1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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nothing to do, just for the sake of my mother, and jerked, intending to enter this pompous and pretentious Academy of local sorcerers and sorcerers. Xa-Aran can deceive me, the demons are deceitful and insidious, but this is essentially a stereotype, and I get rid of the stamps, so I trust him, well, I can not believe that he helps and helps me at the end to betray and laugh triumphantly with a villainous laugh .

Already in my room, I unbuttoned my shirt and tiredly rubbed my face with my palms, the sun outside the village window, I could hear the quiet hubbub of the citizens gathered for an evening drink, everything in this quiet town went on as usual. There was a knock on the door, I got up and pushed the bolt to the side. On the threshold stood a young girl of about twenty with a tray in her hands. I silently nodded to her on the table, and she slowly entered, trying not to rock the tray.

- Are you the niece of the mistress? - I wondered at random.

- No ... Do you need Kirnar? - Helpfully asked the girl, placing the plates on the table.

- Not at all ... - I shrugged my shoulders, looking at her slender figure, which even a sundress could not hide.

- If anything, I can call her. - Finished with cups, once again she seemed to be ready to leave, I walked over and hugged her around the waist.

- What are you doing?! - Immediately pulled out of my hands, and she took a frightened step back.

- Is not it clear? - I brazenly grinned.

“No, no ... I'm sorry ... I'm not one of these ...” She immediately burst into paint, walking sideways to the door.

- Wait, don't go. - I asked, heading for the bed, under which recently pushed his bag. The girl continued backing toward the exit.

- I said stand! - I snapped terribly, and she froze, unable to disobey. After making sure that she did not run away, I leaned over and dragged the bag, took out a coin and turned it to the girl, tightly holding the golden circle in my fist.

Pushing the door with my foot, I slammed it shut with a bang, the girl quickly looked at the blocked path of retreat, and then looked at me imploringly.

- Want to get it? - I asked calmly, unclenched fist. Wow, how the locals love gold, the maiden's brown eyes first widened in surprise, and then greedily shone.

- Because? Or should I give it to Kirnara? - I ironically raised an eyebrow, throwing a heavy coin to the ceiling and deftly picking up again.

- No ... - Without taking her eyes off the piece of gold spinning in the air, the girl barely spoke out.

- I thought so. - I smiled in triumph and came closer, stroked the girl's hair and hugged again, this time she didn’t even think to escape.

- Now go to the hostess, ask for leave this evening, and then come here, I'll wait. - I said patronizingly, lowering my hand below and firmly clutching an elastic girl's ass in my palm, she sighed in surprise and blushed even more. I was in a good mood, and not only that, the girl is pretty and very appetizing to the touch, perfect for relaxing. At first I wanted to take a bath quickly, then I thought for a few seconds and changed my mind.

The girl returned after forty minutes, wow, even jumped into somewhere to change. I sat down imposingly on the bed, threw my hands behind my head and looked it over from head to toe. A free sundress, buttoned at the front with a few buttons, the maid quietly closed the door behind her and pushed the bolt, turned to me.

- Well? What makes you happy? - I smiled, rising on his elbow.She silently stepped forward and gently moved her hands, unzipping all the buttons at once with one easy movement. Good, very good, tall, stately, with a beautiful figure and chest of the second size. I looked more closely at the chest, the two hemispheres of the correct shape with small points of the nipples in the still not dark halo. She had a haircut, not on her head, between slender legs, which is already surprising in itself, everyone I met earlier had thick thickets, but here a neat pubis lawn and large labia.

“Do you like me, my lord?” - Quietly, without raising her eyes, she asked.

- Probably yes ... - I said graciously, easily getting out of bed, approached her and embraced him imperiously, hugging me.

“Wow ...” She gasped when I pulled out a tense cock from my pants and pointedly pondering him, pointed my hand at the bed.

“My lord ... I ...” She stuttered.

- Virgin? - I raised my eyebrows.

- No, no, that you! - For some reason she broke out, I smiled and threw off his pants, remaining completely naked.

“Then nothing to worry about.” - I whispered in her ear, pressing on the shoulder.

- The girl obediently bent over, leaning her hands on the table, I spat on my palm and ran it through the shaggy vagina, she trembled with her whole body and sighed softly when I gently penetrated her womb with my finger.

- Like? - I whispered enough, actively moving the phalanx between her legs.

“Yes ...” she replied with a gasp, very erotically opening her mouth, and the girl did not miss.

“Then you will like it even more.” - Sensing that it gradually flowed, I said, and put the head to her hole. The girl tightened her whole body and pursed her lips when I confidently but gently entered her bosom, squeaked softly when my dick went all the way and the head felt strongly in the uterine cervix.

- Well done, my goodness. - Stroking her round ass, I praised and began to move, firmly taking her by the hips. We can say that she is bursting at my seams, the member walks tightly and with effort, making the process doubly enjoyable. At first I tried not to cause my partner any extra pain, I moved slowly and carefully, but, burning with every minute, I gradually began to firmly hammer into her not developed pussy with all my might. She quietly moaned, throwing her head back, I stretched out one hand and hooked her by the neck, forced her to straighten up and lay her back to my chest. To a member did not slip out of her crotch, the girl had to arch in the back and put aside ass, or rather, to substitute her to me.

She gave herself to me completely, I felt with my hands the tension of her body, her effort and desire, oh yeah, she wanted. A little tired, I dragged her onto the bed and lay down, she understood everything without words, spread her leg and sat on my upstairs member from above. Now she moved, caught the tempo and bounced rhythmically, throwing off all the limits of decency, moaned into her voice and squeezed her chest with neat hands, twisted her nipples, I looked at all this with a sense of satisfaction and pleasure, I was fine. Suddenly she breathed more often, sank down on my dick and collapsed on me, I firmly hugged her, feeling the beating of a girl's heart, as the walls of the vagina pulsate pulsatingly. It was a long orgasm, when she stopped banging, she raised a happy face to me. I moved my finger off her forehead with my soaked bangs, moved my hands to my ass and pulled me even harder, to the very end, on the very eggs, kissed me. Thin elegant lips eagerly dug into mine, her tongue voluntarily reached into my mouth, and I did not mind, here's a servant girl and shy. With a sharp jerk, I turned both of us over, now she was lying beneath me, so slender, fragile, tender, I started moving again, anticipating a quick outcome. Despite the hanging shroud before my eyes, I came to my senses and at the last moment took out a member, violently ending up on her flat tummy, she only bit her lower lip in a coquettish little smile, collecting with a thin finger the streams of my sperm.

- Yummy? - I smiled when she, looking into my eyes began to lick her fingers.

- Highly. - She smiled again, completely cleaning her skin, I tiredly fell on the bed.

- Wait.Do not go. - I called her when she got out of bed and leaned over the dress.

- Yes, my lord, something else? - She turned round dearly, completely unashamed of her own nudity and not trying to hide behind.

- Stay. I like you. - After thinking a second, I nodded confidently.

- I spend the night with you? - She was slightly surprised.

- No, you do not understand. Stay ... Read more →

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