1. Gift. Part 1: I'm a student
  2. Gift. Part 2: Angelica
  3. Gift. Part 3: The Making of the Gift
  4. Gift. Part 4: Third Course

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sorry no more.

He returned home frankly angry. I already wanted to complain to Vlad that because of Vika the whole evening was wasted, and he got lost somewhere, returned quite late, joyful and happy.

- Where have you been? - I asked, being surprised that he had clearly come from the street, his cheeks were red from the cold.

- Walked with Zoe. Thank you, Dan, for inviting her today. I probably would never have made up my mind. After all, I always thought that she was looking at you all the time ...

- It's good that at least you are satisfied, - my anger has long passed. Remained perhaps, displeasure.

- And what happened? Vika did not like you?

- And how can you like a piece of ice? She never smiled even that evening!

“I also noticed that she seemed to be upset about something,” agreed Vlad. - It is a pity that it happened. I hope that the next date you will be more successful.

“Naturally, it will be more successful! - I thought. “After all, I will no longer be so generous and will not give the girl who pleases me to my friend!”

Winter session was coming. It was necessary to tighten the tails, prepare for the exams. At the fun and dating is not very much time left. True, Vlad found him for Zoe, and I was jealous, and therefore he tried his luck with other girls. After some time I had a good relationship with Tonya from the first course. Life finally entered its track. I still very often recalled Angelica, but gradually learned to live without her. I also learned to live with my new ability to “read” other people's emotions, learned to better understand people, so it was easier to build relationships.

As it turned out later, indeed, on the one hand, it was easier, because I always, or almost always, could understand what a person is feeling now, and could also avoid unwanted actions so as not to cause a conflict. But people did not always understand me. At first, an almost perfect relationship with Tonya began to annoy me. Always, she didn’t necessarily come with her requests, good, or vice versa - in a bad mood. Sometimes it seemed to me that a girl does this on purpose just to annoy me, because almost always her mood was the exact opposite of mine.

I gradually fell into depression. I was no longer interested in girls, I didn’t even want to study, but how could I relax if the session had already begun. I had to gather all the will into a fist and work. Surprisingly, the tests passed without problems. There are still four exams, and then you can relax. Two weeks vacation! It seems that at school I did not count on them as much as I do now.

Unusual exam.

First on the list was our exam in philosophy. Our teacher was a good-natured old professor who never demanded too much from students, understanding that we, future engineers, simply need to get acquainted with the concepts of philosophy and know at least the most outstanding minds that developed this science.

The exam itself was supposed to start at ten o'clock, but I decided to come early to take a place in the list of the first to “shoot back” and be free. As it turned out, I came too early, there was still no one at all. Because turned and wanted to leave the audience. And at the same time, the scrupulous professor decided to also come in advance to prepare for the exam. And it was at the door, when he came, and I was leaving, we faced.

Moreover, I pushed the old man quite strongly, I even had to support his hand so that he would not fall. Of course, I felt guilty, sincerely asked for forgiveness, asked if I had hurt him. And at the same time, I began to realize that my heart hurts a lot. A moment ago, everything was fine, but now it seems that the weight of the universe has fallen on me.And the heart does not hurt the material, that is, not a physiological organ, but it is the soul that hurts. I immediately realized that I felt the emotions of the professor. They supposedly burned me - they were so painful and heavy. I pulled back my hand and felt relieved.

- Professor, forgive me, I did not see you, - I babbled.

- Careful, young man, you almost knocked me off my feet - the old man smiled.

"What? Is he not offended at all? ”- flashed through my head. - "Yes, if any stupid person pushed me like that, I would immediately kick his ears!"

“Sorry again, let me help you,” I said, taking his arm again.

“Thank you, this is not necessary,” he replied.

A short dialogue, two touches to the professor's hand, and I supposedly lived the whole life of this old man. Everything was revealed to me at that moment: the pain of losing a spouse, which I had experienced for quite some time, but which never passes, and the pain of the fact that many friends and comrades, if they have not yet left this world, will soon leave, and the physical feeling weaknesses, and the fact that this man has long come to terms with the blows of fate and lives only by inertia, waiting for his time to come.

I felt for the first time what real pain and real grief are. I was so shocked that I returned with the professor to the classroom, sat down opposite, unable to think about anything more. And the professor did not understand anything either. He looked at me, thinking that I was so worried about the fact that I almost knocked him off his feet, because he began to reassure me.

- Young man, do not worry so much! I'm alright.

“Forgive me again,” I said again, because I could not believe the strength of this person. Look how much grief endured, what kind of pain suffers every second, and smiles, also calms me.

- Yes, I forgot already ...

- Professor, I'm sorry to ask ... I always wanted to know how old you are ...

“Seventy-nine,” he answered in surprise. - Why do you care about my age?

“Just ...,” I did not know why I had asked that stupid question, I didn’t know what to say next, and the language itself uttered some words. “Just my acquaintances, even people much younger than you, so tired of this life, so indifferent to those around you.” They only take offense at us young and talk about their sores and problems. And you are either so strong, or love life itself so much ... I have never seen you in a bad mood ...

“Oh, how strong it is!” The professor laughed. - I am also tired of life, I also get sick, and sometimes I take offense at fate. But you are right - I love this very life too much to make claims to anyone.

- I confess that I have never thought about the question that I will grow old and how I will be in this respectable age. I do not know why, but this unpleasant incident, which happened through my fault, opened my eyes to the fact that it is necessary to be more tolerant of the people who surround you, to love these people, even if you envy their capabilities that you don’t have, and in general - to be kinder. I really hope that in the future I will not forget that lesson that you gave me today.

“I don't understand anything,” the professor honestly confessed. - What lesson did I give you? When?

- Well, of course! I almost knocked you off my feet, showed inattention and irresponsibility. And you did not even think to be offended. You are generous, professor. Today it is a rare occurrence. This case is all the more valuable to me, since I myself have never been generous.

Then I talked to the professor, without even realizing what I was saying and why. Having probably felt the emotions of the old man, I took part of his personality for some time and spoke as if the professor was talking to himself, and at the same time I clearly understood my personality and how I really sympathize with him.

I left the audience still amazed by the new sensation, as well as with the “excellent” mark in the record book. Professor, even though officially the exam has not yet begun, put me five balls for the exam.

- For what? - I ask him.

- You, Denis, have understood the main essence of philosophy - how a person differs from an animal.And even if you do not know the names of prominent philosophers, let them not ... Read more →

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