1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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I was ready to turn the whole world without any lever or fulcrum. It did not occur to look around with a magical vision, and I promptly entered the library, made several random circles around the magician pitting over the papers, which earned him a surprised and slightly worried look.

- Have you found what can be offered to the powerful of this world? - Dancing on the spot, I asked Mol.

- I'm working on it. - he answered evasively, continuing to suspiciously watch me unnaturally cheerful.

- Hurry up, you need to act, enough to sit down his pants. - I winked at him and headed down.

I found Sorianna in the living room, she thoughtfully laid pillows on a long couch and did not immediately notice a confident fit.

- Something happened? - She frowned when there was only one step between us, but, I didn’t say anything and went straight into her lips, imperiously hugging the waist. The woman's eyes widened, and she weakly tried to pull away, but I just took her hand away and lightly, like a feather, threw it on the sofa.

- I ... This is ... Not here ... - Convulsively trying to catch my breath after a protracted kiss, she murmured and screamed around.

- You wanted to change something? I give you a chance. - I briefly threw the shirt flew off to the side. The shame and confusion in her eyes clearly told me that there was no need to wait for the initiative, therefore, having forgotten about magic, I leaned over and began to use my hands with this mature and so desirable woman's dress. The bastard clasps acted on some of their own, clear only to them system, so I just jerked the fabric to the sides, freeing the beautiful meaty chest from captivity with one movement. Sorianna shrieked and tried to hide behind herself, but, lowering her ripped dress to the waist, I silently sat down beside me, put my hand into her thick hair and made me throw my head back. It is so simple, but, at the same time, it is so nice, in a businesslike manner, to take the female breast in the palm and slightly bite the nipple. Sorianna squeaked softly and put her hands away, she’s not going to resist, it’s good, I don’t think it will be good for her.

I, like a distraught person, stuck to her breast, holding my hair with one hand and squeezing such soft and tender flesh with the other. Not wanting to wait any longer, I got up and unbuckled my belt with one movement, released my bloodshot penis. Sorianna's pupils widened again, she had already seen my aggregate, and felt it inside herself, but when he sways so right in front of her eyes, her gaze is something.

- Get up. - I breathed shortly and she obeyed, slowly got up, every now and then anxiously looking at my dick. Yes, after the demon has worked on my farm, one of the girls may not be very comfortable, but certainly not to this mature and sufficiently seen woman. Unable to tolerate her inhibited somnambulistic movements, I myself tore off the remnants of her dress, casually threw them away. Now it was somehow different, yesterday was completely different. Sorianna does not scream, does not try to break out or swear, only blushes painfully and shyly covers the crotch with her hands, finally losing hope of hiding her chest. For a moment I was able to curb myself, to subdue my own will and slowly, almost tenderly stroked her shoulder. The woman obediently turned her back on me, I felt how she was agitated and closed her eyes, so I pressed against her from behind, fingering a stone member on elastic buttocks and greedily clutching her breast with both hands.

“You are mine, accept this, and stop building a girl out of yourself.” - I whispered confidentially, touching my lips with her ear, felt how at my words the rhythm of her heart had gone astray and abruptly released through the palms a force impulse that entered freely into her chest and dissolved in the body.

I do not know what it was, I did not use any weaving, it turned out by itself, at the level of instinct, but it brought results. Sorianna's heart sank under my palms for a moment, and then pounded like a wound, breathing became deeper, I lowered one palm down, unceremoniously covering it with the large labia of the Marquise and massaging the clitoris. A quiet half-half-half-slip escaped from her involuntarily parted lips, I pressed my bare female back more tightly towards myself and rubbed my fingers more furiously, forcing a truly feminine principle to wake up. The power again fell from my fingers, a shudder ran through Sorianna’s body, and I felt the palm fill with pleasant slippery moisture. Backed out to the limit, I pressed on the shoulders, forcing me to bend down and, putting the glowing head on the shiny glossy hole, quickly and smoothly entered. From the first time, to the very end, I firmly pulled my hips and did not allow me to bend over, I again straightened the woman in my own hands, feeling for my swollen and hardened nipples with my fingers.

We stopped like that for a long second, and then I started to move, setting the crazy rhythm from the very first frictions. Marquis missed the first few pushes indifferently, but soon she herself arched her back and began to move to the beat. My hands continued to squeeze her chest, and her hands lay on top, no, not in an attempt to remove, only pressing them closer to my body. The head of the woman threw back and literally lay down but my shoulder, for a moment I saw her blurred eyes and heard a moan. She was still trying to fight, but the moans of pleasure continually escaped from her lustfully open mouth, and each time became louder and louder.

