1. Gift. Part 1: I'm a student
  2. Gift. Part 2: Angelica
  3. Gift. Part 3: The Making of the Gift
  4. Gift. Part 4: Third Course

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you will know how Kant's doctrine differs from Marx's philosophy, you know the main thing - sympathy, kindness, generosity. I am happy that, though by chance and indirectly, I still brought you to this thought. I only wish that you always meet people on your way who will be guided by the same concepts.

The professor shook hands with me, and I felt that all that he was saying came from his heart. He did for a while stop feeling the eternal pain that had accompanied him for more than one year, because, as it seemed to him, he had met a good man.

It took me more than one day to calm down. After all, the emotions were very heavy and very strong. They were new to me, a carefree idiot who never thought about the complexity of life. After that incident with the professor, for a long time I could not decide to touch someone else so as not to run into someone else's grief. But fear - do not fear, and life makes its own changes in our plans.

Somehow I was driving in a trolley bus. Out of habit, I did not take off my leather gloves to avoid accidentally touching anyone. But, as drivers say, if not you are someone, then you are someone. The trolley bus braked sharply, and the girl standing behind me could not resist and, in order not to fall, just hugged me. Nothing helped - neither my leather gloves, nor my winter jacket, nor her fur coat. My eyes immediately filled with tears.

“Oh, forgive me,” said the girl, with eyes as wet from tears as they were with me.

- you not hurt yourself? - I asked with sympathy. So far, I did not have time to understand the reason for her tears, I thought, maybe I was hurt badly.

- Not. Thank you, if it were not for you, I would have fallen - the girl even tried to smile at me.

- Are you okay? - I was still worried.

Although she assured her that everything was fine with her, I could not get rid of the feeling that I wanted to shine simply here, in front of all people.

“Thank you, everything is fine,” she repeated, then smiled again and moved away from me to the side.

Tears have ceased to put pressure on my eyes, and now I could understand the shades of her emotions. She really did not hurt herself, just very offended. Who is it so upset?

I could not resist not to get acquainted with the girl closer. Then it turned out that she was returning home from an unsuccessful date. The guy she loved very much and planned to marry him betrayed her. He had been cheating on her for a long time, and today the box came out. Then, by some miracle, I managed to calm the girl down. Actually, I was not averse to continue the acquaintance, but she was not up to it, because the betrayal was too much pain.

For some reason, my gift, and now I just called my ability to feel other people, developed. What began with Angelica, when I came to not only understand her real feelings, but also images that I could almost read her thoughts about, now passed on to other people, often completely unfamiliar to me. I confess that it was very interesting for me to “read” them, but still I was afraid of it. After all, if the emotions were very strong, they were transmitted to me, but I could not always control them, I experienced with the person I contacted.

But over time, I improved more and more. At first I learned to separate my emotions from the emotions of my “contactees”. No longer so shocked by sudden grief, resentment, or gratuitous joy. And a little later, I learned to control my reaction to other people's emotions.

And once more, I realized that I can get other people to do what I want, using the information that I received from them. The case with the professor was not taken into account. Then everything happened by chance, because I did not control the situation.And now I could consciously create desirable circumstances for myself and benefit from them. Now, to pass the exam or to achieve any preferences for oneself was not more difficult than just talking to someone. I'm not even saying that it was even easier to get revenge for the offense, because I could always determine the most vulnerable spot of the enemy.

After a while, not a single friend of mine remained on whom I would not have experienced my gift. Some loved me and almost adored me; others, on the contrary, were afraid and kept their distance. My life became like a fairy tale.

Unexpected gift.

As for my love experiences and feelings, everything was like in another fairy tale - the further, the worse. Parting with Angelica turned out to be a real tragedy for me. In a circle of friends, at university, I tried to pretend that nothing much happened. But when I was alone, I sometimes cried. Only Vlad knew about my grief. He, like a true friend, tried to help me. He made me go out, made me eat, arranged various entertainments, invited friends to us, so that I would be less alone with my thoughts. I, naturally, was grateful to him, but more often he heard reproaches from me and requests to leave me alone.

But Vlad still managed to stir me up. It is thanks to him that I decided to invite Zoya on a date. True, unfortunate, but it is not so important, most importantly, that a start was made. Then, thanks to my friend, I made other attempts to get close to the girls. As I already mentioned, most of them are unsuccessful, but still it allowed me to survive the first months after separation from Angelica.

Once Vlad and I once again talked about her, then smoothly passed to Zoya. He was also in love with a girl like I had once been with Angelica. He flew right on his wings, kept smiling and admiring her. What to hide, I envied him. And Vlad felt it. Or maybe he just remembered how he felt at the time when I myself was an idiot in love who did not notice his sufferings. Not once did I take a sympathetic look from my friend and regret that he was so happy and I was alone.

On the one hand, it was unpleasant for me to be pitied, but on the other hand, his understanding and sympathy really helped a lot.

True, after a while, Vlad also needed sympathy. What happened between him and Zoya, he did not admit, but three months after that memorable trip to the cinema, Vlad and Zoya parted ways.

- Vlad, how so? You really loved each other. What happened? - I asked.

- Yes, do not worry, you, - he smiled. - Did not get along.

- What characters? Three months converged, but now did not agree?

- It turns out that way.

Vlad, as always, was “verbose”. Well, I kept wondering to him. It seemed that it was as easy for him to survive the breakup with the girl he loved the longest and strongest of all, as with the one with whom there were only two or three dates. According to him it was impossible to determine that he was suffering. I even specially “read” it. But I didn’t feel anything, even approximately similar to my sufferings because of Angelica. He was anxious about studying, worried about mom that she was still in the hospital, was happy when we found some kind of entertainment, but Zoe was somewhere in fifth or tenth place.

Soon I received another confirmation that Vlad had completely forgotten about Zoya - he started dating another.

- Vlad, how do you so easily manage to throw love out of your heart? Already almost half a year has passed since Angelica left me, but I still can’t calm down, and in half a month you behave as if you didn’t love at all.

“Maybe he didn’t, since he was able to forget so quickly,” he agreed.

- Well, of course! I saw your eyes burned, how happy you were ...

- And now I'm happy. Why suffer because you never return? Forget everything and build your life again! If I was so worried about all the girls with whom I had parted, I would have died of sadness.

“You know that I worry about all of them,” I said.

- That's exactly what I know.And I advise you to start thinking about Angelica just as you think about all your ex-girls .... Read more →

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