1. Gift. Part 1: I'm a student
  2. Gift. Part 2: Angelica
  3. Gift. Part 3: The Making of the Gift
  4. Gift. Part 4: Third Course

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Real first love.

Second course. That's when I really felt the real taste of life! It was in my second year that I learned that it can be either sweeter than honey or worse than radish. But this was all later, and then, at the end of August, everything was just beginning.

Vlad and I arrived at the university a week before the start of classes. They planned to make light repairs in the room, and in general, I was tired of sitting at home, I wanted to do something more interesting.

It turned out that not only we were bored at home - our classmates Boris and Yura too. In the evening, they offered to join them to go to a nightclub together. Neither I nor Vlad, of course, did not refuse. Well, in the club, as always - music, beer, meeting girls ... After half an hour we were sitting at a table in one big company and having fun in full.

Maybe I would not have remembered this case, if not for an acquaintance with Angelica. “Too me Angelica! What kind of fashion to give up their real names, and be called foreign? Angela is she, not Angelica! ”, I thought then. But in no way did he betray his irony, well, except perhaps he shied away from calling her by name, but he called him beauty, sun, something else.

After some time, I noted to myself that with every minute she begins to like me more and more. I do not really understand the women's toilets and never really paid attention to what the girl is wearing. If only the face was prettier, but the figure is more graceful, so that not a fool at all. But it was on her that I wanted to consider all the details. The girl was dressed in some frivolous, all in holes, jeans. I understood that it was fashionable, but I was always amazed that girls decided to wear this at all. Oddly enough, Angelica they are very fit. She looked graceful, naive and cocoa in her board. The upper part of the toilet was also something incomprehensible. Too short for a dress, too long for a T-shirt. Black with a large, full-breasted, abstract pattern, this T-shirt dress flirtatiously exposed her marble shoulder and made her especially sweet. She chose a heavy big chain around her neck, a leather spiked bracelet and the same belt as jewelry. But the latter did not perform its direct function. He did not support the trousers, and did not emphasize the waist of the girl, he just gracefully dangled on her hips. I finished the image of a rocker girl very aggressive and defiant make-up with arrows, or whatever they are called girls, and bright red lipstick. As well as a hairstyle in the form of a luxurious tail on top.

But although Angelica looked great in this strange and at the same time simple outfit, although her face was very beautiful, yet it was not all the virtues of a girl. She was cheerful, she danced beautifully, didn’t go after the word in her pocket. I suspected that she treats all of us somewhat condescendingly, like little children. If any other girl allowed herself, she would look vulgar, and such behavior would be offensive. And Angelica did it somehow gently, or something.

Against the background of the other girls, she looked like an obvious queen. Moreover, it seems to me that her friends also guessed about this, but it never occurred to them to challenge Angelica’s leadership. They recognized this championship for her, as we guys often recognize the true leader among us.

It is not surprising that I liked this unique girl. By the way, it’s not just me that Angelica came to my heart, Boris also laid eyes on her. We even arranged something like a competition - who first gets her phone number. I won, and as a reward I had the opportunity to invite her on a date.

Angelica agreed to meet me the next day at a cafe at six o'clock.I planned that we would drink coffee, then we would go for a walk or go to the cinema. Although I liked the girl last night, but still, if it were not for the competition from Boris, I would hardly be so zealous. However, I didn’t even imagine that a surprise awaits me, from which I could not come to my senses for a few months, and if to be completely honest, then about a year and a half.

At six o'clock and two minutes in the cafe is not the girl entered, and the angel came down from heaven. Remember how movies show such moments? The whole world froze, only it does not go, but flies towards it. And he stands, as if bewitched, he cannot step, nor say a word. I do not know what happened to me then. Seeing her, the whole world around her really ceased to exist for me.

“Hello, Dan,” the celestial lady smiled at me.

- Angelica! - I smiled at her. - I'm so glad you came!

- Have you been waiting for a long time?

- For ages! And I am ready to wait as much, just to be able to see you, - the romantic woke up in me, who had slept in a deep sleep before.

Now she looked completely different. Light blue dress and loose black hair made Angelica gentle and defenseless. The soft, subtle makeup only emphasized the immaculate beauty of her face and the depth of her brown eyes. And white sandals on a high heel turned and so graceful and thin figure of the girl into a beauty standard.

She smiled again, marveling at my strange words.

In short, the first time I really fell in love. All evening I took care of her, tried to compliment her, tried to predict her slightest desire. I was even ready to smudge on the floor, just to see another smile on her face.

Angelica generously accepted my courtship, but, naturally, she didn’t really believe me, so when I, being guided by my very best impulses, wanted to kiss her, I had a slight slap in the face. True, to my happiness (or to trouble), I again managed to persuade Angelica to meet the next day.

Oh, and it was hard for me! In the morning Vlad and I started repairing. First we went to the store and bought wallpapers, then we started to glue them. Since neither I nor my friend had the skills of this business, they didn’t manage to cope by six o'clock, although our room had only ten square meters. I suggested to Vlad to postpone the work, they say, we’ll finish everything tomorrow, and he rested - he says that he doesn’t intend to sleep in that mess that we arranged for today. Then for the first time we did not reach agreement with each other. I still went on a date, and Vlad himself finished with wallpaper. He then resented me for a few more days, but over time he forgot.

Well, me and Angelica again felt like in paradise. Maybe because he was already a little used to his high spirits, he could already talk to her on more mundane topics, and not just read poems and make compliments. I asked where she was studying, what she was doing, where she was from. That's when another surprise awaited me. It turned out that Angelica's father is French. So, she is really Angelica, not Angelica, as I thought on the day of our acquaintance. Her father worked at the French Embassy in Ukraine. I got married here, in Kiev, and now they all lived in two countries: a little bit here, a little bit in France. Now Angelica was on vacation, and in general she studied at some French college.

- So you leave soon? - I was scared.

“Yes, in two weeks ...” she confirmed, and I realized that I was falling.

Just a minute ago, he flew under the skies on the wings of love and happiness, and now it’s as if those wings were cut off. In two weeks ... In two weeks, she will leave ... How can I live without her? What should I do?

I went back to my room and immediately lay down. I didn’t want to talk to Vlad - then I couldn’t talk to anyone at all. And he, too, was silent, he was offended that I threw him alone with wallpaper. The next morning I didn’t feel much better, but still called Angelica and again made an appointment.

In general, I began to guess that my feelings are not mutual. That slapstick the day before yesterday meant nothing. Maybe she just stuffed her worth.But yesterday’s conversation and the fact that she was looking forward to returning to college confirmed my hunch. Pride spoke to me. How so! So I, such ...

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