In this position, my dick moved in it with a palpable effort, but her heated body took it without much difficulty, and the abundant discharge began to drain on the inside of the thighs almost to the floor. Now, when her body absorbed my strength, I felt a moment of unity, something that I did not feel with any other woman, even with my own mother, and the sensations from this were amplified and exacerbated. Suddenly, Sorianna’s body tightened like a string, she howled and went limp, barely able to stand. While literally holding the woman in my arms, I froze and, without taking out the member, helped her to kneel down and lean on the sofa, I was not going to finish it yet. Still feeling the vaginal muscles contracting convulsively, I firmly took up the voluminous and such enticing hips of the Marquise and entered the rhythm again, continuing mercilessly and relentlessly piercing her crotch, not paying attention to the quiet sobs and screams that accompanied every jolt. I know it does not hurt her, she is well and she is no longer able to do anything with herself.

Now she is not Sorianna, not the Marquis of high society, now she is a bitch on a huge dick, and she enjoys her own helplessness. I defocused, stopped thinking about how to move, what to do, everything went by itself, but my mind could feel, feel this subtle and ephemeral connection between two people during intercourse. So that she would not think about me, whatever she felt earlier, at this very moment I am the most important person in her life, oh yes, here she is - true power.

With a loud, slurping slurp, I took out my penis and, easily lifting Sorianna's finely trembling body, laid her on a wide sofa. Having already completely lost the remnants of the mind, she invitingly spread her legs, and I lay down on her, feeling the body of a mature, thirsting for the pleasure of a woman, heated and slippery with sweat. My, still ready for a lot of things, the member again plunged into its wetly squishing depths and began to move. Sorianna threw her arms around my neck, clung to herself and eagerly, almost insanely, began to kiss. Her lips touched my face, they tried to catch mine, but each time they missed and only burned with their heated breathing.When her body began to shake a second time, I realized that I was already at the limit myself, I went in to the very end and began to cum, pouring a lot of sperm inside my woman.

From the couch, I got up slightly swaying, but I felt that I had still thrown off this excess force and now I feel just great. I looked at the sprawling Sorianna, at her still-apart legs, at the flowing stream of my sperm from her slowly closing hole and at the tired-dreamy expression on her face. The woman’s eyes were half-closed, she slowly recovered her breath and, apparently, gradually came to her senses.

- What was it? - She whispered quietly when I bent over her and lightly patted his chest.

“I have no idea, but now I’ll definitely not let you go anywhere.” - I honestly admitted and, as I was naked, I left the living room.

  • December 22, 2016 14:13

    Not bad, devyatochka. The plot is intriguing, but still waiting for more intima.


    • Rating: 3
  • December 23, 2016 6:36

    If you take the first chapters, and compare them with the last. That is already full of crap with a soapy plot disguised as Santo Barbara.
    I don’t know about paid ones but ... judging by the comments, there’s nothing really good either.
    If earlier Zheskach was walking, now everything has fallen to romance novels (which are written by blonde blondes), flooded the shelves of newsstands, and open tents.
    Where is that Zheskach when he cut out the whole village or when he crumbled everything and subordinated his will. Where, at the end of it, is tresovaya fucking with bdsm. Everything has gone down to the usual fantasy-popanstvo, which on Samizdat and Facebook is just in bulk.

    I will not put anything, because there is no sense in it, there is no longer here.


    • Rating: -2
  • December 24, 2016 4:42

    Sometimes it is useful to write a chapter in which there will be no death, so for a change.


    • Rating: 1
  • Kirik (a guest)
    December 23, 2016 23:52

    After reading all the parts up to this, the speaker is happy.
    After an intriguing start, the GG began to rush about and it seemed as if several authors were pulling a pen out of each other, moving the plot in different directions, but after chapter 14 there is no such thing that pleases. The lack of meat, from my point of view, is not very noticeable: seriously, in many stories, girls are buried alive with a disfigured body? It is possible with him, without him, there is enough psychological violence, and there are enough “strategic” actions of the hero in the city. Although yes, indeed, if he tries to fall in love with another lady, it will be strange. Threaten, humiliate, increase libido - it would be more logical.
    It would be interesting to see the game with the mother while the daughter is at home (obviously, the last one should not understand anything about the southerly, but this does not mean that she should not be present). And for fans of action, most likely, it would be interesting to watch the "hunt in the city."
    Overall 10/10


    • Rating: 1
  • December 24, 2016 12:44

    Thank you. As for the feathering of the pen, the mood is to blame for everything, for me it is very clearly affecting creativity, and therefore there is a sense of ambiguity.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 25, 2016 20:49

    Man, everything's cool, but let's get more pages!


    • Rating: 0
  • December 26, 2016 0:47

    I do not promise, but I will try.


    • Rating: 1

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