1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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the last from my heart I tear off, however, the sorcerer in my mental agony was deep purple. I promised to send workers to the inn in an hour, I bargained for three masons and two carpenters. In fact, I am not going to build a house at all, I lied to the mage, but I will need people. No, no, not at all about what you thought, with the creation of new zombies while I will not rush, this is not a very complicated matter, it will always have time. I decided to arrange in this forgotten gods region my main residence, so to speak, headquarters. Oh, I like to build something, I have this vein in me, I can not only break it, I am not completely lost to the world. On the way here, about two hours from the city, I found an old lounging castle. Well, the castle is very loudly said, a small fortress. I spent the night there, a good place, covered on all sides by the forest, no one is there, peace and quiet.

- So, men. - I turned to the workers who approached the tavern. Stout, stocky men looked at me with ill will, of course, who is pleased when you are commanded by a young goldfinch.

- A lot of work, but at the end of the payment for each of the gold. - I promised oathly, discontent with the faces began to disappear rapidly, giving way to distrust.

- Yes, yes, I'm not lying. - Somehow I added idiotically, someone grinned.

- Ok, take carts, tools, everything you might need during construction, and I will provide you with grubs. - Deciding not to pay attention to anything, I ordered.

- Where to go? - Voted the youngest of those present, a boy of twenty-five.

- Well, at least someone asked. - I grunted to myself.

“A small fortress a few miles from the city, you know?” - I turned to them more loudly.

- Zna-aaaaaem ... They stretched out at once, and looked at each other.

- We will work there. - I nodded and went to the tavern for Veres left in the room.

The workers took with them three massive carts pulled by bulls, I bought a young filly from a local stable and now I tried to fasten my cinch and cattle under the belly. At home I rode horses several times, mostly on the embankment and in the park, therefore, I do not feel any panicky fear of horses. Veres went on one of the carts with the tool, the zombies may well go for a run, but why attract unnecessary curiosity to themselves in advance. The men rode merrily, joked, talked about something of their own, and I did not climb into their conversation, tried with all my strength to stay in the saddle and not crash into the grass, it would hurt much. Now we will come, I will examine the fortress more carefully, the men will begin to clear the ruins, and I will look for a suitable stone for the drive. There is a lot of work, I want to grab at once for everything, the spirit of enthusiasm awoke in me, and I gradually got an idea set on fire. Slowly, driving around the pits and potholes by noon we got to the forest, the old road was overgrown and turned into an inconspicuous path, the men jumped off the carts and combed their heads.

- Do not drive ... - One of them turned to me, apparently the eldest.

- I see ... - I answered gloomily, also slipping from my horse.

- Maybe on foot somehow ... - I scratched my head.

- So, there is not far away ... You can cut through the clearing, at the same time there will be wood for construction. - I offered one, I thought again.

- And ... How long is it?

- Yes, there is only one young, in the evening we will manage. - Surely he waved his hand to the elder, I nodded, and they began to pull axes off the carts.

I didn’t foresee a similar situation, although I knew that there was no road as such, it just flew out of my head ... Tying the horse to the board of one of the carts, I wandered between the trees, Veres followed. There are always stones in the forest, I am sure, I have already met several small cobblestones in the foliage, they should be bigger. The first blows sounded aside, the workers began cutting. Little by little I went forward, listening to the fractional blows that sounded quieter, finally came to the ruins of the fortress, looked at the stone buildings and it dawned on me. In some places, the stumps of the wall were preserved; I went to one of them and carefully examined it. So it is, the lower stones are large and massive, smooth, covered with a thick layer of moss, but this can be torn off. Recalling what he had promised to the workers, he slapped himself on the forehead and hurried back. While I was walking in the woods, the workers managed to cut several trees off the road and now quickly pulled them aside, on the side of the road there were already several thick forested trees without branches.

- You work here, and I will go agree on the supply of food. - I nodded to the eldest and began to climb into the saddle again. From the first time I didn’t succeed, the stirrups were twisted to the sides from under my feet, in the end I spat and climbed onto the back of the beasts from the side of the cart. Vladimir left here, just in case, took a dozen coins from him and went back.

This time the gate was opened to me immediately. I drove through the town to the tavern and immediately went to the hostess.

- Will you have lunch? - She asked as soon as I approached the counter.

- I will. - I did not deny it. Tightly roasted with fried meat and potatoes, I again approached the hostess.

- Listen ... I would have products with me ... - I began carefully.

- It is possible, for how many days? - she stretched.

- I do not know ... I'm on five people, ready to pay generously. - I smiled.

- Oh, yes, it's you started the construction. - Slapped herself on the forehead of a woman, rumors spread here quickly.

- Then let's do it, get a cart, I'll provide you with food, for everything about a silver coin in two days. - she slyly squinted.

- It goes. - Without bargaining I nodded, she stared into my eyes.

- You're from the noble? - Suddenly asked the hostess.

- There is such a thing. - I just shrugged, she nodded in satisfaction and went to the kitchen.

- Wait ... Do you have a cook? - I called her.

- E no-e-oh ... Damn it, boy, who are you, so that I could send my niece to the forest with you? - Reasonably she objected.

- Also true ... I admitted with compulsion and went to look for a cart.

I found the person for the position of cook two hours later in the city, one widow, from whom I bought a cart at an exorbitant price, decided not to stop there and offered to go with me to cook for five silver coins a week. I still didn’t feel the special value of the coins, so I agreed easily and quickly, which pleased the ailing aunt.

- How do you call something? - Driving the cart loaded with provisions, the woman asked without turning around. I tied the horse to the side, now the beast obediently trot behind, and I myself was comfortably seated in a cart and was even going to take a nap ..

- Not you, but you. - I sternly answered, deciding to state my position immediately.

- Um ... I apologize ... - Dismayed by my pressure, she immediately disappeared.

- Baron Lucas Harper. And what is your name? - Having a little thought and picked up not the most important title, I deigned to answer.

- Larvin. - She said shortly.

- Your grace. - I scrupulously reminded me.

- Your grace. - With a carefully concealed note of discontent in her voice, she recovered.

“Oh yes, much better.” - I said with satisfaction, and sat more evenly, leaning on the edge.

- So, Larvin, listen and remember. I’m a new man in your place, you don’t know me, I don’t know you, but I give you a job and I pay for it very generously. Tell me, where else can you earn five silver coins in a week? - Deciding to clarify some questions, I asked.

- Nowhere ... Your grace ... - After a brief deliberation, she replied already in a much more humble tone.

- That's it, that's why you should treat me with respect and respect, are you clear? - Having started up in the voice of the January chill, I firmly asked.

- Yes, your grace ... - It was already quite quiet and even somewhat frightened to be heard in response. I grinned and peeked over my shoulder.

- How old are you, Larvina? - Looking at the seminude shoulder, from which the strap slipped ... Read more →

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