1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

Page: 8 of 9

Veres appeared forty minutes later with a young deer on his shoulders. The horns were broken off at the base, the head of the animal dangled limply from side to side, I looked anxiously with my magic eyes and calmed down, he was just unconscious.

- Come on, put it here, under the tree. “I told Aloud aloud to Veres, he quietly laid the carcass next to the artifact, I picked up the already cooled stone and laid it on the side of the deer.”

- So ... And where to poke him ... - I thoughtfully scratched the back of my head, shaking one of my blades in the palm of my hand. I don’t know how to use a sword, it’s certainly sharp, but it will not help me much ... With a wave of my hand, I thrust the blade back into the sheath and struck the animal with magic, literally tearing its heart with a network of darkness. This weaving is much simpler than the one with which I used to stop hearts, it simply creates a grid of power threads around the body in question, and then sharply squeezes it into a point, hard and bloody, what you need. The deer jerked and subsided, I saw a surge of power with my magic eyes, the energy tried to escape into the environment as an impulse, but my artifact worked as expected, and all the force was drawn into the stone, causing it to darken considerably.

- Well, very interesting ... - I muttered under my breath, gently touching the drive with my finger, barely warm, picked up and reached out to him with a power channel. Hooray! I managed to connect to the drive, I felt the power of what is now stored in it, not very much, only one tenth, but this is enough for my Veres for a couple of days of autonomous existence.

My soul rejoiced and sang, I moved a step forward in my craft and now I can create such drives. Another brilliant idea came to my mind, and I, picking up the artifact, hurried to the fortress.

- Veres, take a deer and take it to Larvin, fresh meat does not hurt. - I gave an order to Veres through the channel, halfway through the memory of the carcass thrown on the joys.

- Hi horse ... - I stroked my horse affectionately on the side, she turned her ears and turned her head to me.

- Quietly, do not be afraid, now we will make an upgrade for you. - I smiled affectionately, pressing the drive to the horse's back with my palm, looked around, nobody was visible, well and good. The horse fell to the ground, twitching weakly with hoofs, the energy flowed into the drive, the stone darkened even more, turning from gray to almost black. I quickly began to weave the weaving of a zombie uplift, the horse jerked its head and stood on its hooves, frozen and looking forward with glazed eyes. Now you need to worry about rotting, great, my new zombie's energy is drawing, be healthy, but, I hooked the main channel to the stone drive, rubbed my palms and put it on the bottom of the saddlebag. I gave the horse's mental command, she knelt, dropping almost to the belly, I climbed into the saddle without any problems and the horse stood up.

- I'll call you Lexus. - With a grin, I said and took both hands for the front bow of the saddle. Hold the reins no longer needed, the horse is controlled mentally.

I smiled enthusiastically, dispersing my zombies as quickly as possible. Now the horse did not jump irregularly, but went very smoothly and quickly rearranged its hooves. Almost did not throw up, and did not even rock. I got to the city twice as fast, threw a Lexus at the entrance and, nodding at Marmett, who missed the counter, went upstairs. Veririra slept shamelessly, I slapped her on the ass with a palm.

- BUT? What's happening? - Sleepy she raised her head.

- Wake up from sleep.- I grinned and threw three gold coins on the bed.

- Wow? That's for me? - Immediately woke up the girl.

- You, do not be shy, take it. Remember what I told you? You are now a noble lady. - I insisted, guided by fingertips on her bare back.

- Yes? And what is my title, my Lord? - She laughed coquettishly.

“I don’t know ... I haven’t decided yet ...” I shrugged.

“Put yourself in order, do your hair, make up, sew up a couple of decent dresses, hire a maid after all.” - I began to give orders, the girl nodded eagerly.

- Are you going somewhere? - she has thoughtfully noticed, addressing to me on you.

- Yes ... I will go to Brigat for a couple of days, I need to see what is there and how?

- Wow! Can I come with you? There are shops such merchants ... - Dreamily stretched Marmeta.

- No, I need you here. - I brushed off her offer.

- Yes? You didn't even tell me what to do. - The girl pouted her lips, she very quickly got used to the new role of the priest girl.

- I said, have fun. - I smacked her in the lips and hurried down.

“Boy, don't you want to tell me anything?” - Marmeta squinted when I was paying for the food I bought on the road.

- Do I have to say something? - I was genuinely surprised.

“Why is my servant quit this morning, and now she’s sleeping in your room?” - Displeased wrinkled forehead woman.

- Oh, you about it ... Yes, the girl is pretty, and helpful, and still very diligent in ... Well, you know ... - I winked thoughtlessly at the woman.

- So it turns out, did you take her under the wing? - The hostess of the tavern was even more surprised.

- I can afford. - I smiled with pride, picked up the bag and walked to the exit.


I finally caught the same ecstasy that people find in riding. A horse rushes tirelessly forward and forward along an already carriageway. The second day of the journey, the sun disappeared behind the clouds, is it really going to rain again? I drove at full speed into a small wood and barely managed to brake in front of a huge tree trunk that blocked the road. Six men began to get out of the bushes with a determined look, two of them had swords in their hands, three with axes on a long pole, and the youngest, who was standing behind the backs of his co-ed crossbow. The arrow certainly looks in my direction, I shivered and quickly lowered my horse to my knees.

- Fee pay. - With a sense of sheer superiority, the bearded leader smiled, his mouth gritty.

- Oh really? - I was surprised a lot, coming down to the ground and pictorially reaching for the swords behind my back.

- But but but! - Threatefully shouted the boy, shaking his weapon, I froze and removed my hand from the handle.

- Right, do not twitch. - He spoke tensed was the leader, all the others stood with stern faces and obsessively demonstrated their weapons.

- You know what, men. I have nothing against racketeering, a good profitable occupation. - I spoke amicably.

- We know ourselves. - brazenly smiled the leader of the gang.

“Then let's do it, you are missing me now, and I’m not going to offend you so much.” - I seriously suggested, there was silence. The next moment, all six of them began to neigh, as if I were Petrosyan in the prime of my career. While they laughed, I quickly wove the pattern and paralyzed the guy with the crossbow, perfectly saw his frightened eyes, when he tried to move and could not, he didn’t shout either, and he stood like a statue with his legs wide apart.

I silently and quickly paralyzed everyone else, except the leader, he was still laughing when he realized that he was laughing alone.

- Ok, laughed and that's enough, we pick up the bags and the horse, and you, get out. - Pointing to the path behind my back the tip of the sword man.

- I do not think so. - I calmly and confidently objected, slowly drawing the blades out of the sheath, the smooth polished steel gleaming in the rays of the sun that made their way through the thin crowns of the trees.

- Well, you asked for it yourself, kid. Kill him. - Spat on the ground, a peasant, waving his hand at my chums, I just smiled wickedly.

- Hey! Mutts! What got up? - He turned to his friends, I took advantage of the moment and making a clumsy lunge, shoved one of the blades into his back with all my might. The man turned sharply, pulling the blade out of my hand, the strip began to remain stuck in his back. His face was twisted in pain and anger, he waved his sword, but I had already run a few steps, cursing and swearing. I wanted to effectively drive the blade into his spine, but I missed a good ten ... Read more →

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