1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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nape builder.

- Then take care of yourself, buy everything you need, do not save on anything, count how much you need and tell me how much to give money. - I decided to place this burden on his shoulders.

- Well, your grace, we will do everything in the best possible way. - Confidently the man nodded and hurried to his comrades. I walked a little to the side, called Veres. My zombie sat motionless on the ground, supporting a stone boulder with his back, he finished it all night and now is waiting for orders.

“I didn’t see a stream here, take a pair of buckets from Larvina, the future altar should be washed. - I ordered, the zombie obediently got up and headed for the trees, where there was a little smoke. Once again, I carefully looked at the men crawling in the rubble of the peasants and also followed him, it's time to chat with the widow.

- Hi, Larvina, how are you? - I amicably waved my hand, coming out from behind the trees.

- Good afternoon, your grace, everything is fine. - She bowed slightly, holding a large ladle in her hands.

- It pleases, no one offends? - I asked with a patronizing look, sitting down on one of the small chocks that were arranged in large numbers around the improvised hearth.

- No, no, that you are all yours. - She negatively shook her head, actively stirring some kind of brew in a big pot.

- What are you cooking for dinner? - I put my nose into the cauldron.

- Porridge with meat, your grace. - Without ceasing her occupation, the woman notified me.

- I came about our conversation yesterday, do you still want to make money? - throwing his legs, with a businesslike look I wondered.

- Yes of course. - A woman raised her face to me, a strand of hair pulled out of her bangs and fell on her forehead, she shook her head with a familiar gesture, throwing her back, the large chest in the neck of the dress swayed invitingly.

- Then listen to me carefully, do not agree at once, think about everything well. - I said, she straightened and nodded.

- When we finish the construction, I will need servants and servants, I want to offer you a place ... hmm ... cp. To me. - Slightly hesitating, I said, and pointedly measured it with a rating glance.

- I understood you correctly? - Frowning, woman pursed her lips with displeasure.

“I have no idea how you understood me.” - I shrugged and continued.

“My servant should be affectionate, gentle, and submissive.” I may have unusual requirements, and you will have to fulfill all of them implicitly. - Again, I looked expressively in the neckline of her dress.

- Your grace, of course ... - She began, but I interrupted.

- Shut up, you did not hear out. - I coldly threw and she stopped.

- In exchange for your ... Service ... I will pay generously, and I will also provide your son, during his studies he will not need anything. - I added meaningfully.

- I ... I don’t know what to say ... - Seeing that I was waiting for a reaction to my words, the woman hesitantly uttered, a gust of wind blew from the back and the disobedient strand again fell on her face, but this time Larvin wasn’t before that.

- You think, think well, later I will come for an answer. - Getting to my feet, I said seriously and disappeared behind the trees. And yet, it’s nice, just to talk to people like that, to feel superior to them and power, a power about which they don’t even suspect.

There was no desire to help drag the stones, but in general there was nothing to do, I was hanging around in the forest not far from the fortress when Morkay approached me and respectfully stopped away.

- You wanted something? - I turned to him, stopping lazily kicking a tree.

- Your grace, I considered the possible costs ... But ... It may be a little not exactly ... - He hesitated, with the rise in salary, my status clearly increased.

- Yes? And how much will it take to fully restore the fortress? - I calmly asked.

“Well ... According to my estimates, somewhere between twenty and twenty-five gold ...” he replied cautiously, I thought. There was a chance that I was just brazenly paped, and everything could be done in ten, but ... Gold lies with a dead weight behind its back, and it's hard to carry around ...

- Here are thirty coins for you, deal with the procurement of building materials in person. - I decided, counting a good hill of gold in his hand, he sighed softly and immediately put his second palm in order not to drop a coin to last year’s leaves.

“Your grace ... This is ... This is ...” he murmured, clearly stunned by such wealth.

- This is for construction. Checks and invoices do not ask, but I want everything to be done conscientiously. - Strictly looking at him, I said, the man nodded hastily.

- Then go to work, manage it yourself, I'll leave for a couple of days, maybe I'll stay ... - I nodded and went to Veres.

My zombie had already pulled out the dried clods of earth and shabby pieces of moss from the stone, thoroughly cleaned it of dirt and dust, and now simply rinsed, splashing water from a bucket.

“When you do, catch me a deer, or a boar ... In general, the beast is bigger.” Most importantly, bring it alive. - I asked Veres and went to look for a small cobblestone. Although the weaving of the drive sits tight in the memory, I'm not going to experiment on a large version, you need to try to start on something relatively small, and for this you need a victim. I walked along the already cleaned sections of the inner courtyard of the fortress and walked over to a pile of garbage that they were going to take out on carts. Having rummaged in the mountain of stone fragments, I found the most even, with two of my fist size, blew off the dust and twisted in his hands. Yes, the stone is not porous, dense, quite fit, you can try, just need to move away, do not be afraid of men, that now and then scurry past, with a wolf. Having gone far into the forest, I just sat on the ground, leaning my back on some large tree, I have no idea what it is called, the shape of the leaves is not familiar to me, and I’m not a great botanist connoisseur, to be honest. Having fixed my eyes on the stone fragment, I concentrated and began to forcefully create a point from energy, everything went habitually and easily, but a thread stretched from a point, thick and fat, you need thinner, I stretched it and arched it in three places, creating one of eight frame lines. Every second, referring to the pattern in my memory, I methodically painted a good hundred lines, observing all the proportions and bends, finally finished and began to smoothly pour energy into the interweaving points.

The stone in my hands suddenly warmed up, I knew that I needed to invest a certain charge of power, which depends on the mass of the drive, now only half. I continued, the shrapnel warmed up so much that I began to burn my palms, for a while I endured it, but I still opened my fingers and dropped it on the foliage, without ceasing to inject energy. Ten seconds passed, steam came out from under the stone, and the leaves lying around began to dry and arch out, coming even slightly darkened. Well, finally, finished, I exhaled with relief. Every second I waited tensely that the stone would not withstand such tension and would burst, or worse, explode, sending hot fragments to my face. If it was so risky with such a small one, what would happen to that big boulder? I cautiously moved my palm over the resulting drive, it gradually cools, so everything went well, oh yes I am. You need to somehow experience the artifact, when viewed with a magical vision, you can see only a dimensional magic twinkle, after the end of the weaving of the pattern, it will not be visible in the subject, so far everything is according to plan.I closed my eyes and stretched across the canal to Veres, my zombie was already almost a kilometer away from the fortress and now ran at a huge speed for the deafing deer, wow, I did not think that the old man could jump through fallen trees so much reserve rides ... Well, soon Veres will bring a deer, I will triumphantly cut him, my soul cannot be taken, and I don’t need it, but a burst of energy that will always appear when a living creature dies should be swallowed by a storage stone I did everything right illy

It was not long to wait, ... Read more →

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