1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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spacious dress, I asked.

- Women are not taken to ask about this. - She smiled tightly, trying to laugh it off, turned her head and followed my gaze.

- And yet, I already asked, if you please, give an answer. - Without even thinking about joking, I insisted on my own.

“Thirty-eight, your grace.” - Realizing that the wrench does not come out, she replied and straightened the strap, lifting it closer to the neck, I grinned.

- And as it turned out that this ... ahem ... pretty woman lives alone? - I hesitated for a moment, I did not want to give her a compliment.

- My husband died three years ago. - On her face fell the shadow of sadness.

- My condolences. - For proforma I said and threw his hands behind his head.

- It is difficult, probably, to lead the household alone? - Supporting conversation-interrogation, I asked again.

“I’m not complaining, your grace ...” Sensing something amiss, she answered evasively, I clearly saw lively eyes running around cautiously.

- Yes, you do not hesitate so, I'm not angry, when you respect me, then I can help. - I smiled as gently as possible, and a plan began to mature in my head.

- Children? Have you got a children? - Drawing attention to her taut waist, and a rather feminine figure, it became interesting to me.

- Yes, your mercy. The son, on the magician is trained. - With involuntarily slipping pride, she answered and smiled.

- In El Tene? - I raised my eyebrows.

- No, that you, in Brigat. - A woman waved in an indefinite direction with her hand, releasing the reins for a moment.

- And how are you doing? Long study? - I gradually softened the tone, trying to make conversation easier, Larvina obviously loves her child, so let's talk about him.

“A magician visiting him two years ago noticed, these two years are already learning, my joy.” - The woman smiled again, I gently stood up and climbed over the wall, sat down on the box.

“I also wanted to go to the magician to study ...” I said with nostalgic sadness in my voice and looked into the distance in a picture.

- And what prevented you? - Carefully asked Larvin, squinting anxiously and slightly moving aside.

- Destiny ... - With another sad sigh, I proclaimed pathetically, trying to catch up with the fog, hung an awkward pause, I was in no hurry to break the silence.

- Listen, and you do not want to earn? Send the son a present. - Suddenly I asked.

- It would not be bad ... And what should I do? - Carefully the woman stretched out, I smiled, I calculated everything correctly and picked up the bait correctly.

“We’ll talk about this with you later ...” I let the fog out again and I finally fell silent.

While I was shaking back and forth, the hard workers did not sit still and managed to cut down more than half of the way, the men not only chopped down trees, but also deftly stumped up quite a bit, knocking ugly raw rhizomes into heaps along a broad glade. Larvin and I stopped the cart, and I jumped to the ground.

- Veres, come here! - I called my zombie, he obediently approached and stood beside him.

- Take a couple of shovels, scrap, come with me. - I ordered, removing from his shoulders a bag of coins. Not far from here, at an inconspicuous fork, I saw a good large stone, half gone to the ground. The grass was overgrown with grass and almost hidden from sight, but from the cart it was visible farther than on foot, so I spotted it. Now we need to carefully dig it up and deliver it here, in this case Veres turned out to be an indispensable assistant.A tireless zombie, like a tractor, dug a deep trench around the Kamenyuki, loosened it with a crowbar and with my help pulled it out of the ground. I looked skeptically at the stone, and that’s a great alternative, I don’t have to dig out pieces from the wall fragments. The altar should turn out to be good, the stone is large, my height is almost to the waist, not round, a little oval, but it is even better. I clung to the side and tried to move it, did not work, took scrap from the hands of Veres and picked it up from below, this time my idea was crowned with success, and with great difficulty I turned the cobblestone to the other side, thereby moving it one and a half meters into side of the camp.

- Saw? Here and roll it, dare. - I patted Veres on the shoulder, brushed off my sleeve, sweat on my forehead and went back, since it’s not very far here. Moving a few hundred steps back, I felt that something had changed, not around, inside of me. Realizing what was the matter, I looked at my reserve and the power channel, which stretched through the grass far into the field, to where I left Veres. It expanded slightly, and the energy from the reserve began to drain almost twice as fast. For me, this is not fatal, it could well not notice, however, a very interesting observation. Here, again, the force comes to the zombie is not static, frantically, like ... It dawned on me when Veres alone rolls over a huge boulder, it requires energy, and since it is very, very strong, it receives energy from me, what everything is logical. Having decided not to bother with the magical features of the living dead, I waved my hand at everything and relaxed towards the fortress. How quickly time flies, only it may seem to you that you are young, full of energy and you have a whole life ahead of you, just like reality immediately convinces you of the opposite. What am I wailing? Yes, because the day passed, but I didn’t really do anything, I didn’t make an altar, I didn’t start building, I just rode the horse back and forth all day, and somewhere there my mother would be worse and worse every day and this is my only fault.

- Hey, you, yes, yes, you, what do you call? - I beckoned with the hand of a worker, whom the rest tacitly chose as a senior.

“Morkay ... Your grace ...” he answered with a grin, dropping the ax brought to strike to the ground. Ta-a-a-ak, clearly, the men had already had time to talk with Larvin.

- So, Morquay. I assign you the main, command all here. The main task is to clear this part of the tract to the fortress so that the carts can freely. Then you need to dismantle the rubble in the fortress, see what needs to be rebuilt, and what can you just repair, can you cope? - I looked at the guy.

- Well, so ... I'm a bricklayer ... - He spread his hands with understanding and smiled.

- That's great, for self-reliance I raise you a salary, for another gold one. - Deciding not to waste time on trifles, I declared, I came across his skeptical look and reached into a shoulder bag.

- So, here, this is an advance. - I said, laying on the trunk of a fallen tree five gold coins, the peasant's eyes instantly climbed on his forehead.

- And the rest after the end of all work, maybe even overtime pay, we'll see along the way. - I added with a commanding air, finally finishing off the stunned peasant.

These gates have become almost family for me, a rare beast man, very quickly gets used to everything, and I am not an exception. Some two weeks ago everything around was amazing and wild, however, now I perceive the environment not as a crudely set farce in a cheap theater, but as an ordinary reality. Is there magic? Well, let there be magic. People are strange and technical progress only in the bud? For God's sake. What? And there is no god? Yes, and hell with it, so hell, there is always and in all worlds, this is important, and we will build a religion, so to say, from scratch. I don’t even want to be surprised, only the interest flares up more and more. The fact that at the very beginning I took for primitivism and backwardness, in fact, turned out to be a very special and extremely charming identity that draws me into my abyss more and more.Unbeknownst to me, I began to dress in local fashion, that is, not wearing panties. For the first days, the rough fabric of my pants was rubbing slightly, but now I feel some advantages of such active ventilation. The most important thing is to discard unnecessary prejudices, get rid of thinking with stereotypes and gradually recognize a new habitat with an open mind, without a veil on eyes and fog in the head. You see, as I began to argue, I no longer really want to go back home, there I am particularly ... Read more →

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