - I smiled with superiority.

- It goes. - roared Earl and threw the sword in his left hand.

- Then they started, time has gone. - I commanded loudly and Eve went on the attack. My girl walked calmly and slowly, Erla stood warily wary, still not daring to hit the defenseless opponent with a blade. Three steps remained between them, two, all watched the events with waryness, and only I was completely calm. Step, Earla unsurely waved his sword, Eve effortlessly dodged, moved closer to the distance of the strike with her hand, but struck slowly, allowing the arrogant girl to see and have time to recoil. It became more interesting, Earla swung the blade a few more times, already bolder, but even those of her blows passed away gracefully leaving Eve’s sword, and she circled around her victim as if in dance. Five seconds, Eve dives under the sword with a graceful movement, turns, and her palm smacks Earl in the face.

The first touch for the fight, a humiliating slap in the face of the comrades in arms, Earl flashes and rushes into the battle with a growl, already seriously intending to poke my girl with his piece of iron. The silly one doesn’t even suspect that for Eva all her attempts are laughter and only one more slap in the face, on the second cheek, smooth movement in the side and a tasty slap on the ass, clear and distinct. Earla, red with anger and resentment, rushes at Eve, who humiliates her with every blow, the mercenaries are already smiling, Borms coughed, trying to hide her laughter. It pissed off Earl, fifteen seconds, spends a fraudulent feint, tried to kick Eve, but she easily counted her and dodged, found herself behind the warrior who had stepped out of inertia, carelessly kicked her ass, forcing her to take another step. Twenty seconds, without wasting time, Eve picks up the sheath from the ground, meets Earl who has rushed to her, she holds the sword in the manner of a sword, trying to reach a clever servant with a quick injection.

Eve is no longer almond, avoiding a blow, slap. This time, seriously, Erla's head shook aside and she lost her step. Sheath flat down on her pretty pretty ass. Eve does not hesitate, hit, another blow, the duel turned into a spanking. Twenty-five seconds, Earl swings a sword backhand, not aiming, already trying not to hit the target, but just ward off the opponent who was hurt so painfully on the ass. It did not work, a new blow knocked the blade out of the hand, the sword fell into dust, Earl covered her face with fear in her hands, but the next blow flat on the inner side of the thigh, a painful cry and the girl fell on one knee, immediately received a slack blow in the stomach and lowers her arms, Eve swings for the final blow with a scabbard on the face.

- Stop.- Without raising my voice, I ordered, and the Servant obediently froze, stood for a second and lowered her hand. She bent down, raised her sword, sheathed it, casually flung it at her feet, still standing on one knee of Erla.

- As I understand it, the outcome of the battle is clear? - I turned to the amazedly silent mercenaries, I nodded silently. I didn’t see any anger in my address on the faces of the men, apparently Earl had already gotten them too.

“Then I’m waiting for you at my home later, Neutroth will provide the address.” - I nodded and Eve and I went back to the inn.

Passing by the risen Erla, I stopped. The girl stood with her head down, not daring to look at me, she held the sword in her right hand, her left wrist was already quite swollen, her cheeks were reddened, her leg was slightly set aside, she was holding back tears with all her strength.

- This is a doctor, turn to the magician, let him put you in order. - Showed a gold coin, put it in the breast pocket of her shirt.

- Come with everyone, I will wait for your apology. - Calmly, without gloating and neglect, I said instructively and we left, leaving my future death squad in a dusty yard in the company of a zombie innkeeper.

  • January 30, 2018 8:48



    • Rating: 1
  • January 30, 2018 9:55

    11/10 As always)


    • Rating: 1
  • January 30, 2018 19:35

    C return. I had to reread the previous chapters.
    Everything is super.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 31, 2018 10:26

    Opanki! The necromancer is back!
    As always, I read with pleasure, especially the ending of the chapter, IHMO.
    Will the chapters alternate?


    • Rating: 2
  • January 31, 2018 19:35

    It was necessary to take a break, there was no mood at all for this story.


    • Rating: 2
  • February 2, 2018 11:50

    The work hooked, the author Respect) Such a clean uncomplicated hatred for the main character has not experienced for a long time. The only time I really enjoyed reading was when he was fucked in the gym. I hoped for a long time that in the next chapters it will be the fourth, but apparently not destiny)
    Success in creative work)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 2, 2018 11:57

    Thanks for the flattering review)))


    • Rating: 1

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