1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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in vain? Anyway, the past can not be changed, the only thing I can do is to ensure that the involuntary victim of the inhabitants of Pormint is not in vain.

“They say you can quickly call Magister Horial?”

- Yes, of course, I have a special artifact to communicate with him. - Willingly nodded magician.

- Just great, tell him that I want to see him immediately. - I nodded decisively and went to the attic for the drive. The fifth stone was not full, just in case I filled it to the maximum, scooping up energy from the protective chain, threw it over my shoulder and dragged it down where warm company was waiting for me.

- Master, good evening. - I nodded to the baron, he looked at me with displeasure and said nothing.

- The demonic anchor is fixed, my companion has already begun to settle in a new place, but magicians can make it difficult for him. The sacrifice in Pormint did not go quietly, now the Council’s people are teeming with it, right? - Putting the drive on the floor next to the sofa, I asked Molai-Ha.

- Yes, I myself only from there, the Council is extremely concerned about the phenomenon that has happened. “Magial Horial replied instead, darkening.

- Our task is to destroy the Council, if not completely, then at least the most dangerous part of it, and you, Baron, will help me with this. - I nodded to the Magister, he recoiled and turned pale.

- This is ... This is impossible! Just unthinkable !!! The council consists of the strongest mages of the Empire, the colossi of art !!! - Shrieking, falling on the falsetto, he squealed. Yes, the prospect of the Master did not please, his colleagues can easily smear the cowardly spatial magician on the pavement, and he understands this very well.

“Don't scream like that, Baron.” I have already foreseen everything, in the future nothing threatens you, and when we finish everything, you can even take a high post under the new government. - I cynically smiled, knowing full well that the reason for his fear is the fear of losing life and wealth, and not loyalty to the Empire.

- And how? How are you, boy, can you protect me? My department is being vigilantly watched, the Council of Mages does not want the secret of teleports to go abroad! If I just disappear from view for more than a day, they will immediately start looking for Pinners' best sleuths !!! “Not wanting to calm down, I continued to swing my arms and sprinkle Horial's saliva, I wanted to bump him, but I restrained myself.

- It's very simple, you will disappear not for a day, but forever. Council magicians will get your dead body, make you the first victim. - I predatoryly grinned, instantly stopping the noise, a startled silence hung in the room.

- Not! I'm begging! I will do whatever you want !!! - Immediately the baron lost his arrogance and, falling to his knees, crawled to my feet. I disgusted a step back, looked at Eve. The girl silently stepped forward, caught the Magister in her belt and held her in place, lifted her to her feet and slightly shook her shoulders, trying to appease the hysteria that had begun.

- Calm down, I'm not going to kill you, idiot. I have much more elegant ways to stage a death. - I explained and threw a glance at Veririu. Quietly standing next to Eve, the girl tried not to attract attention. The slave woman did not understand why she was called to this conversation, only occasionally cast glances and listened warily.Now, having caught my short glance, she got worried, had once again looked at the coal black from the force filling him, and swallowed nervously, began to guess, took an uncertain step back.

- Like, hold a girlfriend. - I nodded to the magician. Veririra responded to my words instantly, she was twitching towards the exit, but immediately collapsed, Molai-Ha jumped to the floor and jumped on it. The magician did not guess to swaddle the fool with magic, he leaned over with his whole body and twists his arms, ignoring the moans of pain and the crying that had begun, he also changed a little.

- What's happening? - Realizing that they are not going to kill him, Magister Horial again spoke out.

- You have a holiday today, Baron. - Chuckling, I approached Molai-Ha, who had already managed to lift Veriri to her feet and now firmly held her by the elbows.

- What does it mean?! Explain properly! - Horial screamed, I was exhausted by his hysteria and I turned around and slapped him with a resounding slap in the face.

- Do not forget who you serve, carrion. - Strictly narrowing my eyes, I sneaked evil through my teeth. This had the effect of rubbing his cheek, the magician who was not used to such treatment swallowed nervously.

“P-n-sorry, my lord.” - Slightly stammering, he said, with obvious difficulty squeezing out the last word.

- Forgive. - I nodded graciously and turned back to Verimera.

“So it's your time to redeem your treachery.” - I gently stroked the petty trembling girl on the wet from tears cheek and smiled a kind, forgiving smile. This did not deceive either my victim or the people watching. Veririra wanted to say something, but my touch paralyzed her, the weaving slipped from the fingers to the skin and took away the speech apparatus, even now she is unable to moo.

- Do you like her? - Demonstratively shook one of the girl’s breasts by the nipple, grabbing it through the fabric of the dress, I turned to Magister Horial, who nodded uncertainly.

- It's good, everything simplifies. - I nodded favorably and with a picture gesture stretched out an open palm in his direction.

- By the way, Like, did you do what I asked for even then? - Remembering the security measures, I stopped with an outstretched hand.

- Yes, that very day. The remaining stones dug into the depth of a meter around the perimeter of the estate. - Confirmed Molai-Ha, while continuing to firmly hold Verimera, until the last, which does not leave attempts to free itself.

- Well done. - I nodded and returned to the interrupted lesson.

First of all, I reached for the drives outside the walls of the house, found every single one, stretched the canals, closed the chain and raised the dome, not forgetting to let it go under the ground. Great, now our estate is in an invisible and intangible bubble that will not let out a single glimpse of dark magic. Magister Horial was nervous, feeling that I had begun some kind of magical manipulation, nervously shifted from foot to foot, and I started to weave the necessary pattern. Everyone observed intently and intensely, Molai-Ha and Baron distinguished strength, its intensity, but Eve saw the pattern, even came a little closer, seeing how dozens of threads interlaced one after another into a complex web, pulsing with force at the nodal points.

- Do not move, it will not harm you. - Just in case, I warned the Magister who had become covered in sweat and sated the weaving by force. Zhirdyai slumped his eyes shut and shivered, very much wanting to escape far away, but unable to disobey a direct order. He did not see how the net of weaving wrapped him, shrank, passing through the body and emerged from the chest with a neat ball, but everyone else saw it, even Veriira stopped twitching, staring at an unprecedented miracle.

Having moved my hand, I moved the tangle of compressed air into a compact form of weaving in front of Verimera, stopped, enjoying the incomprehension and fear in her eyes.

- Do not touch. - He stopped Eve, who had already gathered out of curiosity to poke a finger into the magic ball. The servant obediently removed her hands, looked at me apologizing.It became interesting to Horial too, the baron opened one eye, looked at what was happening, made sure that no one was offending him, opened the second, and the patient relaxed. The ball approached Verirara’s face, the slave jerked, rested her bare heels on the floor, tried to move away a little, but Molai-Ha did not move. Already having a similar experience, I beautifully snapped my fingers and the ball, breaking up into three strands, promptly burst into the immobilized girl through the mouth and nostrils, she jerked and went limp, hanging in the hands of the magician a limp doll.

- Throw her there. - I pointed to the sofa, Maul obediently threw the girl and stretched his fingers crunching loudly.

- As I said, Baron, today you are lucky. You have two hours, do with it what you want, but do not dare to kill. Your task ... Read more →

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